Life in an Age of Globalization (1990 onwards) Flashcards
emergence of globalization
globalization is the emergence of a freer, more technologically connected global economy, accompanied by a worldwide exchange of cultural, political, and religious ideas.
new waves of legal and illegal immigration to Europe
in the 1990s most immigrants came from the former East bloc, later from Africa and most recently from the Middle East (many of them refugees).
economic possibilities were a major pull factor. asylum status for immigrants was made possible.
Maastricht treaty
the basis for the formation of the EU, which set financial and cultural standards for potential member states and defined criteria for membership in the monetary union.
civil war in Yugoslavia
people involved were Serbians with president Milosevic, Slovenians, Croatians, Albanians, Bosnians.
Decline of Russian economy
Russian leaders wanted to liven economy and opted for liberization at breakneck speed which backfired.
privatization resulted in powerful private monopolies and inflation ran rampant.
Oligarchs required immense wealth while majority of people saw their savings become worthless and living standards declining.
creation of EU
the economic, cultural, and political alliance of 28 European nations.
protest against WTO in Seattle
WTO, World Trade Organization, is a powerful supranational financial institution that sets trade and tariff agreements for over 150 member countries and so helps manage a large percentage of the world’s import-export policies. Like the IMF and the World Bank, the WTO promotes neoliberal policies around the world.
the protests was part of many of its kind and exemplified the antiglobalization movement.
Resurgence of Russian economy under Putin
maintained relatively liberal economic policies but reestablished semi-authoritarian political rule.
during his first two terms his domestic and foreign policies proved very popular.
9/11 terrorist attack on the US; war in Afghanistan begins
this attacked also heightened the Muslim question in Europe. war with Afghanistan largely started due to 9/11.
Euro replaces national currencies in Eurozone
Iraq War
largely caused by the 9/11 attack.
train bombings in Madrid by Islamic extremists
Young Muslims riot in France; subway bombing in London by Islamic extremists
worldwide financial crisis begins
ratification of treaty of Lisbon; young Muslims riot in France
start of the Arab Spring
a series of popular revolts in several countries in the Middle Eastand North Africa that sought an end to authoritarian, often pwestern-supported regimes.
Syrian civil war began with Putin backing al-Assad.
many refugees start to flood into Europe.
mass protests against government austerity plans Greece and Spain
France legalizes same-sex marriage
Russian Federation annexes Crimea; pro-Russian insurrection in eastern Ukraine
Putin claimed to help out Russian people and invaded to support pro0Russian rebels.
rise of the Islamic State
2014-2015 Islamic State (ISIS/ISIL) was a radical Islamist militia in control of substantial parts of central Syria and Iraq, where it applies an extremist version of shari'a law.
Greek debt crisis; EU immigration emergency
ethnic cleansing
the attempt to establish ethnically homogenous territories by intimidation, forced deportation, and killing.
color revolutions
a series of popular revolts and insurrections that challenged regional politicians and Russian interests in the former Soviet republics during the first decade of the 21st century.
non-governmental organizations are independent organizations with specific agendas, such as humanitarian aid or environment protection, that conduct international programs and activities.