Level 3 Lesson 7 - Linking Verbs Flashcards
비가 와서 못 가요
It is raining, so I cannot go.
비가 와서 못 갔어요.
It rained, so I could not go.
오늘은 바빠서 영화를 못 봐요.
I am busy today, so I cannot see the movie.
만나서 반갑습니다.
I met you, so I am glad. / It is nice to meet you.
만나서 반가워요.
I am pleased to meet you. (Less formal than the sentence above)
공원에 가서 책을 읽을 거예요.
I am going to go to the park and read a book.
* Note: This does NOT mean “I am going to the park, so I am going to read a book.”
친구를 만나서 밥을 먹었어요.
I met a friend, and (we) ate together.
* This sentence COULD mean that you met a friend, so you ate together. In most cases, however, it means that you met a friend THEN ate together after you met up with him/her.
친구를 만나서 밥을 먹을 거예요.
I am going to meet a friend, and (we will) eat together.
돈을 모아서 뭐 할 거예요?
What are you going to do with the money you save up? (lit. You save up money and what will you do?)
케이크를 사서 친구한테 줄 거예요.
I am going to buy a cake to/and give it to a friend.
-에 따라서
according to ~
계획에 따라서 진행하겠습니다 [gye-hoe-ge tta-ra-seo jin-haeng-ha-get-sseum-ni-da.]
= I will proceed according to the plan.
예를 들어서
for example
예를 들어서, 이렇게 할 수 있어요
= For example, you can do it like this.
한국에 가서 뭐 할 거예요?
After you go to Korea, what are you going to do?
서울에 와서 좋아요.
Since I came to Seoul, I am glad.
= I am glad to have come to Seoul.
술을 너무 많이 마셔서 머리가 아파요.
I drank too much, so my head is aching.