Liabilities Flashcards


Conspiring to commit offence


Section 310, Crimes Act 1961
(1) Subject to the provisions of subsection (2) of this section, every one who conspires with any person to commit any offence, or to do or omit, in any part of the world, anything of which the doing or omission in New Zealand would be an offence, is liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 7 years if the maximum punishment for that offence exceeds 7 years’ imprisonment, and in any other case is liable to the
same punishment as if he had committed that offence

(3) Where under this section any one is charged with conspiring to do or omit anything anywhere outside New Zealand, it is a defence to prove that the doing or omission of the act to which the conspiracy relates was not an offence under the law of the place where it was, or was to be, done or omitted..

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Attempting to commit an offence


Crimes Act 1961
72 Definition of attempts
(1) Every one who, having an intent to commit an offence, does or omits an act for the purpose of accomplishing his object, is guilty of an attempt to commit the offence intended, whether in the circumstances it was possible to commit the offence or not

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Parties to offences


Section 66, Crimes Act 1961
(1) Every one is a party to and guilty of an offence who-
(a) Actually commits the offence; or
(b) Does or omits an act for the purpose of aiding any person to commit the
offence; or
(c) Abets any person in the commission of the offence; or
(d) Incites, counsels, or procures any person to commit the offence.

`(2) Where 2 or more persons form a common intention to prosecute any unlawful purpose,
and to assist each other therein, each of them is a party to every offence committed by
any one of them in the prosecution of the common purpose if the commission of that
offence was known to be a probable consequence of the prosecution of the common

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Accessory after the fact


Section 71, Crimes Act 1961
(1) An accessory after the fact to an offence is one who, knowing any person to have been a party to the offence, receives, comforts, or assists that person or tampers with or actively suppresses any evidence against him, in order to enable him to escape after
arrest or to avoid arrest or conviction.

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Section 246, Crimes Act 1961
(1) Every one is guilty of receiving who receives any property stolen or obtained by any other imprisonable offence, knowing that property to have been stolen or so obtained, or being reckless as to whether or not the property had been stolen or so obtained.

(3) The act of receiving any property stolen or obtained by any other imprisonable offence is complete as soon as the offender has, either exclusively or jointly with the thief or any other person, possession of, or control over, the property or helps in concealing or disposing of the property

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Sexual violation defined


Section 128, Crimes Act 1961
Sexual violation defined
(1) Sexual violation is the act of a person who—
(a) rapes another person; or
(b) has unlawful sexual connection with another person.

(2) Person A rapes person B if person A has sexual connection with person B, effected by the penetration of person B’s genitalia by person A’s penis,—
(a) without person B’s consent to the connection; and
(b) without believing on reasonable grounds that person B consents to the connection.

(3) Person A has unlawful sexual connection with person B if person A has sexual connection with person B—
(a) without person B’s consent to the connection; and
(b) without believing on reasonable grounds that person B consents to the connection.

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Assault with intent to commit sexual violation

Section 129(2) Crimes Act 1961
(2) Every one who assaults another person with intent to commit sexual violation of the other person is liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 10 years.
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Sexual conduct with a child


Section 132, Crimes Act 1961
Sexual conduct with child under 12
(1) Every one who has sexual connection with a child is liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 14 years.
(2) Every one who attempts to have sexual connection with a child is liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 10 years.
(3) Every one who does an indecent act on a child is liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 10 years.
(4) It is not a defence to a charge under this section that the person charged, believed that the child was of or over the age of 12 years.
(5) It is not a defence to a charge under this section that the child consented.
(6) In this section,—
(a) child means a person under the age of 12 years; and
(b) doing an indecent act on a child includes indecently assaulting the child.

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Sexual conduct with young person


Section 134, Crimes Act 1961
Sexual conduct with young person under 16
(1) Every one who has sexual connection with a young person is liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 10 years.
(2) Every one who attempts to have sexual connection with a young person is liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 10 years.
(3) Every one who does an indecent act on a young person is liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 7 years.
(4) No person can be convicted of a charge under this section if he or she was married to the young person concerned at the time of the sexual connection or indecent act concerned.
(5) The young person in respect of whom an offence against this section was committed cannot be charged as a party to the offence if the person who committed the offence was of or over the age of 16 years when the offence was committed.
(6) In this section,—
(a) young person means a person under the age of 16 years; and
(b) doing an indecent act on a young person includes indecently assaulting the young person.

