Dictatorships and the Second World War (1919-1945) Flashcards
- Lenin’s policy to re-establish limited economic freedom in an attempt to rebuild agriculture and industry in the face of economic disintegration.
Mussolini gains power in Italy
rise to power was possible due to internal issues (poor population in the South and people with local interest over national, papal officials often in conflict with the state) that were heightened by WWI.
in October 1922 march to Rome by armed Fascists.
Mussolini seizes dictatorial powers
Mussolini prime minister originally but due to a new electoral law and the events that followed Matteotti’s murder he became a dictator.
Buildup of Nazi party in Germany
during his imprisonment after the Beer Hall Putsch, Hitler dictated “Mein Kampf”. this stated that Germans were a superior race and racial degenerates were threatening their pure bloodline. the Germans needed Lebensraum.
after the failed coup, Hitler realized he needed to gain power through electoral competition. the great depression, collapse of democratic government and division on the left helped the Nazis to gain popularity.
Stalin comes to power in USSR
won party favour agains Trotsky.
Stalin’s first Five-year plan
- the first five year plan was termed the “revolution from above” and aimed at modernizing the Soviet Union and creating a new communist society with new attitudes, new loyalties, and a new socialist humanity.
Lateran agreement; start of collectivization in USSR
an agreement that recognized that Vatican was an independent state, with Mussolini agreeing to give the Church heavy financial support in return for public support from the pope.
collectivization of agriculture was the forcible consolidation of individual peasant farms into large state-controlled enterprises in the Soviet Union under Stalin. it was unpopular and not very successful. industrialization went better.
Great Depression
Japan invades Manchuria
Famine in Ukraine
1932-1933. a man made famine that was a result of soviet policy (setting levels of grain deliveries at very high levels for Ukrainian collectives and refused to relax measures when starvation was reported).
Hitler appointed chancellor; Reichstag passes the Enabling Act and Hitler gets absolute dictatorial power
Nuremberg Laws deprive Jews of citizen rights
start of great purges under Stalin; Spanish Civil War begins
police terror and purging of the communist party. using Kirov’s murder as a reason Stalin launched a reign of terror to cleanse the party of supposed traitors and fascist spies. this solidified his own control. this also included two public show trials.
Japanese army invades China
Kristallnacht marks the beginning of more aggressive anti-Jewish policy in Germany
killing of Jews and destruction of their property.
Germany occupies Czech lands and invades western Poland; Britain and France declare war on Germany, starting WWII; USSR occupies eastern Poland
Germany defeats and occupies France; Battle fo Britain begins
in the Battle of Britain German planes attacked British airfields and key factories on day and night to gain air superiority. soon Hitler turned to bombing civilian targets.
Germany invades USSR; Japan attacks Pearl Harbor; USA enters the war
the systematic effort of the Nazi state to exterminate all European Jews and other groups deemed racially inferior during WWII.
Battle of Stalingrad
Allied invasion at Normandy
USSR and USA forces enter Germany; USA drops atomic bombs on Japans, WWII ends
Germany withdraws from the LoN
October 1933
Hitler announces German rearmament
in March 1935 going against the Treaty of Versialles. France and Britain warned against such actions promising aggressive responses but appeasement made that impossible.