Level 2 - Health and safety Flashcards
N1. Can you advise upon CDM 2015?
CDM aims to improve health and safety in the industry by:
- sensibly plan the work so the risks involved are managed from start to finish
- have the right people for the right job at the right time
- cooperate and coordinate your work with others
- have the right information about the risks and how they are being managed
- communicate this information effectively to those who need to know
- consult and engage with workers about the risks and how they are being managed
N2. What is the aim of the Construction (Design and management) Regulations?
• The aim of the CDM regulations is to ensure Health & Safety is considered throughout the entire project process, from conception all the way through the maintenance and demolition.
N3. What are the requirements for a project to be notified to the HSE?
- Over 500 person days.
- Over 30 working days and over 20 operatives on site at any one time.
N4. What are the Client responsibilities under CDM?
- Welfare Facilities are provided.
- The Principal Designer and Principle Contract Carry out their duties.
- The all duty holders are appointed, i.e. Principal Designer and Principal Contractor.
- Provide the Principle Designer with the Pre-construction information.
- Ensure that minimum health and safety standards are maintained on site.
- Ensure that the Construction Phase health and safety plan is drawn up by the Principal Designer.
N5. What are the Principal Designers Responsibilities under CDM?
- Plan and Manage health and safety during the pre-construction phase of the project through designing out risks.
- Identify, eliminate or control all foreseeable risks through design.
- Ensure designers carry out their duties.
- Liaise with the Contractor to help them plan, manage, monitor and coordinate health and safety in the construction phase.
- Prepare and provide relevant information to other duty holders.
N6. What are the Principal Contractors Duties under CDM?
- Plan and manage the Construction Phase.
- Prepare a Construction Phase Plan.
- Ensure there are site inductions.
- Reasonable steps are taken to prevent unauthorised access.
- Welfare facilities are provided.
- Ensure that suitable site conditions are provided.
N7. What is the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974?
• The Primary piece of legislations covering occupational health and safety in the UK.
N8. What is the aim of the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974?
- To secure the Health, safety and wellbeing of all people at work.
- To protect people against risks from work activities.
N9. What does the Management of Health and Safety at Work act 1999 do?
• Placed a duty on employers to assess and manage risks to their employees and others, arising from work activities.
N10. How do employers manage the health and safety of their employers, as per the Management of health and Safety at Work Act 1999?
- Through the Risk Assessments and Method Statements.
- Ensuring that employees understand THEIR obligations relating to their health and safety.
N11. What is a Risk Assessment?
• A Risk Assessment is a systematic examination of tasks, examining the likeliness they will occur, and the impact they will have.
N12. What do you consider when writing a Risk Assessment?
- Identify all risks.
- Determine who might be harmed by the identified risk.
- Evaluate the risk and decide on precautions.
- Record your findings
- Review your risk assessment and update if necessary.
N13. What is a Method Statement?
• A document detailing how a particular task or activity will be carried out. It should detail the possible risks/dangers, and the methods of control established to show how the work will be managed safely.
N14. What do you need to do before producing a Risk Assessment?
• First you need to carry out a Risk Assessment to identify the risks.
N15. What goes into a Method Statement?
- Working systems to be used.
- Arrangements for access.
- Arrangements for protecting the safety of members of the public.
- Plant and Equipment to be used.
- Procedures to ensure compliance with CDM Regulations etc.
- Procedures to prevent local pollution.
N16. What are the three main types of Asbestos?
- White, real name = Chrysotile.
- Brown, real name = Amosite.
- Blue, real name = Chrocidolite.
N17. When was each banned in the UK?
- White was banned in 1999.
- Brown was banned in 1985.
- Blue was banned in 1985.
N18. What is the main regulation covering asbestos?
• The Control of Asbestos Regulation 2008.
N19. What does this Act impose on employers?
- A duty to manage asbestos on the premises.
- Employers must undertake a Risk Assessment before commencing work around asbestos.
- They must produce a plan of works detailing how the work is due to be carried out.
- Prevent and reduce worked exposure to Asbestos.
N20. What is asbestos?
