Lab 2: Life In the Water Part 1 Flashcards
Spiny dogfish scientific name
Squalus acanthias
Size of dogfish shark
Adult males reach one meter, females slightly larger
Aquatic vertebrates are characterized by having what type of body shape that allows them to slide easily through water with reduced resistance
Streamlined or fusiform shape
Main areas of external body of shark
Head with branchial region
Trunk extending to cloacal aperture
Tail (caudal to cloaca)
Main organ of locomotion in sharks that provide the propulsive thrust for swimming
Caudal fin
Asymmetrical-most of the fin lies below the vertebral column. Making the lower lobe larger than the upper lobe.
Shark caudal fins types are known as ……
Heterocercal - lower larger lobe
Placoid scales
What are they homologous to
Each scale consists of a basal plate embedded into the dermis of the skin and a sharp point protruding from the skin and pointing caudally, hence the skin feels roughy when you move your hand over it from tail to head.
Homologous to teeth
Sharks colouring
Grey colour dorsally and lighter centrally. This is known as countershading.
Helps organism be less visible when viewed from below or above
Other fins on shark
Anterior dorsal fin
Posterior dorsal fin
Why are they called spiny dogfish sharks?
Each of the dorsal fins bears a spine on the anterior margin
Life span of dogfish and how can you tell
25-30 years
Concentric rings laid down during growth of hard parts of scales
Pectoral fin function
Pelvic fin functions
Males-stuff, spined copulateit steuxures called claspers. These fins are supported by cartilaginous fin rays called ceratotrichia
Sharks have what type of eye
Unique eyelids of sharks
Well developed lateral eyes
Immovable eyelids
Lateral at each corner of the mouth of sharks is a ________ which contains a _______ supported internally by a thin rod of ______
Labial pouch
Labial fold
Teeth of dogfish sharks are modified…..
Teeth arrangement and function
Placoid scales, arranged in rows
First two are ones in use at any one time. The teeth are extremely sharp and replaced when worn by teeth from the back rows. Teeth are used for grasping and tearing prey, not chewing.
External nostrils of dogfish sharks are called ______. They are open on the ______ surface of the snout.
How does water enter and exit the nares of dogfish sharks
A flap of skin separates the opening into a medial excurrent and a lateral incurrent aperatue. Water flows into the incurrent aperature to the olfactory organ within, then out the excurrent aperture.
The five external openings anterior to the pectoral fin are the ______
How are they separated
External hill slots
Strips of tissue unlike bony fish that have a common opening of the gills by an operculum
Caudal to the eye is a reduced gill slit
Spiracle valve is a flap of tissue that can cover this opening.
Water can enter the spiralled when the mouth is occupied with prey
A reduced gill called the ______is present on the wall of the spiracular valve
Patches of different pores on the dorsal and ventral head region belong to the _______ or ______
If you press on the skin of the head, what happens?
Jelly-like fluid will exude from the press
The ampullae are ________ that can detect the small electric field around living organism and can sense the presence of prey even when it is not visible.
Sensory structures
The ampullae are derived from what sensory system and what does it do
Lateral line
Detects low frequency vibrations and imparts a sense of “distant touch” to fishes
The main canal of the lateral line system is located where?
On the lateral body surface and it’s position is indicated by a thin horizontal stripe along the side of the body
Cloaca of shark
-location and function
Centrally and recovers the products of the digestive system, urinary and reproductive systems.
Within the cloaca, a pointed structure, the ______ is visible
In males it is called the
In females it is called the
Urogenital papilla because it receives ducts from both the urinary and reproductive systems and Carrie’s both urine and sperm
Urinary papilla because it only receives urine.
Substances are discharged from the small pore at the tip of the papilla
The anus, the opening of the digestive system into the cloaca, enters the cloaca _______ to the papilla
A pair of _______ are located on the lateral edge of the cloaca in both sexes. These pores are though to be an outlet for excess coelomic fluid
Abdominal pores
There are two Basic types of bone found in the vertebrate skeleton:
Dermal bone
Endochondral bone
Endochondral bone and dermal bone starts
Starts out as cartilage in the embryo. The cartilage provides an exact blueprint to gradually be replaced by bone.
Dermal bone forms dermis of the skin and is superficial. Dermal bone never begins as cartilage, instead, bone cells accumulate directly in the dermis. (Bony scales of fish, turtles)
The _____skeleton is lacking in the shark. The endoskeleton is completely cartilaginous and is never converted to bone as it is in other vertebrates
The endoskeleton is divided into the _____ and _____ skeletons
Visceral (inner tube)
-branchial or hill arches and their derivatives in aquatic vertebrates. Middle ear bones, tongue supports and larynx/trachea in lab animals.
Somatic (outer tube)
-divided into
axial skeleton
-skull, vertebral column, ribs, sternum
appendicular skeleton
-associated limbs
Why is the skull or Squalus not typical of most fish?
It is cartilaginous and does not illustrate the ancestral condition of a heavy covering of dermal bone.
