Limitations Flashcards
Maximum Speeds (AFM)
VMO/MMO – 340 kts /.82 M
Severe Turbulence airspeed (AFM)
280 kts/ .76M
Maximum Operating Altitude (AFM)
Maximum Takeoff and Landing Altitude
Tailwind Takeoff
Tailwind Landing
Max Demonstrated Crosswind
3AA-3PX Maximum Taxi Weight Maximum Takeoff Weight Maximum Landing Weight Maximum Zero Fuel Weight
Evacuation Systems
- Any time passengers are on board prior to airplane movement at least one floor level exit must be open or armed.
- On revenue flights, the escape slide retention bar (girt bar) must be inserted in the brackets on all doors during taxi, takeoff and landing.
Overwater Operations Seating Capacity
On B737 aircraft with 160 passenger seat configuration, the maximum aircraft capacity is limited to 168 seated occupants for all overwater flights requiring life rafts
Air Conditioning
With Engine Bleed Air Switches ON, do not operate the air conditioning packs in HIGH for takeoff, approach or landing.
Cabin Pressurization (AFM)
Maximum Cabin Differential Pressure (system relief)……………………..9.1 psi
Unpressurized Flight
Inflight 14,000
Dispatched 10,000
Icing Conditions (AFM)
Icing conditions exist when OAT on the ground and for takeoff is 10°C (50°F) or below and:
Visible moisture in any form is present (such as clouds, fog with visibility of one mile or less, rain, snow, sleet and ice crystals), or
When operating on ramps, taxiways, or runways where surface snow, ice, standing water, or slush may be ingested by the engines or freeze on the engines or nacelles.
Engine Anti-Ice (AFM)
Engine anti-ice must be on during all ground and flight operations when icing conditions exist or are anticipated, except during climb and cruise when the temperature is below -40°C SAT. Engine anti-ice must be on prior to and during descent in all Icing Cond itions, including temperatures below -40°C SAT
Autopilot / Flight Director System
Do not engage the autopilot for takeoff below 400 feet AGL.
For single channel operation during approach, the autopilot shall not remain engaged below 50 feet AGL. (AFM)
Use of aileron trim with the autopilot engaged is prohibited. (AFM)
Use of dual channel autopilot for approach is prohibited.
Do not use LVL CHG on final approach below 1000 ft AFE.
The following limitations apply for takeoff with the EECs in Alternate mode:
Both EECs must be in Alternate mode.
3AA-3PX 26K max (27K max, if planned) takeoff thrust must be used.
3RA-3VM TO takeoff thrust must be used.
Do not use the FMC takeoff N1 or QRH V-Speeds.
Use of autothrottle for takeoff is prohibited.
APU Bleed and Electric Load (AFM)
• APU bleed + electrical load: max altitude 10,000 feet. • APU bleed: max altitude 17,000 feet. • APU electrical load: max altitude 41,000 feet
Flight Controls
- Max flap extension altitude is 20,000 feet. (AFM)
- Holding in icing conditions with flaps extended is prohibited. (AFM)
- Do not deploy the speed brakes in flight at radio altitudes less than 1000 feet. (AFM)
- In flight, do not extend the Speed Brake Lever beyond the FLIGHT detent. (AFM)
- Avoid rapid and large alternating control inputs
- 3RA-3VM use of speed brakes with flaps extended to 40 is prohibited.
Use of the Head Up Display (HUD) with inoperative Number 1 Radio Altimeter (RA) is prohibited. (AFM)
Altitude Display Limits for RVSM Operations
• The maximum allowable in-flight difference between Captain and First Officer altitude displays for RVSM operations is 200 feet.
The maximum allowable on-the-ground difference between Captain and First Officer altitude displays for RVSM operations is: – 50 feet (from sea level to 5000 feet) – 60 feet (from 5001 feet to 10,000 feet).
The maximum allowable on-the-ground difference between Captain or First Officer altitude displays and field elevation for RVSM operations is 75 feet.
Standby altimeter does not meet altitude accuracy requirements.
Fuel System (AFM)
Maximum tank fuel temperature: 49°C.
Minimum tank fuel temperature prior to takeoff and inflight: -43°C, or 3°C above the fuel freezing point temperature limit.
Intentional running of a center tank fuel pump ( low pressure light illuminated) is prohibited.
Fuel Balance
Lateral imbalance between main tanks 1 and 2 must be scheduled to be zero. Random fuel imbalance must not exceed 1000 lbs for taxi, takeoff, flight or landing.
Fuel Loading
Main tanks 1 and 2 must be full if center tank contains more than 1000 lbs.
Operation with assumed temperature reduced takeoff thrust is not permitted with anti-skid inoperative
Weather Radar
Do not operate weather radar in a hanger or within 50 feet of fueling operations, fuel spill or people.
Ground Proximity Warning System (GPWS) (AFM)
Do not use the terrain display for navigation.
Do not use the look-ahead terrain alerting and terrain display functions within 15 nm of takeoff, approach or landing at an airport not contained in the GPWS terrain database
Runway Slope (AFM)
+/– 2%
3RA-3VM Max Taxi Weight Max Takeoff Weight Max Landing Weight Max Zero Fuel Weight
Overwater Operations Seating Capacity
The max aircraft capacity isn’t limited for over water flights. The aircraft has 181 seats (172pax, 2 pilots+1W, & 6FA). Life raft seating 193.
Wing Anti-Ice
Do not use anti-ice as a substitute for de-icing / anti-icing.
Do not operate wing anti-ice on the ground when the OAT is above 10c (50f)
Engine Driven Generators
On the ground, the single engine driven generator operation limit is a max of 75kva (215 amps)
3RA-3VM In the air, the single engine driven generator limit is a max of 75kva (215 amps). The CAB/UTIL and IFE/PASS SEAT will need to be OFF to be below 75kva (215 amps).
27K Bump (AFM) 3AA-3PX
27K Operations will be authorized by dispatch and can only be used if you have a Load Agent generated TPS.
KSNA is not part of this limitation.
APU Bleed Valve
APU Bleed Valve closed:
- Ground air is connected & isolation valve is closed
- Engine #1 Bleed valve is open
- Isolation valve and Engine #2 Bleed valves are open
After 3 starts a 15 minute cooling period is required.
Alternate flap duty cycle
Allow 15 seconds after releasing the switch before moving again to avoid damaging the clutch
After a complete cycle 0-15-0 allow 5 minutes cooling