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Indecent assault


Section 135, Crimes Act 1961
Indecent assault
Every one is liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 7 years who indecently assaults another person.

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(1) Sexual connection is incest if—
(a) it is between 2 people whose relationship is that of parent and child, siblings, half-siblings, or grandparent and grandchild; and
(b) the person charged knows of the relationship.

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Dishonestly Taking or Using a Document


Section 228 Crimes Act 1961

Every one is liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 7 years who, with intent to obtain any property, service, pecuniary advantage, or valuable consideration,—

(1) (a) dishonestly and without claim of right, takes or obtains any document; or
(1) (b) dishonestly and without claim of right, uses or attempts to use any document.

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Obtaining by Deception or Causing Loss by Deception


Section 240, Crimes Act 1961
Obtaining by deception or causing loss by deception
(1) Everyone is guilty of obtaining by deception or causing loss by deception who, by any deception and without claim of right,-
(a) obtains ownership or possession of, or control over, any property, or any privilege, service, pecuniary advantage, benefit, or valuable consideration, directly or indirectly; or
(b) in incurring any debt or liability, obtains credit; or
(c) induces or causes any other person to deliver over, execute, make, accept, endorse, destroy, or alter any document or thing capable of being used to derive a pecuniary advantage; or
(d) causes loss to any other person.

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Propensity Rule


Section 40, Evidence Act 2006
Propensity rule
(1) In this section and sections 41 to 43, propensity evidence—
(a) means evidence that tends to show a person’s propensity to act in a particular way or to have a particular state of mind, being evidence of acts, omissions, events, or circumstances with which a person is alleged to have been involved; but
(b) does not include evidence of an act or omission that is—
(i) 1 of the elements of the offence for which the person is being tried; or
(ii) the cause of action in the proceeding in question.

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Section 256, Crimes Act 1961

(1) Every one is liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 10 years who makes a false document with the intention of using it to obtain any property, privilege, service, pecuniary advantage, benefit, or valuable consideration.
(2) Every one is liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 3 years who makes a false document, knowing it to be false, with the intent that it in any way be used or acted upon, whether in New Zealand or elsewhere, as genuine.
(3) Forgery is complete as soon as the document is made with the intent described in subsection (1) or with the knowledge and intent described in subsection (2).
(4) Forgery is complete even though the false document may be incomplete, or may not purport to be such a document as would be binding or sufficient in law, if it is so made and is such as to indicate that it was intended to be acted upon as genuine

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Using Forged Documents


257 Using forged documents

(1) Every one is liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 10 years who, knowing a document to be forged, -
(a) uses, the document to obtain any property, privilege, service, pecuniary advantage, benefit, or valuable consideration; or
(b) uses, deals with, or acts upon the document as if it were genuine; or
(c) causes any other person to use, deal with, or act upon it as if it were genuine.

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Altering, concealing, destroying, or reproducing documents with intent to deceive


258 Altering, concealing, destroying, or reproducing documents with intent to deceive

(1) Every one is liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 10 years who, with intent to obtain by deception any property, privilege, service, pecuniary advantage, benefit, or valuable consideration, or to cause loss to any other person,—
(a) alters, conceals, or destroys any document, or causes any document to be altered, concealed, or destroyed; or
(b) makes a document or causes a document to be made that is, in whole or in part, a reproduction of any other document.

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Damaging or interfering with a computer system


Section 250, Crimes Act 1961
Damaging or interfering with a Computer System
(1) Every one is liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 10 years who intentionally or recklessly destroys, damages, or alters any computer system if he or she knows or ought to know that danger to life is likely to result.

(2) Every one is liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 7 years who intentionally or recklessly, and without authorisation, knowing that he or she is not authorised, or being reckless as to whether or not he or she is authorised,—
(a) damages, deletes, modifies, or otherwise interferes with or impairs any data or software in any computer system; or
(b) causes any data or software in any computer system to be damaged, deleted, modified, or otherwise interfered with or impaired; or
(c) causes any computer system to—
(i) fail; or
(ii) deny service to any authorised users.

