Life processes in the biosphere Flashcards
Abiotic factor
e.g wind, light intensity, pH, nutrient availablity
A large naturally occurring community of flora and fauna
Biotic factor
E.g plants, animals, invertebrate
Carrying Capacity
The number of organisms which a region can support without environmental degradation
Climax community
Final stage of ecological succession
Stable community
Community of species
Group or association of populations of 2+ different species occupying the same area at the same time
Deflected succession
A community that is only stable due to human influence that stops the local ecosystem reaching a stable climax community
Density dependant factor
Population growth rates are regulated by population density
Ecological niche
The position of a species within an ecosystem describing both the range of conditions necessary for persistence and its ecological rate
Consists of all the organisms and the physical environment with which they interact
Plant succession which occurs in an area of freshwater
Interaction between different species
Theory that combinations of traits in an organism that trade of between quantity and quality of offspring
Plant succession which begins life on newly exposed rock surface
Pioneer Species
The first species to colonise barren environments