Life on Land Part 2 Flashcards
Three Salivary glands and their locations
Parotid gland-below external ear
Submandibular gland-angle of the jaw
Sublingual gland-anterior to submandibular
Neck muscle
Wide, flat muscle that extends from the cranial end of the sternum to the side of the skull.
Together, the two sternomastoid muscles forms a c-shaped muscular collar at the base of the throat.
They act to turn the head
Where did the sternomastoid derive from
Primitive Cucullaris
In shark-pectoral fin up
In necturus-moving acapula
In mammals-turns head
Large muscle mass located at each angle of the jaw, behind and below the eyes.
Elevates the mandible (jaw)
Muscle located above the eye and medial to the ear.
Elevates the jaw
The masseter and the temporalis evolved from what muscle in necturus
Adductor mandibulae
The superficial shoulder muscles and what they evolved from
Primitive Cucullaris
Large muscle extending from the neck to the shoulder, and it is the most anterior of the trapezius group.
Acts to draw the scapula forward and dorsally
Thin, flat muscle extending from the middle of the back to the shoulder. It draws the scapular dorsally
Located posterior to the Acromiotrapezius and is partly covered by it.
Draws the scapula dorsally
The hind limb of many mammals has been modified for ________
Rapid locomotion
2 Superficial medial thigh muscles of mammals
Sartorius: adducts and rotates the thigh
Gracilis: adduct the thigh
Hamstring muscles
Hamstrings lie posterior to the surface of the thigh.
Seminembranosus-large, thicker muscle lying deep to the gracilis. Divided throughout most of its length into 2 portions. Acts to extend the thigh.
Senitendinosus-Long, cylindrical muscle lies on the ventral border of the thigh. Flexes the leg.
Quadriceps femoris Complex muscles
Rectus femoris
Vastus medialis
Vastus lateralis
Vastus intermedius
Rectus femoris
Largely covered by the sartorius and runs along the femur. Adducts the thigh
Vastus medialis
Arises from the femur, extends the leg
Vastus lateralis
Extends the leg
Vastus intermedius action
Extends the leg
Large calf muscle
Has two heads of origin that unite into a common muscle mass that ends with the strong calcaneal tendon of Achilles.
Extends the foot-running and walking
What is the strongest and largest tendon in the human body
Achilles tendon
Common sports injury due to high amount of pressure placed on it
Major difference observed to form the mammalian brain from the shark brain
Overgrowth of the telencephalon to from the marge cerebral hemispheres
How many cranial nerves does the amniote brain have
12 pairs
When the brain is removed from the skull, the outermost meninx ________ is usually left behind
Dura mater
Except in the vicinity of the pituitary gland where it appears as a tough white layer
Membranes of the brain
Dura mater
Pia mater
Arachnoid membrane
Subarachnoid space
Subarachnoid space is filled with what?
Cerebrospinal fluid to help cushion the brain
Parts of the mammalian telecephalon
-Cerebral hemispheres (cerebrum together)
-gyri and sulci
-corpus callosum: white band of fibers that connect two hemispheres
-fissure if Sylvius divided hemispheres into frontal and temporal lobes
-olfactory lobes (1) and olfactory tracts
The olfactory lives are sometimes treated as a separate region of the brain, known as ________. What does it do
The rhinencephalon
Revives the neurons from the olfactory epithelium which in mammals is housed on the turbinates of the ethmoid bone (Nasal conchae)
The entire superficial area of the cerebral hemispheres is an innovation and is termed the ______
Major integrating area of the brain
White and grey matter positions in amniotes and mammals
Grey matter is primarily internal
Grey matter to an external position-unlimited growth opportunity
Diencephalon parts of mammals
-Epithalamus (third ventricle)
-Pineal body (epiphysis)-endocrine effect on sexual development
-Optic chiasma (2)
-infundibulum suspends the hypophysis or pituitary gland
-lamina terminalis
-Anterior commissure connects to halves of diencephalon
-intermediate mass
Thalamus function and location
Lateral walls of diencephalon
Relay network between the cerebral hemispheres and the rest of the brain, spinal cord and cranial nerves
Hypothalamus with optic chiasma and hypophysis function
associative and integrating center for such visceral and autonomic functions as temperature control, sleep, breathing, eating, and water balance
Parts of the Mesencephalon
-Cerebral Peduncles with Oculomotor nerves (3)
-4 swellings: corpora quadrigemina (colliculi), paired trochlea r nerves (4)
-cerebral aqueduct
Cerebral aqua-duct
Connects the third and fourth ventricles
Parts of mesencephalon
The colliculi function
All that remain of optic lobes in mammals
Important in auditory and visual functions
Metencephalon parts
-Vermis (divides two hemispheres)
-Arbor vitae (white mass within cerebellum)
-Pons: posterior to medulla oblongata
-trigeminal nerves (5) arise from pons
Cerebellum function
Center of motor coordination and equilibrium functions
Myelenchephalon oarts
-Medulla oblongata
-abducens (6)
-facial (7)
-vestibulocochlear (8)
-glossopharyngeal (9)
-vagus (10)
New cranial nerves in mammals
Spinal accessory nerve (11)
-Supply certain neck and shoulder muscles. Origin nerve vagus nerve. Evolved from part of vagus.