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Accessing computer system without authorisation


Section 252, Crimes Act 1961
Accessing computer system without authorisation
(1) Every one is liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 2 years who intentionally accesses, directly or indirectly, any computer system without authorisation, knowing that he or she is not authorised to access that computer system, or being reckless as to whether or not he or she is authorised to access that computer system.

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Wounding with intent


Section 188, Crimes Act 1961
Wounding with intent
(1) Every one is liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 14 years who, with intent to cause grievous bodily harm to any one, wounds, maims, disfigures, or causes grievous bodily harm to any person.

(2) Every one is liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 7 years who, with intent to injure anyone, or with reckless disregard for the safety of others, wounds, maims, disfigures, or causes grievous bodily harm to any person.

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Injuring With Intent


Section 189, Crimes Act 1961
Injuring with intent
(1) Every one is liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 10 years who, with intent to cause grievous bodily harm to any one, injures any person.
(2) Every one is liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 5 years who, with intent to injure any one, or with reckless disregard for the safety of others, injures any person.

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Aggravated wounding or injury


Section 191, Crimes Act 1961
Aggravated wounding or injury
(1) Every one is liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 14 years who with intent—
(a) To commit or facilitate the commission of any imprisonable offence; or
(b) To avoid the detection of himself or of any other person in the commission of any imprisonable offence; or
(c) To avoid the arrest or facilitate the flight of himself or of any other person upon the commission or attempted commission of any imprisonable offence—
wounds, maims, disfigures, or causes grievous bodily harm to any person, or stupefies or renders unconscious any person, or by any violent means renders any person incapable of resistance.

(2) Every one is liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 7 years who, with any such intent as aforesaid, injures any person.

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Aggravated Assault


Aggravated Assault

(1) Every one is liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 3 years who assaults any other person with intent-
(a) To commit or facilitate the commission of any imprisonable offence; or
(b) To avoid the detection of himself or of any other person in the commission of any imprisonable offence; or
(c) To avoid the arrest or facilitate the flight of himself or of any other person upon the commission or attempted commission of any imprisonable offence.

(2) Every one is liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 3 years who assaults any constable or any person acting in aid of any constable, or any person in the lawful execution of any process, with intent to obstruct the person so assaulted in the execution of his duty..

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Discharging firearm or doing dangerous act with intent


Section 198, Crimes Act 1961
Discharging firearm or doing dangerous act with intent
(1) Every one is liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 14 years who, with intent to do grievous bodily harm,—
(a) Discharges any firearm, airgun, or other similar weapon at any person; or
(b) Sends or delivers to any person, or puts in any place, any explosive or injurious substance or device; or
(c) Sets fire to any property.

(2) Every one is liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 7 years who, with intent to injure, or with reckless disregard for the safety of others, does any of the acts referred to in subsection (1) of this section.

