Limitations Flashcards
What operations is aircraft certified for?
Day and Night VFR
Icing Conditions (note - severe icing may result from environmental conditions outside of those for which the airplane was certificated)
Unpaved Runway Operations
Maximum number of passenger seats
Refer to Weight and Balance manual
Minimum Flight Crew
Captain and First Officer
Minimum Cabin Crew
Two for passenger carrying operations
Maximum Weights
Ramp Weight (almost evil)
Brakes Release Wt /Take Off Wt (on the floor)
Landing Weight (easy as 123 - 1t)
Zero Fuel Weight (26yo with a 308)
RW : 29,665kg
BRW / TOW : 29,574kg
LDW : 28,123kg
ZFW : 26,308
MAC certified limits are?
up to 24,020kg
up to 27,987kg
up to 28,998kg
up to 29,257kg
up to 29,574kg
13.8% - 36%
16.6% - 36%
17.3% - 36%
17.4% - 36%
17.7% - 36%
(safe bet is 17.3 - 36%)
Note - If CoG limits are met with LDG gear down, safe limits of flight are automatically achieved
Note - The maximum aft limit is 20%MAC for operations with one inoperative stall warning and / or stick pusher system.
Flaps 15, 10, 5, 0
89, 89, 89, 101 KCAS
Flaps 15, 10, 5, 0
91, 95, 98, 113 KCAS
Flaps 35, 15, 10, 5,
92, 96, 99, 100 KCAS
8, 10, 18, 20, 25,000*
245, 282, 286, 275, 248 KIAS
5, 10, 15, 35
200, 181, 172, 158 KIAS
Vlo, Vle, Alternate
200, 215, 185 KIAS
Vb - Turbulence penetration
Vmax tire
210 KIAS
182 knots ground speed
204 KIAS
Vaquaplaning - T/O
Vaquaplaning - LDG
107 kts G/S
92 kts G/S
Manoueuvering Limit Load Factors
Flaps Retracted
Flaps Extended
+2.5 / -1.0g
+2.0 / 0.0g
Max Crosswind - T/O, LDG, CAT II Landing Coupled
Dry / Wet
WED 3mm <0.125in contaminated
WED 3mm >0.125in contaminated
Compacted Snow
Wet ice, poor braking action
32kt Dry and wet for T/O and LDG
18kt Dry and Wet for CAT II Landing coupled
14kt for both WED 3mm for T/O, LDG and Coupled
20kt T/O and LDG for Compacted Snow
18kt Compacted Snow for Coupled
0kt for all on Wet Ice with poor braking action
Maximum Tailwind - T/O, LDG, CAT II, Steep Approach
Dry / Wet
Ice and Wet Ice Braking action poor
T/O Flap 5, 10, 15 on wet / dry / contaminated = 10kt
LDG Flap 10, 15, 35, CAT II on wet / dry / contaminated = 10kt
T/O & LDG, CAT II and Steep approach on Ice and wet ice braking action poor = 0kt
Steep APPR Landing (Flap 35) - Dry / Wet / Contaminated - 5kt
(Note - limits may be increased when AFM supplement 3 is applicable)
Maximum headwind for CAT II coupled landing
CAT II coupled - 24kt
Minimum and Maximum temperatures
MAX - +50c or ISA + 35c
MIN - -54*c
(Note cold weather procedures apply after 3hrs in -15*c or lower on ground)
Take off power setting limitation (wind)
Setting take-off power prior to brake release, with nose of the airplane more than 45* out of wind, is prohibited for wind speeds greater than 8kt (measured at a 10m height)
Maximum operating altitude &
for T/O and LDG
FL 250
Maximum slope for T/O and LDG
Maximum glide slope angle for CAT II approaches
< 3.25*
Eye / ILS to Wheel path distances.
Flap 10 4.662 / 4.446m
Flap 15 4.339 / 3.927m
Flap 35 3.928 / 3.273m
Flap 35 3.934 / 3.278m
Limitations for operations on contaminated runways
Take off with reduced power is prohibited
Operations from runways contaminated with water, slush or loose snow:
- Max altitude for T/O & LDG is 6000’
- Max permitted WED of contaminant is 15mm
- Max depth of contaminant is 6cm
- For WED greater than 3mm, selection of power lever to DISC is prohibited
- Max crosswind component for T/O & LDG is 14kt
Operation from runways contaminated with compacted snow
- Max crosswind for T/O & LDG is 20kt
Airframe Contamination
See FOM for procedures on de-icing and anit-icing
Baggage Compartment Classifications
Class C with the following restrictions
- A separate approved smoke detector or fire detector system to give warning to pilot station
- An approved built in fire extinguishing system controllable from the pilot station
- Any means to exclude hazardous quantities of smoke, flames or extinguishing agent, from any compartment occupied by the crew or passengers
- Any means to control ventilation and draughts within the compartment so that the extinguishing agent used can control the fire that may start within the compartment.
