Level 2 Lesson 4 Flashcards
이거하고 이거
This and this
이거하고 이거 주세요
This and this, please
우유랑 빵
Milk and bread
빵이랑 우유
Bread and milk
우유하고 빵
Milk and bread
빵하고 우유
Bread and milk
우유랑 빵 샀어요
I bought milk and bread
빵하고 우유 샀어요
I bought bread and milk
친구하고 영화 봤어요
I watched a movie with a friend
누구랑 갔어요?
Who did you go with?
Together, with
친구하고 같이 영화 봤어요
I watched a movie with a friend
누구랑 같이 갔어요?
Who did you go with?
동생하고 공부할 거예요
I am going to study with my younger sibling
선생님하고 밥을 먹을 거예요
I will eat a meal with my teacher
내일 선생님하고 경복궁에 갈 거예요
I will go to Gyeongbok Palace with my teacher
어제 홍대하고 신촌에 갔어요
Yesterday I went to Hongdae and Sincheon
여행 누구랑 갔다 왔어요?
Who did you go on a trip with?
가족들이랑 갔다 왔어요
I went on a trip with my family
어디로 갔다 왔어요
Where did you go to?
보라카이로 갔다 왔어요
I went to Boracay
김밥이랑/하고 라면 좋아해요
I like Kimbab and Ramyeon
동생이랑/하고 스케이트장 갈 거예요
I will go ice skating with my younger sibling
노트랑/하고 펜 가지고 오세요
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