Level 10 Flashcards
얼굴이 낯이 익다
To look familiar
어디서 많이 본 얼굴이다
To look familiar
얼굴이 까맣게 타다
To have a tan on one’s face
얼굴에 쓰여 있다
To be written all over one’s face
얼굴을 붉히다
To blush
To be angry
To make something turn red
얼굴만 내밀다
To just say hi
To stick out
아는 얼굴이 없다
To not know anyone (in a certain place)
모르는 얼굴들이 많다
There are a lot of people one does not know
얼굴이 좋아 보이다
To look great, healthy
무슨 얼굴로
How can you not be ashamed to…
얼굴에 철판을 깔다
To be shameless
Steel plate
To lay
To pave
How do you translate
아무리 + Noun + -(이)라지만
아무리 + Verb Stem + -ㄴ/는다지만
아무리 + DescriptiveVerb Stem + -다지만
I know it is X, but it is still…
It is true that it is X, but it is still…
Sure, it is X, but still…
What is an additional meaning of -(이)나
It can be used as ”just” for an option/choice that may not be the most desirable or interesting at the time
-기로 하다
To decide to
To agree to
To promise
To decide
To make up one’s mind
일을 쉬다
To not be working
To be between jobs
일할 맛이 나다
To find it enjoyable to work
To be motivated to work
일 복이 많다
To have a lot of work coming in
일을 벌이다
To start something new
To start a new project
일하고 결혼하다
To know nothing but work
To be always working
일이 잘 풀리다
To work out well
To be resolved well
일이 손에 안 잡히다
Cannot focus on work
일밖에 모르다
To not be interested in anything else but work
Something to take care of
An errand to run
일도 아니다
To be very easy to do
To be a piece of cake
일이 산더미처럼 쌓여 있다
To have a lot of work
To be loaded with work
되는 일이 없다
Nothing works out
-(으)ㄴ/는 채로
While in a state
When is -(으)ㄴ/는걸(요) used
To show exclamation when you find out something new
When giving supporting evidence or facts while explaining or claiming something
When is -(으)ㄹ걸(요) used
Making assumptions about something
When expressing regret about something you did or did not do in the past
-(으)ㄹ 텐데
Looking at the situation, I can see that A will happen or is happening
Judging from the circumstances, it must be like this
바쁠 텐데 나중에 이야기해요
You must be busy. Let’s talk later
제 전화번호 알 텐데 왜 전화를 안 했을까요?
I’m sure he knows my number. I wonder why he did not call me?
What can be assumed when a sentence ends in -(으)ㄹ 텐데
That there is a suggestion, doubt or question that has been omitted
When can you not use -(으)ㄹ 텐데
When it is a fact that everyone knows
What is expressed when -(으)면 -(으)ㄹ텐데 is used
It expresses the speaker’s hopes and wishes
너도 같이 가면 좋을 텐데
It would be nice if you were also coming with us
친구랑 같이 살면 재밌을 텐데
It would be fun if I lived together with my friend
What is expressed when -았/었/였으면 -았/었/였을 텐데 is used
It expresses that you wish a situation that is contrary to reality would happen, or to wish that something in the past had happened differently
여름이었으면 야외 수영장에서 수영했을 텐데
If it had been summer, we would have swum in the outdoor swimming pool
공부 열심히 했으면 시험 더 잘 봤을 텐데
If I had studied hard, I would have done better on the exam
When is -던데요 used
To talk about something you experienced or witnessed in the past
Typically the speaker is looking for a response from the listener
어제 갑자기 눈이 오던데요
It suddenly snowed yesterday!
