Level 3 Lesson 1 - Too much, Very Flashcards
too (much), excessively, very, quite
너무 커요.
It is too big.
너무 비싸요.
It is too expensive.
너무 빨라요.
It is too fast.
너무 어려워요.
It is too difficult.
너무 시끄러워요.
It is too noisy.
소연 씨 너무 커요.
Soyeon, you are too tall.
이거 너무 비싸요.
This is too expensive.
말이 너무 빨라요.
(Someone) speaks too fast.
한국어 너무 어려워요.
The Korean language is too difficult.
여기 너무 시끄러워요.
It is too noisy here.
너무 맛있어요.
It is really tasty.
너무 좋아요.
It is really good.
= I am really happy about it.
너무 잘했어요.
It is really well done.
= You did such a good job.
너무 멋있어요.
It is really cool.
= It looks awesome.
이 피자 너무 맛있어요.
This pizza is really tasty.
이거 너무 좋아요.
I really like this.
석진 씨, 너무 잘했어요.
Seokjin, you did a really great job.
저 모델 너무 멋있어요!
That model is really cool!
너무 더워요.
It is too hot.
= It is very hot.
너무 졸려요.
I am too sleepy.
= I am very sleepy.
너무 바빠요.
I am too busy.
= I am very busy.
너무 보고 싶어요.
I miss you/him/her/them so much.