Induction Lists Flashcards
Before taking an exhibit make sure the finder has:
Correctly preserved exhibit
Assign exhibit a unique number from the allocated range
Label the exhibit with a unique number and OP name
Labelled package and sealed exhibit in accordance with SOP
Correctly recorded exhibit on exhibit schedule
O/C Exhibits
Receiving exhibits
Ensure exhibit is labelled by finder with exhibit schedule
Deliver exhibit for analysis / examination
Consult 2IC regarding relevance and further enquires
Record exhibit in exhibit register
Ensure exhibit is uniquely numbered
Ensure security and continuity maintained
Prepare exhibit for court
Securing exhibit
Initial Action – Arrival
CRAPVISITS Communicate with COMMS Record common approach path Approach scene with radios and equipment Park in a clear safe area Vehicle leaving / record registration /stop it Informant - locate them Sitrep (early) Is there any interference with the scene Time of arrival Stop, look, listen to what is happening
Initial Action -Dead Victim
CORPSE Call Ambulance Obtain life extinct form Record body position / injuries Person's identity established Sketch and photograph Early update to O/C investigation
What to tell arriving CIB members
TWWW The situation What has been done What is being done What needs to be done immediately
Initial Action – Enroute
IRIP Information from COMMS Roles and responsibilities Inform Plan
Initial Action – Offender
CRIMS Conduct Search (S&S) Record admissions / routes taken Interview Make notes of demenour and condition Separate and isolate
Initial Action – Victims
FIRSTAID First Aid Injuries Record and photograph Scene - victim Take DNA Accompany to hospital Interview Dying declaration
Preserve life
Prevent further harm
Prelim interview
Minimising contamination risks
PRE SOAK NP Preserve and control the scene Records of personal attending and examining Ensure exhibit integrity Stepping plates Obtain elimination foot / finger prints and DNA Avoid examining associated crimes scenes Keep scene activity and seizure records Use protective clothing Use new and clean packaging material
Scene Examination - Objectives of a crime scene examination
Defences excluded
Establish if offence committed
Corraborate witness and victim accounts
Identify the suspect and establish contact with the scene
Establish offence key elements for basis of enquiry
Verify admissions and confessions
Exonerate innocent
Identify people associated with scene
Corroborate or exclude the other evidence relating to the offence
Actions prior to attending the scene
CLASSES Cordons have been set up Legal requirements Additional O/C appointed - scene, body etc Specialists have been contacted Staff members have been briefed Equipment sent or requested Sufficient staffing
Scene responsibilites - O/C
Stategy for examination
Control / freeze / guard / preserve the scene / ensuring it is safe
Exhibit over seen (uplifting / inspecting / delivering)
ReleveNt exhibits in Court
Experts / photos and finger prints arranged
Communication between scene and O/C investigation
Reconnaissance and reconstruction
Approach / Common approach path
Brief staff of duties
Overseeing the crime scene examination
Scene strategy
PARCELS Placement of hot, warm or cold zones Any specialists required Recording system to be used (exhibit schedule) Contamination protection methods Exhibit handling (security / packaging etc) Likelihood of evidence deteriorating Starting place
Definition - Scene Reconnaissance
A reconnaissance is the preliminary or survey made to get an overall picture of the scene without disturbing the evidence
Purpose of Reconnaissance
Preliminary reconstruction
A plan of action
Steps of a reconnaissance
Gather INFORMATION Create a COMMON APPROACH path SKETCH the scene NOTE anything - weather / forensic Reconsider scene BOUNDARIES Consider HOT / WARM / COLD zones
What are OC body responsibilities
death has been certified by a doctor
• maintain security and continuity of the body,
• secure and guard the body, body samples and any exhibits relating to the body
• note and record observations relating to the body
• note details of medical staff or others who have attended the victim
• record what actions have been taken by any party in respect of the body
• establish if the body has been moved or disturbed
• ensure the body is photographed ‘in situ’
• arrange transportation of the body to the mortuary
• complete sudden death procedures
• arrange formal identification
• obtain historical medial records of victim for information of pathologist
• attend the post-mortem examination with the OC Investigation
• ensure all cultural responsibilities have been addressed
Scene guard responsibilites
Secure scene Record details Control movements Record movements Brief others Avoid disturbance Protect scene Brief replacement Respect security Demonstrate courtesy Inform others