When do you use -(ㄴ/는)다던데요
To relay to someone a fact or piece of information that you heard from someone else
내일 회의 안 한다던데요
I heard that there is no meeting tomorrow
-는 바람에
As a result of (with a emphasis on a negative result)
실수를 하는 바람에
As a result of making a mistake
무슨 바람이 불어서
Why suddenly
바람을 넣다
To inflate
To tempt someone to do something (undesirable)
To be stood up
바람을 쐬다
To get some fresh air
잠옷 바람으로
While still in one’s pajamas
When is 다니/라니 used
To express your reaction to something that is very interesting, ridiculous, or hard to believe
How do you conjugate -다니/라니 in the present tense
Verb stem + -다니
Noun + -(이)다 or -이/가 아니다 + -라니
How do you conjugate-다니/라니 in the past tense
Verb stem + -았/었/였다니
Noun + -(이)다 or -이/가 아니다 + -았/었다니
Since someone says S + V
Can also be used to express your reaction when you see or hear something that is very interesting, ridiculous or hard to believe
When can you use -니
With close friends or children when asking a question
What are the usages of -게
Making adverbs
Indicate the purpose or aim
Action verb + -ㄴ/는다기보다
Descriptive verb + -다기보다
Noun + -(이)라기보다
It’s more of a… than
Noun + -은/는커녕
Verb + -기 + -는커녕
Let alone
Let alone helping
칭찬받기는커녕 야단만 맞았어요
Let alone getting complimented all I got was a scolding
Rather than being complimented I actually only got scolded
돈이 남기는커녕 모자랐어요
Instead of having money left over we did not even have enough
-은/는 고사하고
Needless to mention (something)
Before you even talk about (something)
Not even discussing (a certain topic)
-은/는 물론이고
That is for sure, and…
-뿐만 아니라
Not only that, but also
말할 것도 없고
There is not even anything to talk about
There is no reason to mention it
Even if it means I have to…
밤을 새서라도 마무리할게요
I will finish it even if I have to stay up all night
무슨 수를 써서라도
무슨 짓을 해서라도
No matter what I have to do
어떻게 해서라도
No matter what I have to do
Whatever it takes
빚을 내서라도
Even if it is by getting a loan
말도 안 되다
To not make sense
To be nonsensical
말을 아끼다
To save one’s breath
To not say much
To save
To cherish
말이 많다
To be talkative
There is considerable controversy (over something)
말이 통하다
To understand each other well
To click with someone
말이 안 통하다
To be unreasonable
To be ridiculous
말문이 막히다
To be at a loss for words
To be speechless
말을 꺼내다
To bring up a topic
말 나오지 않게 하다
To prevent people from talking about something
To not let others complain about something
말이 아니다
To be in a terrible situation
To be in an unspeakable condition
말이 말 같지 않다
To not be worth listening to
입에 발린 말을 하다
To pay lip service
To flatter
할 말을 잃다
To be at a loss for words
To not know what to say
What are the usages of
Verb + -(으)며
Noun + -(이)며
Connecting verbs in a parallel manner
Connecting two actions that are happening at the same time
To list nouns (implies that not every existing item is being mentioned, and that there are likely more that could be mentioned)
책이며 공책이며 바닥에 다 떨어져 있었어요
Things like books and notebooks were all on the floor
Maybe because
일요일이어서인지 사람이 많네요
Maybe because it is a Sunday, there are a lot of people
Maybe because of that
어쩌면 -아/어/여서인지
Maybe because…
-기 때문인지
Maybe because…
I guess I will have to…
It looks like I need to…
I understand that I should…
-지 말아야겠다
I guess I should not…
-기/게 마련이다
To be bound to
To be prone to
To be expected to
To be natural that it happens
To prepare
하나도 모르다
To not know anything
하나도 없다
To not have any
There is none
하나 없다
To not have any
There is none
One is missing
하나도 안 아프다
To not hurt at all
하나도 남김없이
Without leaving anything
Without anything left over
하나밖에 없는
One and only
One of a kind
만에 하나
By any possibility
Out of a low probability
하나만 알고 둘은 모르다
To know only one thing and not more
To know only one side of the whole story
하나부터 열까지
From A to Z
Every little detail
Through and through
하나를 보면 열을 알다
You see one and you have seen them all
얼마나 좋을까?
How good would it be?
How happy he must be!
-(으)ㄴ/는가 싶다
I wonder if it is not
I think it is
-나 싶다
-지 않나 싶다
I wonder
I think
이게 맞나 싶어요
I am not sure if this is correct
-(으)ㄹ까 싶다
(Future tense)
I think
I wonder
I am considering doing
-(으)ㄴ/는 감이 없지 않다
-(으)ㄴ/는 느낌이 없지 않다
It does feel like…
-(으)ㄴ/는 경우가 없지 않다
There are certainly some cases where…
-(으)ㄴ/는 경향이 없지 않다
There is some tendency to…
-(으)ㄴ/는 부분이 없지 않다
There are some parts that…
-(으)ㄴ/는 면이 없지 않다
There are some aspects where…
After much thought
I cannot deny
손해를 보다
To suffer a loss