Life on Land Part 3 Flashcards
Excretory system consists of…
Paired kidneys, ureters and an unpaired bladder and urethra.
Kidney shape and position
Bean-shaped, retroperitoneal
Located in the region of the 4th lumbar vertebra
Concavity on the medial side of the kidney.
Where the renal artery and vein and the ureter join the kidney
Internal anatomy of the kidney
Cortex-outer layer of kidney tissue
Medulla-central part
Different parts of the nephron (functional unit of the kidney) reside in the two regions
The kidneys of the are are _______, and are drained by a _____
Ureter (tubular structures extending from the kidneys to the bladder)
Urinary bladder of cat
Musculomembranous, pear shaped sac just anterior to the pubic symphysis
Stores urine before it is released from the body
Land vs water comparison of the kidney
Mammals have a high metabolic rate and require an efficient means of filtering the blood to eliminate a large amount of nitrogenous waste resulting from a high rate of Protein metabolism.
Mammals must conserve water by reabsorbing it from the filtrate. They have more nephrons, a higher glomerular filtration rate, and a higher rate of tubular reabsorption.
Mammals can filter hundreds of times their own body fluid volume in 24 hours, reabsorbed 98-99% of this and produce a highly concentrated urine.
The male reproductive system of mammals consists of….
Parked testes, epididymis, ductus deferens and bulbourethral glands as well as the prostate gland and penis
Mammal testes
Paired oval male gonads which at the time of birth, descend from the abdominal cavity into the scrotum.
On the dorsal surface of each lies an epididymis.
On each testes
Consists of an extensively cooled tube that is connected to the testis by a number of delicate efferent ductules.
Large cranial end is the head and narrow middle part is the body. Expanded caudal portion is known as the tail.
The tube that continues onward from the tail of each epididymis is called the ….
Ductus deferens
It ascends in a coiled fashion in the spermatic cord from the scrotum to the abdominal cavity through the inguinal canal.
Urethra (male)
A tube that extends from the neck of the bladder as far as the tip of the penis.
Homologous Urogenital structures
Cranial tubules of the mesonephros become the efferent ductules of the testis and their highly coiled tips become the head of the epididymis.
The convoluted cranial portion of the Archinephric duct becomes the body and tail of the epididymis.
Thus the amniote epididymis is homologous to the cranial part of the opisthonephros and the Archinephric duct of anaminotes.
Prostate gland
Bi-lobed gland located at the junction of the ductus deferens and the neck of the bladder.
Tiny ducts arising within the gland open into the lumen of the urethra.
Bulbouetrhral glands location
Located on either side of the urethra, dorsal to the root of the penis.
Each opens into the urethra by means of a single fine duct.
Purpose of prostate and bulboerthral glands
Produce seminal fluid that allows transfer of the sperm without the need for water and it also helps to nourish the sperm to keep them viable
Parts of the penis
Glans penis-enlargement at the distal end of the penis and it is covered by a piece of loose skin called the prepuce.
Urogenital aperture-opening at the end of the penis
Erectile tissue:
-corpora cavernosum: lie on side forming dorsal part of the penis.
-corpus Spongiosum: erectile tissue on the ventral surface of the penis in the groove between the corpora cavernosa.
Os penis: small bone embedded in the posterior portion of the penis and helps to stiffen this section
How many young do cats have at a time
What is the length of gestation
How many breeding seasons a year
When are cats capable of breeding
63 days
From age 1-9
Female mammal reproductive system consists of…
Ovaries, uterine tubes (oviducts), uterus, and vagina
Coiled ducts that concert the ova to the uterus
Each tube has an expanded free end, the ostium, which receives the ova
The opposite end of each tube leads into a horn of the uterus
How many uterine horns do cats have
2 (expand during pregnancy)
Chamber extending from the uterus to the Urogenital sinus
Distal end of the body of the uterus that projects somewhat into the vagina and acts as a division between the two regions.
