Crime Scene Investigation 3 Flashcards
Having identified relevant communities, the OC Investigation should consider directing
resources toward identifying witnesses within these settings. These methods may be
- Viewing CCTV
- Media releases and appeals
- Area canvass
- Interviews with victims and other witnesses
- Suspect interviews
- Anniversary appeals
- Road check points.
Depending on available resources, initial enquiries might be confined to certain areas, such as within line of sight and earshot of these locations
- Place where the victim was last seen alive
- Place where initial contact with suspect took place
- Place where victim was assaulted
- Murder site
- Body deposition site
Preliminary witness interviews
On some occasions it may be necessary to conduct a prompt, preliminary interview with a witness who possesses information or material that is likely to rapidly progress the investigation, ie. information that may lead to:
• early identification or arrest of a suspect
• recovery of evidence or information relevant to the offence
• prevention of the imminent disposal or destruction of evidence connected to the
• prevention of the commission of other offences
During preliminary witness interviews, care must be taken not to contaminate thewitness’s recall of the events, as they will be formally interviewed at a later stage. The
preliminary interview should be:
• conducted in accordance with the Police Manual chapter ‘Investigative Interviewing
Witness Guide’
• limited to using appropriate open ‘TEDS’ questions
• framed to elicit a brief account of the events witnessed
Initial witness assessment
Before any formal interview is conducted, the investigator must make an assessment of the witness. The assessment should consider how the witness interview should be conducted, and enable the investigation team to identify:
• whether due to the personal characteristics of the witness or the circumstances of the
offending, the witness requires special consideration
• availability of the witness
• any needs the witness has for special assistance
• the optimum approach to be taken with the witness.
The nominated interviewing officer and their OC Phase should collectively develop and record a witness interview plan. The witness interview plan normally covers
- the time and location of the interview
- the amount of information to be disclosed to the interviewer
- setting interview objectives
- supporting the interview,
- the structure of the interview
Executing search warrants
On executing a search warrant:
- establish the strategy for the search with the OC Investigation
- ensure a current legal authority exists for the search to be conducted,
- arrange for a photographer and Fingerprint Officer to attend the place being searched
- ensure the OC Exhibits attends the place being searched
- search property and vehicles
- assess all the evidence found and ascertain its relevance
- photograph all evidence in situ before you seize it
- consider arranging for evidence to be examined for fingerprints before it is seized
Medical examination
The OC Suspects will arrange, in consultation with the OC Investigation, for a Police doctor to examine the suspect. The doctor must:
• note any injuries, such as scratches or bruises
• take samples identified as necessary by the OC Investigation using a specialist Medical Examination Kit
• swab the suspect’s hands for firearms residue
• provide a professional opinion regarding the condition of the suspect.
Record explanations or comments made by the suspect about the offence or cause of injuries
Obtain identifying details
To confirm the identity of the suspect:
- obtain from the suspect: fingerprints, footprints, palm prints, and blood for DNA
- arrange photographs of the suspect
- obtain samples of the suspect’s handwriting, where relevant
- record a physical description of the suspect
- record details for the offender report.
Responsibilities of OC area canvass
Ensure the area canvass is conducted thoroughly and recorded accurately.
Ensure the team remains focused and that the canvass results in efficient use of resources and relevant and manageable information
Purpose of the Reconnaissance
Conduct an appreciation and set the parameters and objects of the canvas. This will also provide a clear perspective of the area
Getting ready for an area canvass - Identifying witnesses
People residing or working in the area may have relevant information. These witnesses may be peripheral or significant to the investigation and may include people who have witnesses
events connected to an incident under investigation
sightings of the victim or offender before or after the event
sightings of other potential witnesses
sighting of relevant property or vehicles.
In conjunction with OC investigation delevop and area canvass strategy addressing:
area canvass objectives location parameters time parameters risk assessment identifying suspect/person of interest resources use of questionairs
During the canvass fully brief staff covering the following
Summarise the situation and detail the duties and ares of responsibility of each team member
Emphansise the need for thoroughness and that every person in every household as well as visitors must be seen personally
Stress the questionnaire is only a guide to ensure the questions are asked, but should be regarded as flexible
Evidence of possible probative value is to be obtained by way of FWS
Provide guidance on what action staff should take if they: locate evidence or encounter individuals who refuse to assist
Expectations for how correspondence is to be completed
What information can and cant be disclosed
To conduct an appreciation follow the following steps
Aim, Factors, Courses Open, Plan
Graduated Response Model
Bronze - the basic level of response every victim should receive
Silver - it is appropriate to give an additional response - face to face visit, focusing on crime prevention - separate to the initial reporting of the offence
Gold - Highest level of response - develop and implement a Victim Intervention Plan
What are the colour codes for victims
What is a commanders intent
This is what you are tasked to do or what the situation may require of you. What the desired end state or outcome will be.
What are commanders limitations
A constraint given to you by the commanders intent or out of the information you have received.
Eg- conduct search warrant with only 3 staff to assist