The maximum allowable in flight difference between captain and first officer
altitude displays for RVSM operations?
200 ft
The maximum allowable on-the-ground difference between captain and first
officer altitude displays for RVSM operations is?
- 50 feet (from sea level to 5000 feet).
* 60 feet (from 5001 feet to 10,000 feet)
The maximum allowable on-the-ground difference between captain or first officer
altitude displays and field elevation for RVSM operations is?
75 feet
Should you trim the ailerons with autopilot engaged?
Lowest altitude to disconnect autopilot?
50 ft agl
Max tailwind for cat 2 or 3 approach?
10 kts
Max headwind for cat 2 or 3 approach?
25 kts
Max crosswind for cat 2 or 3 approach?
15 kts
Engine cooldown time?
Cooldown period is three minutes. Begin timing after clearing the landing runway.
Otherwise use OOOI ON event with four minutes to allow for transition to ground idle after reverse thrust usage.
Turbulence penetration airspeed?
Takeoff with CSFF on upper wing surfaces is allowed. True or False?
True. Provided all conditions are met
Maximum operating altitude with flaps and/or slats
20000 ft
Maximum takeoff and landing altitude
8400 ft
Maximum operating altitude
41000 ft
The maximum allowable in flight difference between captain and first officer
altitude displays for RVSM operations
200 ft
The maximum allowable on-the-ground difference between captain and first
officer altitude displays for RVSM operations is
50 feet (from sea level to 5000 feet). 60 feet (from 5001 feet to 10,000 feet)
The maximum allowable on-the-ground difference between captain or first officer
altitude displays and field elevation for RVSM operations is
75 ft
Severe turbulence air penetration airspeed
280 kts / M0.76
275 kts
320 kts
Vmo / Mmo
340 Kts / 0.82M
Maximum gear retraction speed (VLO)
235 kts
Maximum takeoff weight NG
174200 lb
Maximum takeoff weight MAX
181200 lb
Maximum landing weight NG
146300 lbs
Maximum taxi weight NG
174700 lb
Maximum taxi weight MAX
181700 lbs
Maximum landing weight NG
146300 lbs
Maximum landing weight MAX
152800 lbs
Live animals will only be carried in the forward cargo compartment. True or False?
With either one or both engine bleed air switches ON, do not operate the air
conditioning packs in HIGH for takeoff, approach or landing. True or False?
Maximum altitude when aircraft is dispatched for unpressurized flight
10000 ft
Maximum altitude for unpressurized flight, following an inflight depressurization
14,000 feet. This altitude may be exceeded when terrain clearance requirements
Maximum cabin pressure differential
safety relief valve setting
9.1 psi
Engine ignition must be on when operating in icing conditions. True or False?
Engine anti-ice must be on during all ground and flight operations when icing
conditions exist or are anticipated, except during climb and cruise when the
temperature is below - 40°C SAT. True or False?
Engine anti-ice must be on prior to and during descent in icing conditions, including
temperatures below - 40°C SAT. True or False?
Should you use level change below 1000 ft?
Should you use aileron trim with autopilot on?
Does AA allow auto lands or dual autopilot operations?
APU starter limit?
After three consecutive aborted start attempts, a fifteen minute cooling period is required.
APU bleed + electrical load: max altitude?
10000 ft
APU bleed: max altitude?
17000 ft
APU electrical load: max altitude?
41000 ft
Do not operate HF radios during refueling operations. True or False?
Operation with assumed temperature reduced takeoff thrust is not permitted with
antiskid inoperative. True or False?
Lowest altitude you can extend speed brakes?
1000 ft
In flight, do not extend the speed brake lever beyond the FLIGHT detent. True or False?
Conduct an operational check of the fuel crossflow valve prior to each ETOPS flight. True or False?
Maximum tank fuel temperature
49 C
Minimum fuel temprature
Tank fuel temperature prior to takeoff must not be less than -43°C or 3°C above the
fuel freeze point, whichever is higher.
Is ballast fuel authorized?
Minimum amount of fuel in wing tanks if center tank has more than 1000 lb of fuel?
Wing tanks have to be full
Random or transient fuel imbalance must not exceed 1000 lbs for taxi, takeoff, flight or landing. True or False?
The maximum allowable difference between the captain’s and first officer’s PFD AOA
indication is?
0.5 degrees
Recommend full IRS alignment before each flight. True or False?
Do not operate the entry or service doors with winds at the door of
more than how many knots?
40 kts
Do not keep the entry or service doors open when wind gusts are more than how many knots?
65 kts