Limbic System Flashcards
Limbic Function
assignment of value
convert short term –> long term memory
Hippocampal Lesion
-anterograde amnesia
Hippocampus parts (3)
- dentate gyrus (afferent)
- HC proper (efferent)
- subiculum
Papez Circuit
cingulate gyrus –> HC –> fornix –> HT (mam bodies) –> thalamus –> cortex
Amgydala functions
- smell is major afferent
- behavior/emotion - programs appropriate behavioral responses
Amygdala Lesion
bilateral = profound beahvioral alterations
- stimulated = rage/agression, removed = tame, indifferent to stimuli
- human loses affective meaning of outisde info (knows who someone is but not if they like them)
Amygdala nuclei – Basolateral
- projects to frontal, temporal, thalamus
- thought to attach emotional significance to stimulus
Amygdala nuclei – Central
- goes to RF
- regulates ANS
- helps shape emotional response
Amgdala nuclei – Cortical
- olfactory perception
- behaviors triggered by smell
Septal Region of HC
- fibers to BS & RF
- reward/pleasure center (orgasm)
- dopamine projects here
Cingulate Gyrus
- pathway from thalamus to HC
- responsible for focusing attention on emotionally significant events, and associating memories to smells/pain
Anterior Cingulate Cortex (divisons - 4)
- anterior = executive
- Posterior = evaluative
- Dorsal = cognitive
- Ventral = emotional
ACC especially involved when _____
effort needed to carry out a task such as early learning and problem solving
Many studies attribute functions such as ____, ____, ____, and _____ to the ACC
error detection, anticipation of tasks, motivation, modulation of emotional responses
Ventral Tegmental Area of BS
- consists of dopamine pathways responsible for pleasure
- damage = difficulty getting pleasure in life, turn to alcohol/drugs, etc