Lifestages Chapter 2: Early Childhood (3-8) Flashcards
3 yrs (P)
GMS > can steer and pedal a tricycle, can throw large ball.
FMS > washes and dries hands with help, holds a crayon and draw a circle.
3-4 years (P)
GMS > walks along a line, hops on one foot.
FMS > buttons and unbuttons own clothing, draws a person with head, thunk and legs.
4-5 years (P)
GMS > skips with a rope, and runs quickly and is able to avoid obstacles.
FMS > forms letter and writes own name, complete 20 pieces jigsaw.
5-8 years (P)
GMS > can balance on a beam, hops, skips and jumps confidently.
FMS > cuts out shapes accurately, ties and unties shoelaces.
3 years (I)
Uses simple sentences.
Asks many questions and may use questions as a way of getting attention.
Enjoys book and turns page.
Understands difference between past and present.
3-4 years (I)
Recognises and names a few colours.
Knows names of numbers and can count aloud up to 10.
4-5 years (I)
Can count objects accurately up to ten.
Can make simple patterns.
Speech is used to argue with others.
5-8 years (I)
Is able to understand and enjoy jokes and riddles.
Can use language to reason and explain ideas.
By 7 years old has mastered early reading and writing skills.
3 years (S+E)
Is starting to take turns and share for short periods.
Enjoys being with other children and may have some friendships preferences.
Will comfort another child.
3-4 years (S+E)
Comforts children who are in distress.
Will now have clear friendship preferences.
4-5 years (S+E)
Understands the need for rules.
Begins to enjoy sharing with others.
Enjoys having friends and is upset if friends are not available.
5-8 years (S+E)
Enjoys having rules and reminding others of rules.
Is protective towards young children.
Is able to stay overnight with relatives and friends.
Has strong friendships.