Using firearm against law enforcement officer
Section 198A, Crimes Act 1961 Using any firearm against law enforcement officer, etc (1) Every one is liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 14 years who uses any firearm in any manner whatever against any constable, or any traffic officer, or any prison officer, acting in the course of his or her duty knowing that, or being reckless whether or not, that person is a member of the Police or a traffic officer or a prison officer so acting. (2) Every one is liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 10 years who uses any firearm in any manner whatever with intent to resist the lawful arrest or detention of himself or herself or of any other person.]
Commission of an imprisonable offence with firearm
Section 198B, Crimes Act 1961 Commission of an Imprisonable Offence with firearm (1) Every one is liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 10 years who,— (a) In committing any imprisonable offence, uses any firearm; or (b) While committing any imprisonable offence, has any firearm with him or her in circumstances that prima facie show an intention to use it in connection with that imprisonable offence.
Section 234, Crimes Act 1961 Robbery (1) Robbery is theft accompanied by violence or threats of violence, to any person or property, used to extort the property stolen or to prevent or overcome resistance to its being stolen.
Aggravated robbery
Section 235, Crimes Act 1961 Aggravated robbery Every one is liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 14 years who— (a) robs any person and, at the time of, or immediately before or immediately after, the robbery, causes grievous bodily harm to any person; or (b) being together with any other person or persons, robs any person; or (c) being armed with any offensive weapon or instrument, or any thing appearing to be such a weapon or instrument, robs any other person.
Assault with intent to rob
Section 236, Crimes Act 1961 Assault with intent to rob (1) Every one is liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 14 years who, with intent to rob any person,— (a) causes grievous bodily harm to that person or any other person; or (b) being armed with any offensive weapon or instrument, or any thing appearing to be such a weapon or instrument, assaults that person or any other person; or (c) being together with any other person or persons, assaults that person or any other person. (2) Every one who assaults any person with intent to rob that person or any other person is liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 7 years
Section 237, Crimes Act 1961 Blackmail (1) Every one commits blackmail who threatens, expressly or by implication, to make any accusation against any person (whether living or dead), to disclose something about any person (whether living or dead), or to cause serious damage to property or endanger the safety of any person with intent— (a) to cause the person to whom the threat is made to act in accordance with the will of the person making the threat; and (b) to obtain any benefit or to cause loss to any other person.
Demanding with intent to steal, etc
Section 239, Crimes Act 1961 Demanding with intent to steal, etc (1) Every one is liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 14 years who, without claim of right, by force or with any threat, compels any person to execute, make, accept, endorse, alter, or destroy any document capable of conferring a pecuniary advantage with intent to obtain any benefit. (2) Every one is liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 7 years who, with menaces or by any threat, demands any property from any persons with intent to steal it.
Abduction for marriage or sexual connection
Section 208, Crimes Act 1961 Abduction for purposes of marriage or sexual connection Every one is liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 14 years who unlawfully takes away or detains a person without his or her consent or with his or her consent obtained by fraud or duress,— (a) with intent to marry him or her; or (b) with intent to have sexual connection with him or her; or (c) with intent to cause him or her to be married to or to have sexual connection with some other person.
Section 209, Crimes Act 1961 Kidnapping Every one is liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 14 years who unlawfully takes away or detains a person without his or her consent or with his or her consent obtained by fraud or duress,— (a) with intent to hold him or her for ransom or to service; or (b) with intent to cause him or her to be confined or imprisoned; or (c) with intent to cause him or her to be sent or taken out of New Zealand.
Abduction of young person under 16
Section 210, Crimes Act 1961 Abduction of young person under 16 (1) Every one is liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 7 years who, with intent to deprive a parent or guardian or other person having the lawful care or charge of a young person of the possession of the young person, unlawfully takes or entices away or detains the young person. (2) Every one is liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 7 years who receives a young person, knowing that he or she has been unlawfully taken or enticed away or detained with intent to deprive a parent or guardian or other person having the lawful care or charge of him or her of the possession of him or her.
Dealing legislation (drugs)
s6 Dealing with controlled drugs (1) Except as provided in section 8 of this Act, or pursuant to a licence under this Act, or as otherwise permitted by regulations made under this Act, no person shall— (a) Import into or export from New Zealand any controlled drug, other than a controlled drug specified or described in Part 6 of Schedule 3 to this Act ; or (b) Produce or manufacture any controlled drug; or (c) Supply or administer, or offer to supply or administer, any Class A controlled drug or Class B controlled drug to any other person, or otherwise deal in any such controlled drug; or (d) Supply or administer, or offer to supply or administer, any Class C controlled drug to a person under 18 years of age; or (e) Sell, or offer to sell, any Class C controlled drug to a person of or over 18 years of age; or (f) Have any controlled drug in his possession for any of the purposes set out in paragraphs (c), (d), or (e) of this subsection.
