Lifestsges Chapter 1: Infancy (0-2) Flashcards
Introduction to Birth and Infancy (0-2)
Infants grow rapidly reaching approximately half their adult height by the time they are 2 years old. At around 1 year old infants can walk and by 2 years of age they can run.
Newborn (P)
GMS > Primitive reflexes such as grasp.
FMS > Holds their thumbs tucked into their hands.
1 month (P)
GMS > Lifts chin, some control of head.
FMS > Open hands to grasp a finger.
3 months (P)
GMS > Can lift their head and chest when lying on front.
FMS > Can briefly grasp a rattle.
6 months (P)
GMS > Rolls over, can sit up for a short time without support, kicks legs when held up.
FMS > Moves objects from hand to hand can pick up dropped toys if they are in sight.
9-10 months (P)
GMS > Crawls, begins to cruise.
FMS > Uses finger and thumb to hold a small objects.
12-13 months (P)
GMS > Stands alone, can walk without help.
FMS > Manipulates and places toys
18 months (P)
GMS > Climbs onto furniture.
FMS > Builds a short tower with blocks.
2 years (P)
GMS > Propels a sit-on-toy with their feet, throws a large ball.
FMS > Draws lines and circles, turns a page.
3 months (I)
Language: Infants begin to make babbling noise as they learn to control the muscles associated with speech.
12 months (I)
Infants begin to imitate sounds made by carers such as ‘da da’. Development of single words.
2 years (I)
Infants begin to make 2 words sentences for example ‘cat goed’. Have a word vocabulary of 50 words.
Emotional development (E)
Infants need to have formed secure attachment with main career by 9 months, as without a secure attachment babies may affect their emotional development in the future.
0-3 months (E)
Smiles from 6 weeks.
3 months (E)
Cries when alone
6 months (E)
Recognises emotions in others and responds.
15 months (E)
Emotionally dependent on parents/main carer and key worker.
Dislikes when main carer out of site.
18 months (E)
Is emotionally dependent on main carers and key workers.
2 years (E)
Temper tantrum.
0-1 year (S)
Solo play > Looks at closely, puts thing into mouth and touches things with hands. Plays alone with toys. Begins to play simple games.
1 month > focuses on human faces with interest.
3 months > enjoys begin held and spoken to
6 months > Likes being held and played with .
9 months > wary of strangers, imitates other to actions such as clapping.
12 months >enjoys simple games with adults, stays closes to familiar adult and enjoys company.
12-18 months (S)
Solo play > begins to play and talks alone, repeats actions and starts to play with adults, notices other children.
15 months > may follow adult out of rooms, enjoys being played with.
18 months > imitates actions of adult, plays alone but enjoys being with adults and siblings. Wants immediate attention.
18-2 years (S)
Parallel play > begins to copy other adults and children. Enjoys playing with adults, sometimes still plays alone. Learns to complete tasks through trail and error.
2 years > has no understanding of waiting for needs to be met, plays in parallel with others but cannot share toys.