What are the dermal bones in Amia calva (bowfin fish)
Dermal head skeleton
Chondricranium surrounding the brain
Visceral skeleton
Dermal bones
These become United and in distinct in a number of animals
Basic elements of the chondrocranium (part of the endoskeleton)
Basal plate and ethmoid plate
Ethmoid plate extends between the nasal sac
The optic capsule surround each inter ear and a nasal capsule surrounds each nasal sac
The chondrocranium is part of which skeleton system
Axial division of the somatic skeleton
Hollow trough at the anterior end of the chondrocranium. The cavity within it is the precerebral cavity that is filled with a gelatinous substance
Series of small foramina (holes) in the supraoribtal crest are the __________ through which branches of the superficial __________ nerves pass
Superficial ophthalmic foramina
Foramen magnum
Rounded bulbs on either side of it are what?
Large hole in the occipital region of the chondrocranium through which the spinal cord passes
Occipital condyles that articulate with the first trunk vertebra
Cranial cavity
The cavity in which the brain lies in the chondrocranium
The wide flats floor between the optic capsules at the posterior end of the chondrocranium is the _____
Basal plate
Optic foramen
Opening for the passage of cranial nerves in the region of the orbit
Large opening in the anterior ventral wall - passage of the optic nerve from the retina on its way to the brain.
Trigeminofacial foramen
Posterior in the orbit, allows passage of the trigeminal and facial cranial nerves
Arches that support the jaws and gills are composed of ______ in dogfish and cartilage replaced by bone in _____
Bony fish
There are 7 visceral arches that are loosely starched to the axial skeleton:
- Jaws or Mandibular arch
- Hyoid arch
3-7. Branchial arches (1-5)
Mandibular arch (Jaws)
-consists of…
-upper jaw on each side is formed from a…., and lower jaw from the ….
Cartilages from each side of the upper and lower jaws have fused in the ____
Upper and lower jaw
Palatoquadrate cartilage
Mandibular cartilage
Both shark jaws bear _______ that are similar in their triangular shape (homodont) and are loosely attached to the _____ overlying the jaws
By contrast, bony fish have what shaped teeth and where are they attached
Cone-shaped homodont teeth
Different type of attachment
Each palatoquadrate cartilage bears two processes:
Anterior process is the original process which projects up from the upper jaw into the orbit. The orbital processes on each side prevent lateral slipping of the jaws.
Posterior to this, at the angle of the jaw where the upper and lower jaws meet (jaw joint) is the adductor Mandibular process where the adductor Mandibular muscles attaches.
The Lower jaw consists of two fused ______ cartilages
Small labial cartilages appear on the lateral surface of the jaws
Hyoid arch function and type of jaw suspension
Modified to support the jaws
Hypstylic type of jaw suspension- allows some movement. In relation to the skull and permits forward protrusion of the jaws to assist in prey capture. Since the jaws are not tightly fused to the skull, the shark can protrude the jaws away from the head to be able to pick up benthic food items from the sea bottom or grape prey and allow deeper penetration of the jaws into larger prey.
3 major elements of the hyoid arch
Basihyal-single mid ventral element
Ceratohyal-extends from basilhyal to where the upper and lower jaws meet)
Hyomandibula-against the toxic capsule of the chondrocranium
Hyomandibula function
Major structure supporting the jaws
Can increase the size of the gape by swinging the hyomandibula laterally and anteriorly to force apart the two jaw joints, increase the volume of the oral cavity and create a small amount of suction.
The main elements of the branchial arches that support the hill tissue are the ______ and ______
Cerato and epibranchials
Long, thin cartilaginous ______ project laterally from the cerato- and epibranchials to support the full tissue located on the inter branchial septae
Gill rays
Smaller, slime like processes called ________ project from the medial side of the ceratobranchials and epibranchials
Gill rakers
Prevent foreign materials from entering the gill pouch and damaging the delicate full tissue
The dermal Skelton is not present at all in ________
Cartilaginous fish
Thick cover of bone over the jaws and chondrocranium
Dermal roof series location on Amia
Covers the top of the head and has openings for the nares, orbits and a gap between the cheek region and the jaws.
Parasphenoid series in Amia
Midline of the root of the palate and bears numerous minute teeth
Palatial series in Amia
Lateral to parasphenoid series
Also bears teeth and which forms much of the roof of the mouth
The palatoquadrate cartilage of the upper jaw and the Mandibular cartilage of the lower jaw are present in the embryo of bony fish but only the ________ parts ossify (become bone) in the adult where they are known as the ______ and _____ bones
These two bones form the _______ in all jawed vertebrates
Jaw joint
Lower jaw series
Dermal bone covering the lateral and medial surfaces of the jaw
The vote visceral arches are covered by the _________ that lies caudal to the jaws and centrally by the _____ series
Pectoral series covers what in Amia
Endochondral bone of the pectoral girdle
List the Dermal bone series in Amia
Dental roof
Lower jaw
Which skeletal system are vertebrae apart of ?