Equipment, material, and substances used in production or cultivation of controlled drugs
Section 12A Misuse of Drugs Act 1975 Equipment, material, and substances used in production or cultivation of controlled drugs (1) Every person commits an offence against this Act who supplies, produces, or manufactures— (a) Any equipment or material that is capable of being used in, or for, the commission of an offence against section 6(1)(b) or section 9 ; or (b) Any precursor substance— knowing that the equipment, material, or substance is to be used in, or for, the commission of an offence against those provisions. (2) Every person commits an offence against this Act who has in his or her possession— (a) Any equipment or material that is capable of being used in, or for, the commission of an offence against section 6(1)(b) or section 9 ; or (b) Any precursor substance— with the intention that the equipment, material, or substance is to be used in, or for, the commission of an offence against that provision. (3) Every person who commits an offence against this section is liable on conviction — (a) In the case of an offence against subsection (1), to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 7 years: (b) In the case of an offence against subsection (2), to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 5 years.
Section 267 Crimes Act 1961 Arson (1) Every one commits arson and is liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 14 years who— (a) intentionally or recklessly damages by fire or by means of any explosive any property if he or she knows or ought to know that danger to life is likely to ensue; or (b) intentionally or recklessly, and without claim of right, damages by fire or by means of any explosive any immovable property, or any vehicle, ship, or aircraft, in which that person has no interest; or (c) intentionally damages by fire or by means of any explosive any immovable property, or any vehicle, ship or aircraft, with intent to obtain any benefit, or to cause loss to any other person. (2) Every one commits arson and is liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 7 years who— (a) intentionally or recklessly, and without claim of right, damages by fire or by means of any explosive any property in which that person has no interest (other than property referred to in subsection (1)); or (b) intentionally or recklessly damages by fire or by means of any explosive any property (other than property referred to in subsection (1)) with intent to obtain any benefit, or with intent to cause loss to any other person. (3) Every one is liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 5 years who intentionally damages by fire or by means of any explosive any property with reckless disregard for the safety of any other property.
Attempted arson
Attempted arson Every one is liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 10 years who attempts to commit arson in respect of any immovable property or any vehicle, ship, or aircraft.
Homicide defined
158 Homicide defined | Homicide is the killing of a human being by another, directly or indirectly, by any means whatsoever.
Killing of a child
159 Killing of a child (1) A child becomes a human being within the meaning of this Act when it has completely proceeded in a living state from the body of its mother, whether it has breathed or not, whether it has an independent circulation or not, and whether the navel string is severed or not. (2) The killing of such child is homicide if it dies in consequence of injuries received before, during, or after birth.
Culpable homicide
160 Culpable homicide (1) Homicide may be either culpable or not culpable. (2) Homicide is culpable when it consists in the killing of any person— (a) By an unlawful act; or (b) By an omission without lawful excuse to perform or observe any legal duty; or (c) By both combined; or (d) By causing that person by threats or fear of violence, or by deception, to do an act which causes his death; or (e) By wilfully frightening a child under the age of 16 years or a sick person. (3) Except as provided in section 178 of this Act, culpable homicide is either murder or manslaughter. (4) Homicide that is not culpable is not an offence.
Murder defined
167 Murder defined Culpable homicide is murder in each of the following cases: (a) If the offender means to cause the death of the person killed: (b) If the offender means to cause to the person killed any bodily injury that is known to the offender to be likely to cause death, and is reckless whether death ensues or not: (c) If the offender means to cause death, or, being so reckless as aforesaid, means to cause such bodily injury as aforesaid to one person, and by accident or mistake kills another person, though he does not mean to hurt the person killed: (d) If the offender for any unlawful object does an act that he knows to be likely to cause death, and thereby kills any person, though he may have desired that his object should be effected without hurting any one.
Further definition of murder
168 Further definition of murder (1) Culpable homicide is also murder in each of the following cases, whether the offender means or does not mean death to ensue, or knows or does not know that death is likely to ensue: (a) If he means to cause grievous bodily injury for the purpose of facilitating the commission of any of the offences mentioned in subsection (2) of this section, or facilitating the flight or avoiding the detection of the offender upon the commission or attempted commission thereof, or for the purpose of resisting lawful apprehension in respect of any offence whatsoever, and death ensues from such injury: (b) If he administers any stupefying or overpowering thing for any of the purposes aforesaid, and death ensues from the effects thereof: (c) If he by any means wilfully stops the breath of any person for any of the purposes aforesaid, and death ensues from such stopping of breath.