The vagina and urethra open into the….
Urogenital sinus (vestibule)
The small prominence consisting of erectile tissue in the ventral wall of the Urogenital sinus is the
Clitoris (homologous to the penis)
Membranes around fetus
Outermost membrane that enclosed the embryo is the chorion
Amnion is a thin, transparent membrane immediately around the embryo
Amniotic fluid prevents adherence of the amnion to the….
Permits changed in fetal position
Broad, circular, thickens vascular band of tissue encircling the chorion is the placenta.
Serves as an organ for the transfer of nutrients, inorganic salts, and oxygen from the mother to the fetus, and waste products from the fetus to the mother.
Both the embryo and the mother contribute to the formation of the placenta
Umbilical cord
Elongated, cylindrical structure that extends from the placenta to the abdomen of the embryo.
Carrie’s blood between the mother and the fetus through a pair of arteries and a single large vein
Deciduous placenta
Non-deciduous placenta
Some of the uterine lining is shed at birth. The union of tissues is an intimate one. (Cats, humans)
Less intimate union of maternal and fetal tissues and the maternal tissue is not shed at birth. Tend to be of different shapes.
Carnivores have a band of placental tissue that forms a belt around the middle region of the fetus. This is called a ……
In humans and other mammals such as rabbits, the placental tissue is located at one end o for fetus in a disc shaped called a…
Zonary placenta
Discoidal placenta
Mammal heart
Completely divided, 4 chamber hearts
Which ventricle is more muscular
Left ventricle since it must deliver blood to the entire body, not just the lungs
Homologous circulatory system structures
-anterior cardinal and common cardinal veins in dogfish and necturus are homologous to a single vessel in animals called the superior vena cava
-lateral abdominal veins of fish are found in mammal embryos as the umbilical vein
-parts of hepatic veins, parts of the embyonic sub cardinal veins, parts of the or posterior cardinal veins and the renal portal system have been transformed into the caudal (posterior) vena cava
-parts of the posterior cardinal also contribute to the Azygous vein
-parts of the anterior cardinal veins of lower tetrapods and embryonic mammals are homologous to the external and internal jugular veins
The _________ system is not present in adult mammals
Renal portal
Correlated with the increased pressure in the mammalian circulatory system that probably delivers sufficient blood to the kidneys from the dorsal aorta such that additional flow through a renal postal system is not necessary
Mammals have only one ________; through the liver
Portal circulation
Conveys all venous blood of the digestive tract into the liver where it undergoes intensive biochemical alteration.
Blood from all parts of the body, drains into the______and then passes to the _____, which pumps blood into the pulmonary artists for transport to the lungs.
Aerated blood returns to the _______ of the heart through the pulmonary veins and then passes into the _____, which pumps it into the _____for distribution to all parts of the body.
Right atrium
Right ventricle
Left atrium
Left ventricle
The ear-like appendages of each atrium is the _____
Pulmonary arteries
Pulmonary veins
Carry deoxygenated blood to the lungs
Return newly oxygenated blood to the heart (left atrium)
Branches of the aorta
Brachiocephalic artery
Left subclavian artery
The __________ connects the pulmonary trunk the the aorta
Ligamentum arteriosum
Major veins bringing blood back to the heart
Where do they empty into
Cranial (superior) vena cava
Caudal (inferior) vena cava
Both empty into the right atrium
The right atrium is separated from the left atrium by a….
An oval depression, _____ is located in the wall of the septum
Interatrial septum
Fossa ovalis: remnant of fetal circulation
Within the right ventricle, an oval called the __________ provides communication with the right atrium and is surrounded by a _______
Atrioventricular oriface
Tricuspid valve (3 flaps)
Semilunar valves
Located at the base of the pulmonary trunk
Left ventricule have a ______ valve with how many flaps
Bicuspid valve
Communicates with left atrium
Parts of the aorta
Arch of aorta
Thoracic aorta
Abdominal aorta
The arch of the aorta is the site of the origin of two major block vessels:
Brachiocephalic artery- ascends cranially from the arch of the aorta giving off the large left common carotid artery. After curving it bifurcates into the right common carotid artery and right subclavian artery.