Somatic axial
Function of vertebrae
Provide flexibility of the trunk, support for the main axis of the body and they protect the spinal cord
Two types of vertebrae in fish:
The dorsal arch of cartilage surrounding the spinal cord is the _______
The spinal cord lies within the ______and is protect by the vertebral arch
Vertebral arch (neural arch)
Neural cavity
Where do ribs attach
Short processes on the ventrolateral border of each centrum (vertebral body) are the basapophyses or transverse processeses
(Trunk vertebrae)
_________vertebrae have a centrum and a vertebral canal but lack _________
The arches of cartilage projecting vebtrally from the centrum of caudal vertebrae are known as _______
What does it do
Hemal arches
Protects the hemal canal and vein that are contained within a hemal canal.
Inter muscular and subperioneal rib differentiation
Ribs Lie between the two major dorsal and ventral groups of body musculature (Dog fish)
Ribs Lie beneath the body musculature next to the coelom
What supports the two dorsal fins?
Cartilage known as pterygiophores
Ones closest to the vertebral column are the basal pterygiophores and those more distal are the radial pterygiophores
The fibrous rays supporting the actual fin are known as ceratotrichia
The girdle that supports the pectoral fin is formed by a U-shaped cartilage called the _______. This is separated further….
Ventral portion of U is called the Coracoid bar.
Dorsal to Coracoid bar on both sides is the scapular process to which the fins are attached at the glenoid surface.
Suprascapular cartilage is attarched to the scapular process dorsally.
The skeleton of the fin of dogfish consists of what cartilages from cranial to caudal. All together they are known as?
Basal pterygiophores
The scalulocoracoid of the shark represents the Endoskeleton portion of the _____
The main portion of the dermal girdle in Amia is….
Other portions are…
Post temporal bone
What are the parts of the pelvic girdle
Puboischiadic bar
Iliac process
Metapteryogium (main fin support)
Acetabular surface
Male dogfish claspers
Formed from modified radial pterygiophores in the pelvic girdle
Three types of muscles in vertebrates and their location and presence or lack of voluntary control.
Skeletal (striated or voluntary) (attached to bone and causes bones to move)
Smooth (walls of digestive organs, blood vessels, autonomic nervous system control)
Cardiac (only in walls of heart, not voluntary)
Skeletal muscle can be divided into what two ways
Somatic (on axial skeleton and appendages)
Branchiomeric (branchial) on visceral muscles attarched to visceral skeleton associated with gill arches and derivatives
In fish, the vast majority of muscle mass is ________ which do what
Axial musculature
Create lateral undulations to move forward
Origin and insertion of muscles
Muscle where it attaches to skeleton and moved the least (proximal)
Point of attachment that moves the most (distal)
At each end of a muscle, the connective tissue forms a _______ which attaches to a specific bone sit
Most ______ are long but some are flat sheets called _____
The connective tissue of the tendon is continuous with the connective tissue sheath that surrounded the bundles of muscles fibres known as _____
Reduced the angle between two body parts
Ex: bicep flexes the forearm by bringing it closer to the upper arm
Increases the angle between two body parts
Triceps straighten the forearm
Draws a body part away from the midline
Ex: moving arm out from the body to the side
Draws a body party toward the midline
Ex: moving your arm in from lateral to medial, close to the side of the body
A circular movement about a long axis
Ex: when you shake your head “non”
Protraction and retraction
Forward and backward movement of a limb during walking in a tetrapod
Supination and pronation
Rotational movements of the hand
Turning hand so the palm faces up
Turning hand so the palm faces down
Muscles that perform the same action are known as
Muscles that perform the opposite action are called
Antagonists (tricep and bicep)
Why is a shark so difficult to skin?
Connective tissue in the dermis of the skin attaches deeply into the muscles
It can be continually cut with a scalpel to sever the numerous connection between the skin and muscle layers
What separates the epaxial (dorsal) and hypaxial (ventral) muscles
Horizontal skeletogenous septum
The axial muscles consist of numerous segments called ______ separated by connective tissue called ______
Lines alba
Ventral surface of the shark
Junction of myomeres from opposite sides form a distinct line of whitish connective tissue
Dogfish utilize the Anguillliform mode of locomotion which means …..
They produce large waves of contraction that involve most of the length of the trunk and tail
The waves increase in amplitude as they pass down the length of the body to the tail where the waves are largest and produce most thrust
How does tight skin help the shark swim?
Adheres tightly to the muscle below and helps to transmit the force of muscle contractions to the tail by acting as an exotendon!!!
Hypobranchial muscles are a forward extension of the _______ muscles but are more highly modified than the ______
Hypaxial muscles
Epibranchial muscles
Hypobranchial muscles and their function
Depress floor of oral cavity and pharynx. Expands the oral cavity during feeding and inspiration.
Thyroid gland function
Secreted hormones such as thyroxin which stimulated growth, metabolism, and in mammals heat production.
The rectum cervicis is made up by
Function of the paired fins are accomplished by what two major antagonistic muscles?
Dorsal Abductor (elevates fin and pulls it caudally) and ventral adductor (brings fin cranially)
Muscles controlling the pelvic fin
Pelvic abductor (dorsal) -elevates the fin
Pelvic adductor (ventral) - depress the fin