178 Infanticide (1) Where a woman causes the death of any child of hers under the age of 10 years in a manner that amounts to culpable homicide, and where at the time of the offence the balance of her mind was disturbed, by reason of her not having fully recovered from the effect of giving birth to that or any other child, or by reason of the effect of lactation, or by reason of any disorder consequent upon childbirth or lactation, to such an extent that she should not be held fully responsible, she is guilty of infanticide, and not of murder or manslaughter, and is liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 3 years.
Conspiracy to murder
175 Conspiracy to murder (1) Every one is liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 10 years who conspires or agrees with any person to murder any other person, whether the murder is to take place in New Zealand or elsewhere. (2) For the purposes of this section, the expression To murder includes to cause the death of another person out of New Zealand in circumstances that would amount to murder if the act were committed in New Zealand.
Duty to provide the necessaries and protect from injury
151 Duty to provide the necessaries and protect from injury (1) Every one who has actual care or charge of a person who is a vulnerable adult and who is unable to provide himself or herself with necessaries is under a legal duty— (a) to provide that person with necessaries; and (b) to take reasonable steps to protect that person from injury
Duty of parent or guardian to provide necessaries and protect from injury
152 Duty of parent or guardian to provide necessaries and protect from injury (1) Every one who is a parent, or is a person in place of a parent, who has actual care or charge of a child under the age of 18 years is under a legal duty— (a) to provide that child with necessaries; and (b) to take reasonable steps to protect that child from injury.
Duty of employers to provide necessaries
153 Duty of employers to provide necessaries (1) Every one who as employer has contracted to provide necessary food, clothing, or lodging for any servant or apprentice under the age of 16 years is under a legal duty to provide the same, and is criminally responsible for omitting without lawful excuse to perform such duty if the death of that servant or apprentice is caused, or if his life is endangered or his health permanently injured, by such omission.
Abandoning a child
154 Abandoning child under 6 Every one is liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 7 years who unlawfully abandons or exposes any child under the age of 6 years.
Killing by influence on the mind
163 Killing by influence on the mind No one is criminally responsible for the killing of another by any influence on the mind alone, except by wilfully frightening a child under the age of 16 years or a sick person, nor for the killing of another by any disorder or disease arising from such influence, except by wilfully frightening any such child as aforesaid or a sick person.
Aiding and abetting suicide
179 Aiding and abetting suicide Every one is liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 14 years who— (a) Incites, counsels, or procures any person to commit suicide, if that person commits or attempts to commit suicide in consequence thereof; or (b) Aids or abets any person in the commission of suicide
Suicide pact
180 Suicide pact (1) Every one who in pursuance of a suicide pact kills any other person is guilty of manslaughter and not of murder, and is liable accordingly. (2) Where 2 or more persons enter into a suicide pact, and in pursuance of it one or more of them kills himself, any survivor is guilty of being a party to a death under a suicide pact contrary to this subsection and is liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 5 years; but he shall not be convicted of an offence against section 179 of this Act. (3) For the purposes of this section the term suicide pact means a common agreement between 2 or more persons having for its object the death of all of them, whether or not each is to take his own life; but nothing done by a person who enters into a suicide pact shall be treated as done by him in pursuance of the pact unless it is done while he has the settled intention of dying in pursuance of the pact.
Concealing dead body of child
181 Concealing dead body of child Every one is liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 2 years who disposes of the dead body of any child in any manner with intent to conceal the fact of its birth, whether the child died before, or during, or after birth
Defences for children are set out in s21 and s22 of the Crimes Act 1961.
21 Children under 10 (1) No person shall be convicted of an offence by reason of any act done or omitted by him when under the age of 10 years. 22 Children between 10 and 14 (1) No person shall be convicted of an offence by reason of any act done or omitted by him when of the age of 10 but under the age of 14 years, unless he knew either that the act or omission was wrong or that it was contrary to law
23 Insanity (1) Every one shall be presumed to be sane at the time of doing or omitting any act until the contrary is proved. (2) No person shall be convicted of an offence by reason of an act done or omitted by him when labouring under natural imbecility or disease of the mind to such an extent as to render him incapable— (a) Of understanding the nature and quality of the act or omission; or (b) Of knowing that the act or omission was morally wrong, having regard to the commonly accepted standards of right and wrong.
Ignorance of law
25 Ignorance of law | The fact that an offender is ignorant of the law is not an excuse for any offence committed by him.
24 Compulsion (1) Subject to the provisions of this section, a person who commits an offence under compulsion by threats of immediate death or grievous bodily harm from a person who is present when the offence is committed is protected from criminal responsibility if he believes that the threats will be carried out and if he is not a party to any association or conspiracy whereby he is subject to compulsion
Self-defence and defence of another
48 Self-defence and defence of another Every one is justified in using, in the defence of himself or another, such force as, in the circumstances as he believes them to be, it is reasonable to use.