Limitations Flashcards
Category C and D Aircraft
Category C: 320CEOS, 320NEOS, 321NEOS
Category D: 321CEOS
Stabilized Approach Policy by 1000’ AFE
Steady rate of descent not to exceed 1200fpm
Correct lateral and vertical path - one dot LOC, one dot slope, 0.3 RNAV, 1/2 dot VOR
Final landing config - gear and flaps extended, speed brakes retracted
Absent any GPWS Warnings and Cautions
Stabilized Approach Policy by 500’ AFE
Steady rate of descent not to exceed 1000fpm
Correct lateral and vertical path - one dot LOC, one dot slope, 0.3 RNAV, 1/2 dot VOR
Final landing config - gear and flaps extended, speed brakes retracted
Absent any GPWS Warnings and Cautions
Landing Checklist Completed
Within -5 to +15 knots of target airspeed
Thrust stabilized, usually above idle
Max Crosswind for Takeoff and Landing
Takeoff: 35 knots
Landing: 38 knots
Max Tailwind for Takeoff and Landing
All aircraft except 321CEOS: 15 knots for takeoff and 10 knots for landing
321CEOS: 10 knots for both takeoff and landing
Max Tire Speed
195 knots
Max Windshield Wiper Speed
230 knots
Max Cockpit Window Open Speed
200 knots
Max Altitude to Start the APU Using Battery Only
Taxi Speed Limitations for 320CEO Aircraft
When at a weight greater than 167,550lbs no faster than 20 knots in a turn
Minimum Autopilot Engagement Height After Takeoff
100’ AGL and 5 seconds after liftoff
Autopilot Engagement Enroute
900’ AGL
Autopilot Disengagement for an RNAV Visual
500’ AGL
Autopilot Disengagement for Non-Precision Approaches
Autopilot Disengagement for Non-Autoland CAT 1 FMA Approach
160’ AGL
Autopilot Disengagement for Non-Autoland CAT2/CAT3 FMA Approach
80’ AGL
Autopilot Disengagement after an Autoland
Rollout/Taxi Speed
When is a takeoff with reduced thrust prohibited?
Contaminated Runways
When windshear is present or suspected
When the takeoff procedure prohibits it
Minimum Autopilot Engagement after a Go-Around
100’ AGL
When must you brief for an Autoland?
Anytime the visibility is AT or below 1/2 mile or 2400 RVR and the requirements for an Autoland can be met
When is an Autoland Required?
Below CAT 1 minimums
Takeoff and TOGA time limits for both engines running and single engine
5 minutes with both engines running
10 minutes on a single engine
Passenger Door Wind Limitations
65 knots
Max Altitude to use Flaps/Slats
20,000’ MSL
Cargo Door Wind Limitations
40 knots unless the aircraft is pointed into the wind or the cargo doors are on the leeward side then 50 knots. Doors must be closed prior to 65 knots
Flight Load G Limits
Clean: -1g to +2.5g’s
Other: 0 to +2g’s
Max Operational Pressure Altitude
Max Pressure Altitude for Takeoff and Landing
Minimum Pressure Altitude for Takeoff and Landing
Minimum Runway Width for Takeoff and Landing
320CEOs and 321NEOs - 100’
All other aircraft: 148’
350KIAS/0.82 Mach
Max Gear Retraction Speed
220 KIAS
Max Landing Gear Extension Speed
250 KIAS
Max Gear Extended Speed
280 KIAS
Can you use the APU if you have a LOW OIL LEVEL ECAM?
Yes, for 10 hours before mx action is needed. No logbook entry needed but contact mx.
APU Starter Limit
3 attempts before a 60 minute cool down
Can you start the APU during refueling?
Yes, but no power transfers until refueling complete
Max Altitude to start an engine with the APU?
20,000 MSL
If both packs are being operated by the APU, what’s the max altitude for APU electrical supply as well?
15,000 MSL
Can you use the APU for wing anti ice?
Max altitude for APU start and operation using normal electrics?
39,000 MSL
When can you NOT use OPEN DES or DES on an approach?
Inside the FAF or below 1000 AGL
Autolands are prohibited BELOW what braking action reports?
What conditions must be satisfied to conduct an Autoland?
CAT2/3 aircraft and crew and runway, ground facilities operational, wind within limits, braking action med or better
If an Autoland cannot be completed can you conduct an approach still if the weather is below 1/2 mi or 2400RVR?
Yes, down to the lowest CAT 1 mins
What are the auto brake requirements for an Autoland?
LESS than 8000’ - MEDIUM
EQUAL to or MORE than 8000’ - LOW or MED
Minimum oil requirements for all aircraft?
A320/321CEO - 9.5qt + 0.5qt per hour of estimated flight time
A320NEO - 9.0qt + 0.5qt per hour of estimated flight time OR 10.6qt, whichever is higher
A321NEO - OAT at or above -30C - 14qt, OAT below -30C - 16.5qt
Minimum oil temperature for engine start
Minimum fuel for takeoff?
Is takeoff with center tank fuel supplying the engines permitted?
Can you taxi with deflated tires?
Yes, but check Vol 2
Can you ever inhibit ROPS?
Yes, if the runway is incompatible as identified by the crew briefing or a NOTAM exists. CAUTION: on some planes it also inhibits TERR