Left subclavian artery-ascends to the left of the Brachiocephalic artery. Curves sharply to the left and passes towards the left forelimb. It eventually runs through the armpit and is then called the axillary artery. It continues in the forking as the branchial artery
Posterior arteries
Those arising from the abdominal aorta. Can be divided into unpaired visceral arteries and paired systemic arteries.
Visceral arteries supply blood to the digestive tract.
The abdominal aorta extends from the ______ to the site from which the _________arise. It continues into the tail as the _______ artery
Internal iliac arteries
Unpaired visceral arteries
Celiac trunk
Superior mesenteric artery
Inferior mesenteric artery
Superior mesenteric artery
Splits to supply small intestine, cecum and duodenum.
Inferior mesenteric artery
Supplies blood to large intestine.
In sharks, supplies the digits form gland and posterior intestine
Celiac trunk
Supplies the liver, stomach, spleen and pancreas with blood.
Splits into 3 sections: hepatic artery, left gastric artery and Lienic artery.
Lienic artery
Gastric artery
Hepatic artery
Largest of celiac arteries
Supplies the spleen
Supplies stomach
Gives rise to the gastroduodenal artery which then branches into the right gastric artery, cranial pancreaticoduodenal artery and the right gastroepiploic artery.
Paired systemic arteries
Cranial abdominal arteries
Renal arteries
Genital arteries (testicular in males and ovarian in females)
Deep circumflex iliac arteries
External iliac arteries (enter thigh as femoral arteries)
Internal iliac arteries, gives off vesicles artery to the bladder
Superior vena cava
Received all the blood from the head, neck, thorax and forelimbs.
Formed by the union of the 2 Brachiocephalic veins which are formed by the union of the subclavian and external jugular veins.
Posterior veins consists of the….. and …..
Hepatic portal system
Systemic veins
Caudal vena cava
Caudal (inferior) vena cava- drains the hind limbs, pelvic, dorsal body wall, kidneys, liver and hepatic portal system.
Formed by the union of the common iliac veins and the caudal vein
Each common iliac vein is formed by the union of ….
External iliac vein with the smaller internal iliac vein
The internal iliac veins collect blood from the _______ via a branch called the _____
Vesicles vein
Two most typical variations in the formation of the vena cava
- Two common Iliac may be longer than usual, so the the inferior vena cava is formed farther cranially
- Two separate (cardinal veins) in the abdomen instead of a single inferior vena cava. Two veins unite in the kidney region.
Fetal lungs do not function in oxygenation of the blood. Instead, the _______ is the major site of gas exchange
Pattern of circulation in a fetus
-oxygenated blood from placenta travels to fetus via the umbilical vein.
-umbilical vein flows into the inferior vena cava via a short trunk: ductus venosus.
-some blood of umbilical vein enters liver tissue but most goes to inferior vena cava then into right atrium.
-blood from right atrium enters left atrium via the foramen ovale.
-goes to left ventricular and then aorta. (No pulmonary circuit)
-ductus arteriosus connects pulmonary trunk to the aorta and blood flows into the aorta instead of pulmonary arteries.
-such little blood goes to the lungs just to keep tissue alive.
-aorta distributed mixed blood to rest of the body.
-deoxygenated blood from fetal tissue returns to placenta via the umbilical arteries.
Shortly after birth, modification are referred functionless because the _____ are now being used for respiration
Fetal modifications and their post-birth remnants
Foramen ovale-Fossa ovalis
Ductus arteriosus-ligamentum arteriosum
Ductus venosus-ligamentum venosum
Umbilical vein-found ligament of the liver
Umbilical arteries-internal iliac artery portions, distal parts of vesicle arteries, lateral vesicles ligaments (hold bladder)