life/conditions in trenches - for describe Flashcards
fear of death
men lived in constant fear of death. men who had never seen a dead body before lived in close proximaty to decomposing bodys.
what was the life expectancy of a 2nd lieutenant in the trenches
only 3 months
constant shelling was frightining and could destroy the mind and nervous system. men who suffered shell shock often lost controll of their limbs and would shake from head to toe
camaraderie and freindship
soldures became freinds by sharring experiances and livving so close to death they tried to support and protect one another. the conditions made a perminant impresion on all of the men
artilary shells destroyed drainage systems put in place by local farmers and as a result rain water did not drain away easily.
trench foot
a painfull infection developed by standing for hours in water logged trenches which caused the feet to gradually go numb then turn blue or red. if left untreated trench foot could result in amputation.
lice would spread and hide in the seems of soldures kilts and cause itchy sores around the neck, rists and ankles. lice also caused trench fever - a painfull disease which required recovary away from the trenches
maconochies stew
a company who won a contract with the british army.
the stew was described by soldures as edable when warm but a man killer when cold