Lichen Planus Overview Flashcards
What is lichen planus?
a chronic inflammatory condition affecting mucous membranes of the oral cavity
what can be the cause of lichen planus?
can be idiopathic or drug related
what are the types of oral lichen planus
Reticular (white lacy patches)
what are the histopathological signs of lichen planus/lichenoid reaction?
- Chronic inflammatory cell infiltrate
- Saw tooth rete ridges (extension of epithelium increasing surface area for adhesion)
- Basal cell damage
- Patchy acanthosis
- Parakeratosis
What viruses present in a patient can upregulate the immune response in Lichen planus?
Hepatitis C, Herpes Virus
What are some external triggers for a lichenoid reaction?
Some medications, AMALGAM restorations
whats thought to be the general causes of lichen planus
Genetic predisposition
physical & emotional stress
Injury to skin
Localised skin disease such as herpes zoster
Systemic viral infection (Hep C - modifying immune response)
- Contact allergy, such as amalgam fillings
- Drugs; ace inhibitors, b-blockers, quinine (anti malaria drug)
what are the general symptoms of lichen planus?
Usually none
Some symptoms relating to thinning of epithelium (sensitive to hot/spicy food, burning sensation in mucosa)
what other parts of the body can be included if a patient has lichen planus?
Skin, scalp, genitals, hair & nails
where are the main sites in the oral cavity that could experience lichen planus?
buccal mucosa
gingiva (desquamative gingivitis)
tongue - lateral aspect, dorsal
what is reticular lichen planus?
net like/spider web appearance on mucosa
what is gingival lichen planus?
Often termed desquamative gingivitis
Very erythematous appearance on gingivae
can be very patchy/more typical reticular pattern seen
Keeping good OH is very important to control it
hard to biopsy without damaging gingivae
what is tongue lichen planus?
dorsum - usually idiopathic (loss of papillae & smooth tongue surface)
lateral - may be amalgam induced, check position at rest
Easy biopsy site