Baggage compartment fire extinguishing time limitation
Unless the forward and aft baggage compartments are empty, the airplane must not be operated further than 1 hr flying time from a suitable airport for landing.
Cargo Compartment fire extinguising time limitation
Unless the cargo compartment is empty, the airplane must not be operated further than 1 hr flying time from a suitable airport for landing.
Minimum turning radius
Nose wheel steering angle required for minimum turning radius
Line up losses
See table in limitations
Static Eye to Ground and ILS to ground distances
Eye - 3.029m
ILS - 1.864m
Minimum Runway width
ACN classification with 34” tires - Values at MTOW (Rigid pavement subgrade)
High - 17.6
Medium - 18
Low - 19.1
Ultra Low - 19.9
Recommendation to use 20 for planning purposes
ACN classification with 34” tires - Values at MTOW (Flexible pavement subgrade)
High - 15.2
Medium - 16.0
Low - 18.3
Ultra Low - 20.2
Recommendation to use 20 for planning purposes
LCN values with 34” tires
Rigid - LCN 39
Flexible - LCN 43
Approved Approach flap settings
5, 10, 15 degrees
Approved Landing flap settings
10, 15, 35 degrees
Approved cruise flap setting
0 degrees
Operating with gear extended and doors closed
Subject to local airworthiness authorities
Operating limitations for non - normal ops
See Limitations sections
Max difference between L & R ASI at approach and cruise speeds.
Max difference between ASI and STBY ASI at approach and cruise speeds
When altitude mismatch appears on PFD apply corrections to the Integrated Standby Instrument
See table in limitations chapter
Min and Max temp for operation of engine
Min - -54c
Max - +50c or ISA +35*c (whichever is lower)
Max temp for operation with engine intake bypass doors open
ISA + 25*c
Maximum Airstart altitude
Roughly how much torque will Automatic Take off Power Uptrim provide?
10% torque (nominal)
Max taxi speeds straight and turning
- Normal Taxiway
- Narrow (15-18m) Taxiway
25kt straight
15kt turning
15kt straight
10kt turning
Maximum Torque Settings
MTOP - 106%
NTOP - 90.3% (indication of 90% or 91%)
MCP - 100%
Transient - 135%
Reverse - 35%
Maximum ITT settings (*C)
MTOP - 880
NTOP - 822
MCP - 880
Transient - 920
Starting - 920
Reverse - 880
Maximum NL% RPM across power ranges
MTOP - 100
NTOP - 95.3
MCP - 100
Transient - 102.3
Reverse - 100
Maximum NH% RPM
MTOP - 100%
NTOP - 97.6%
MCP - 100%
Transient - 101.2%
Reverse - 100%
Maximum NP RPM
MTOP - 1020
NTOP - 1020
MCP - 1020
Transient - 1173
Reverse - 1020
Oil Pressure PSID
MTOP - 61 - 72
NTOP - 61 - 72
MCP - 61 - 72
Starting - 100 Max (165 Discing < 0* OAT)
Transient - 44 to 61 & 72 - 100 (20sec max)
Reverse - 61 to 72
Oil Temp (*C)
MTOP / NTOP / MCP - 0 to 107 (115 permitted for continuation of flight with 20% reduction in power. Maint action reqd)
Starting - -40
Transient - 125 for 5 sec above FLT IDLE & < 55%
Reverse - 0 to 107
Engine and Propellor Ground limitations
Wind Speed
- 9 to 20kts
- 21 to 35kts
- 36 to 50kts (55kt gusts)
Max TQ is 100%
Minimum NH is 64.2%
Nose of aeroplane > 30* out of wind - 50kts
Wind > 8kts and nose > 30* out of wind (see below)
- FLT IDLE (momentary above is ok)
- FLT IDLE (PWR levers must be at DISC when stationary)
Starter Cranking limits
1) 70 sec on 2 min off
2) 70 sec on 2 min off
3) 70 sec on 30 min off
Maximum Fuel
What position must the fuel pumps be at for TO and LDG
Hydraulic system minimum QTY’s
1) 40%
2) 40%
3) 45%
Rejected Landing Considerations
Brake cooling times (AFM)
APU starter Limitations
1min on 5 mins off
1 min on Maintenance action required (&30mins)
In regard to Airframe contamination, what must be the condition of the aircraft before departure?
Must be free of Frost, Ice and snow before takeoff
20 foot addition
Battery max load for departure
Battery min Temp
When must AP be disconnected?
Flaps 0 < 1000’ AGL
Severe Icing
Pilot at control seat
on landing <200’ AGL
OEI approach < 1000’ AGL
AP / FD approach 2.5* to 4* only
Minimum speed gates
flaps: 0
15 & 15 with 35 selected for landing
0 - 180
5 - 165
10 - 155
15 - Vref or Vref ICE
15 with 35 for landing - Vref ICE Flap 35 + 10kts
35 - Vref or Vref ICE
Holding - 190kts
What is the minimum speed in the climb
Vbg or Vbg ice