Hypoglossal nerve (12)
-arises from ventral aspect of the medulla and innervates the muscles of the tongue and neck. Evolved from the hypobranchial nerve
Tela choroidea
Choroid Plexus
Roof of medulla
Together overlies the fourth ventricle of the brain.
Medulla serves as a relay station between the ______ and the ______
What does it not do….
Rest of the body
Many reflexes are handles between its nuclei- breathing, swallowing and rate of heartbeat.
The body cavity or coelom of the car is divided into 4 separate compartments:
The diaphragm divides the coelom into an anterior Thoracic cavity and a posterior abdominal cavity.
Thoracic cavity is divided into 3 smaller cavities: two are the pleural cavities each containing a lung. The third is the mediastinum which is the midline region between the pleural cavities. It contains the hearts and great blood vessels that enter and leave the heart.
The most obvious advancement we see in mammalian digestive system is the evolution of _________
Salivary glands
Food is manipulated within the mouth and broken down by teeth so the salivary glands act to moisten food and provide the initial chemical breakdown of starch and disaccharides via the enzyme amylase
Parotid gland and parotid duct
Sub maxillary gland
Sublingual gland
The first part of the sublingual duct is overlapped by the ________
Lymph nodes
Cat Stomach and parts
Pear-shaped and continuous with the esophagus
-pylori’s sphincter (opening to small intestine)
-greater curvature
-lesser curvature
Cat small intestine parts
The ileum ends at the junction with the __________
Large intestine (colon)
Cat large intestine parts
-cecum: larger in herbivores (ruminate with microorganisms)
-ascending Colon
-transverse Colon
-descending Colon
-rectum (opens to outside via anus)
Land vs water comparison-The Intestine
Shark-short intestine with spiral valve
Mammals-Longer intestine and needs to be folded over and over. Increased length allows for larger surface area for absorption. Finger-like projections in the gut wall known as villi also increase surface area for absorption.
Cat liver
-divided into right and left lives by a ligament, and each lobe is divided into a large lateral lobe and a small medial lobe .
-Small Quadrate love between the left medial and right medial lobes
-small triangle caudate lobe CNS be seen next to the right lateral lobe when you love the liver up.
Functions: store excess sugar, detoxifying harmful substances
The narrow end of the Gallbladder opens into the _____
Cystic duct
The ________ ducts from the liver join with the cystic ducts to form the ________
Common bile duct: delivers bile to the duodenum near the pyloric sphincter
Flat, elongated gland that bends sharply near its middle.
Consists of a body dorsal to the pyloric portion of the stomach and a head that lies concavity to the duodenum
Secretes digestive enzymes into the intestine to break down carbs, fat, and protein. Also secretes insulin and glucagon into the bloodstream.
Reddish-brown lymphatic organ
Production, degradation and storage of blood cells
New structure in mammals that closes over the glottis during swallowing
The partition separating the oral and nasal cavities is the _______
Palate consisting of the hard palate supported by bone and the soft palate without bone support
The mucosal surface of the hard palate there is a number of transverse ridges called palatine rugae.
Palatine tonsils near end of soft palate
The pharynx is the chamber that is common to both the _____ and _______ systems
What are its parts
-Ostium of the auditory tube (communicated with middle ear)
-glottis (opening into the larynx that is guarded by a small flap of cartilage use called the epiglottis.
Cartilaginous expansion of the draining end of the trachea near the base of the tongue that contains vocal cords.
Cat Tongue
Large, muscular organ in mammals that evolved from hypobranchial musculature. It is mobile and attached to the floor of the mouth by a frenulum. Dorsal portion is covered by small bumps called papillae that are rough
Papillae of the cat tongue
Filiform-conical, most numerous, middle of dorsum
Fungiform-mushroom, numerous, behind filifroms
Vallate-castle, about 12, near root
Foliate-Broad, Few, Root region
Bifurcates into the bronchi
Easily identified by a series of C-shaped tracheal cartilages which serve to strengthen its walls.
The Bronchi are supported by __________
A series of incomplete cartilages and undergo many subdivisions within the substance of the lung.
Cat Lung
Spongy organs in which respiratory exchange takes place. They are enclosed in the pleural cavities and are covered by the visceral pleura, a serous membrane. The parietal pleura lines the pleural cavities.
Right lungs consists of 4 lines and the left lung has 3.
Dome-shaped sheet of muscle that ventilates the lungs