Inclusive environments Flashcards
What do you think inclusive environments is?
- Designing Buildings and spaces which are accessable to all and if done propertly will not add cost.
- Aims to enable everyone to participate
- Creating an environment that everyone want to be in to help productivity
What is diversity of user needs?
- Community - Accessability
- Healthy buildings - Promote pleasant environments
- Sound - Is there too much sound from building works etc
- Movement/accessibility / vibration - How to move around a buiilding. Vibration from plant machinery
- Environment/space/working experience - Space, occupancy levels
- Light - natural light for working conditions
- Water - testing/quality
- Indoor enronmental quality
- Thermal comfort, heat, CO2 and fresh air - Not too hot or cold, air conditioning
- Effects wellbeing/productivity - Good wellbeing creates better productivity
- Nourishment/food - Canteen service within the building
- Amenities -
- Mind, beauty, design - Asthetics of the building
- Occupancy
- Monitoring and measuring performance of the environment
What local planning policies are relevant?
- National Planning Policy Framework - Seciton 8 ‘promoting health and safey communities’
- NPPF included within local plans
- Equality impact assessments should be compelted by LAs
What buildiing regulations are relevant?
- Part B - Fire Safety (Requirements, spaces, safe zones)
- Part K - Protection from falling, collision, impact
- Part M - Access & use of buildiings - Door widths, stairss, access for disabled people
What are relevant health and safety issues?
- Diversity & equality (inclusivity reduces stress)
- Provision for Vulnerable employees (disabled, young, pregnant etc)
- Wayfinding for non-english speaking workers or those with visual imparements
- Design for future proofing buildings with aging population
What is the difference between ethical issues and legal requirements?
Legal - what you must do
Ethical - what you should do.
Don’t have legaly have to wear a face mask, but you should.
What best practice is out there?
- RICS website info on Diversity & Inclusion
- BSI - British Standards (eg BS8300)
- Building regulations (eg Doc M)
- Design Council - Inclusive environments
- CABE - Principles of inclusive design
- Construction Industry Council - Essential Principles Guide
- Department for transport - Design Standards for Accessible Railway Stations
How can you make a working environment more inclusive?
- Level floor levels
- Wide doors and corridors to accommodate wheechairs
- Hearing loops
- Lifts for upper floors
- Decoration defining doors and floors for visually impared and those iwth dementia
- Sit/stand desk options
- Accessible or changing place toilets
- Signange that those who cannot read enlish can understand
- Compelte equality impact assessment
Why create Inclusive environments?
- To help tackling social disadvantages
- To help economic inequality
- Social cohesion
- Future proof for aging population
- Health inequalities - reducing stress and increasing productivity
Can you name the 9 protected characteristics of The Equility Act 2010?
- Age
- Disability
- Gender Reassignment
- Marriage and Ciivil Partnership
- Pregnancy and Maternity
- Race
- Religion and/or belief
- Sex
- Sexual Orientation
What is a resonable adjustment within the Equality Act?
A change to remove or reduce the effect of an employee’s disability so they can do their job.
Example - providing the correct telephone for hearing aid user.
Providing more frequent breaks to someone with diabetes.
What does the National Planning Policy Framework 2019 do/state?
- Sets out the Governments planning policy for England
Identifies the need for planning policies that are:
- Safe
- Inclusive
- Accessible
- and Promote health and Well-being
- Sets a benchmark for local pans
What does Part M of the Approved Document state:
- If provides minimum functional requirements to be met relating to accessibility.
- These include size of door opening for wheelchair access
- Size of lift.
- The size and gradiant of pathways
What are five key principles of Inclusive Design?
People first
- Plces people at the heart of the design process by iinvolving as many people as possible on the design
Diversity & Difference
- Acknowledges diversity and difference
- Inclusive desiign offers choice
- Inclusive design provides flexibility in use
Positive experience
- Inclusive design provides environments that are convenient and enjoyable to use for everyone
What is the four stage process for inclusive design?
- Vision
- Design
- Construction
- In-use
Relevant inclusivity legislation
- Equality Act 2010
- The Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974