• A fibrous form of natural material, that doesn’t rot, is insoluble and non-flammable.
N21. What was asbestos used as?
- Insulation
- Ceiling Tiles
- Roof Sheets
- Lagging on boilers and pipework
- Floor Tiles
N22. When must a Licensed Contractor be used to remove asbestos?
- When there is high exposure to asbestos.
- When the Risk Assessment cannot clearly demonstrate control.
- When there are asbestos coated materials, such as when removing asbestos sprayed coatings and works that will disturb asbestos pipe lagging.
N.24 When must the HSE be notified regarding Asbestos?
- All licensed work must be notified to the HSE.
- Non-licensed work such as the removal of asbestos cement products where the product is substantially damaged.
- Removal of asbestos insulation boards.
- Large scale removal of asbestos.
N25. What survey would you undertake prior to demolishing an existing building?
• A Refurbishment and Demolition Survey.
N26. What does a Refurbishment and Demolition Survey do?
• It should identify all asbestos containing materials within an existing building.
N27. What other surveys do you know that relate to asbestos?
• Management Survey.
N28. What does an Asbestos Survey do?
• It will identify all existing all asbestos within a premises, by providing information about the location, amount, condition and type of Asbestos Containing Material.
N29. How do you dispose of Asbestos Waste?
- It should be placed in suitable packaging to prevent fibres being released.
- It should be sent to a licensed disposal site.
N30. What is the Health and Safety Executive?
- A national independent watchdog for work-related health, safety and illness.
- It acts in the public interest to reduce work-related death and serious injury across Great Britain.
N31. Does the RICS publish any guidance on Health and Safety for a Surveyor?
- Yes, Surveying Safely, which was updated to its second version effective November 2018
- See ‘Surveying safely: health and safety principles for property professionals’ November 2018
N32. What is covered in ‘Surveying Safely’ guidance note?
- Personal and Corporate responsibilities.
- Relevance to RICS professional groups
- Assessing hazards and risks
- RICS members’ places of work
- Occupational hygiene and health
- Visiting premises or sites
- Fire safety
- Residential property surveying
- General procurement and management of contractors
N33. What should you do if attending a derelict site by yourself?
- Carry out a pre-assessment of the likely hazards on the site.
- Consider how you are going to travel to and from the site.
- Take the appropriate PPE
- Tell others you are going to site and the likely time you will return.
- Assess the condition of the site, if unsafe do not enter.
- Assess if the site is occupied, if so you may have to inform them of your visit.
- Is there the likeliness of any Dangerous substances, COSHH etc.
- Only enter if there is no risk to your safety and wellbeing.
3.8 What would you do if you saw an unsafe practice on site?
Stop the unsafe practice immediately and pick up withsite manager.
3.10 Where you may find asbestos:
- Ceiling voids – sprayed asbestos lagging or coating to structural members for fire protection.
- Pipework – sprayed asbestos or lagging tied round pipework for insulation and fire protection.
- Ceiling boards or boards applied to doors for fireproofing – Asbestos Insulating Boards (Asbestolux)
- Roof Coverings – asbestos cement roofing.
- Water tanks may be made from asbestos cement.
- Floor tiles.
- Fire doors – may contain Asbestos Insulating Board for fire proofing.
3.11 What are the current regulations for asbestos?
Control of Asbestos Regulations (2012).
• Prohibits the importation, supply and use of all forms of asbestos.
• Places a duty of care on the ‘duty holder’ to undertake an assessment to find out if any asbestos is present within their building.
• The duty holder can be a building owner, occupier or manager.
• Asbestos inspections must be conducted annually or if there are any changes e.g. refurbishment or demolition works, and the assessment reviewed and updated to ensure continuous monitoring of the condition of any asbestos containing materials.
3.12 What types of asbestos survey are there?
Management Survey
• Required during normal occupation and use of the building to ensure continued management of the ACM’s in situ.
• A visual inspection which specifies types of material that should be sampled.
Refurbishment and Demolition Survey
• Fully intrusive survey undertaken when the building is to be upgraded, refurbished or demolished.
• Full sampling programme undertaken.