Life And Death Flashcards
Why “he is risen “
What crown of thorns Jesus being given a crown of throne this was the solider way of mocking Jesus calling him “king of the Jews” the crown was full of jewel to show that Jesus was truly a son of god
How catholic will looks at the carving on the sarcophagus and this will give them hope that they too will have an enteral life with god after they die
Catholic funeral rite
A catholic funeral allows people to pray for their loved ones soul so that it reaches heaven with god
Why “I look forward forward to the resurrection of the dead”
How the funeral service gives the family an opportunity to be remember the life of there loved one to say goodbeye
Prayers for the dead
What the Catholic Church celebrates all souls. Day with masses on the 2 of November it is for all those who have died and not yet reached heaven
Why “ pray for us sinners now and at the hour of our death “ the Hail Mary prayer
How catholic will attend memorial masses for their loved ones who have died where they will continue to offer prayers for their souls in the hope that they are in peace with god
What is the Lord’s Prayer
It’s a prayer given by Jesus when his disciples asked him how they should pray
What is formulaic
These are prayers that are written down and have not changed through the history of the church like the Lord’s Prayer
What is extempore prayers
They are prayers that are said in the moment to match an individual idea or. Feelings at the time
How for prayers
Catholics will pray to continue to build and strengthen their relationship with god as well as thank god for all the wonderful things they have been blessed in in their lives
paschal candal
WHAT the cross is a symbol of Christian faith because the crucifixion made the resurrection possible Christs death was not the end but the beginning of eternal life
why I am the resurrection
how the paschal candle is always lit at the religious funeral of their relatives to show that Jesus is a light in dark times
what Jesus made Peter his disciple Peter the first pope or leader of the Catholic Church today the head of the Catholic Church is pope Francis
why and I tell you, you are Peter and on this rock I will build my church” Jesus to Peter when he was made the first pope
how catholic christians will lock to the teachings of the magisterium to fully understand the message of god in our modern day lives
humanist views on funerals
focus on the life and merits of the person
“for the one life we have”
favourite songs to remember the person not hymns
no afterlife so no reference in heaven
what is hymns
catholic sing hymns at mass as music can help to communicate beilefs which be hard to explain express such as the trinity\
he has risen
humanist views on funeral music
humanist normally chose to refle=x someone values y memories shared with loved ones which include wide rage of genres
humanist views on magisterium
humanist believe using logic and evidence instead of following religious beliefs
they think people should make they own moral decisions without an religious authority
Humanist views on Vatican II
They foucus on social justice
And human rights humanist believes in improving lives
Some humanist think the reform didn’t go far enough in challenging outdated beliefs
Humanist views on Vatican II
They foucus on social justice
And human rights humanist believes in improving lives
Some humanist think the reform didn’t go far enough in challenging outdated beliefs