Lessons 1-10 Flashcards
a la vez
at once, at the same time
a menos que
por cierto
in fact, by the way
por tal razón
for this reason, for some reason
por tal razón
for this reason, for some reason
en cuanto a eso
En cuanto a eso, es suficiente.
As far as that is concerned (goes)
As far as that goes, it’s enough.
en cuanto a
aún, todavía
still, yet, and also even
una vez que
stop, enough
Hay que
There is a need, one must, gotta
Para entonces
By that time
Nunca hay nadie por las mañanas.
There’s never anyone in the mornings.
para nada
not at all, for nothing
¿Qué cosa?
donde estar
a place to be
since followed by a clause
desde que + oración
since followed by a noun
desde + sustantivo
quite, enough, quite a bit of
cada vez más
more and more
cada vez menos
less and less
cómo que
What do you mean, how is that?
como tal
as such
los bienes
un bien
a good
buen tiempo
good weather
equipment - also means team
another word for parents
algunas personas
several people
town, but also people such as the people of a nation or community
knight, gentleman
tengo cariño.
I have affection
Tengo miedo
I’m afraid
Me da gusto
It gives me pleasure.
Me da suerte.
It gives me luck.
¿De veras?
Really? More casual version of ¿De verdad?
de vuelta
once again
espera de
waiting for
forma de hacerlo
a way of doing it - Forma means way
manner or way as in of doing something
tener la culpa de algo.
being guilty of something
Eso tiene sentido.
That makes sense.
Tener control
To have control
dar una vuelta
to go for a walk, bicycle ride, or drive
Also according to AS to give a turn
deal or treatment
path, route, or way
en el camino
on the way
en realidad
in reality
La tierra refers to the earth
El mundo refers to the world but also the people in the world
un par de dólares
a couple of dollars
el medio
the middle
side or place
ser (noun)
un ser extraño
a strange being
sea lo que sea
whatever it is
English to Spanish
all at once
a la vez
English to Spanish
a menos que
English to Spanish
in fact, by the way
por cierto
English to Spanish
for this reason, for some reason
por tal razón
English to Spanish
for this reason, for some reason
por tal razón
English to Spanish
As far as that is concerned (goes)
encuanto a eso
English to Spanish
en cuanto a
English to Spanish
still, yet, and also even
aún, todavía
English to Spanish
una vez que
English to Spanish
stop, enough
English to Spanish
By that time
Para entonces
English to Spanish
There’s never anyone in the mornings.
Nunca hay nadie por las mañanas.
English to Spanish
not at all
para nada
English to Spanish
¿Qué cosa?
English to Spanish
a place to be
donde estar
English to Spanish
desde que + oración
since followed by a clause
English to Spanish
desde + sustantivo
since followed by a noun
English to Spanish
quite, enough, quite a bit of
English to Spanish
more and more
cada vez más
English to Spanish
less and less
cada vez menos
English to Spanish
What do you mean, how is that?
cómo que
English to Spanish
as such
como tal
English to Spanish
los bienes
English to Spanish
a good
un bien
English to Spanish
English to Spanish
good weather
buen tiempo
English to Spanish
equipment - also means team
English to Spanish
English to Spanish
another word for parents
English to Spanish
several people
algunas personas
English to Spanish
town, but also people such as the people of a nation or community
English to Spanish
English to Spanish
English to Spanish
English to Spanish
English to Spanish
English to Spanish
I have affection
tengo cariño.
English to Spanish
I’m afraid
Tengo miedo
English to Spanish
It gives me pleasure.
Me da gusto
English to Spanish
It gives me luck.
Me da suerte.
English to Spanish
Really? More casual version of ¿De verdad?
¿De veras?
English to Spanish
once again
in the sense that someone has “returned” to do something
de vuelta
English to Spanish
waiting for
espera de
English to Spanish
English to Spanish
a way of doing it - Forma means way
forma de hacerlo
English to Spanish
manner or way as in of doing something
English to Spanish
being guilty of something
tener la culpa de algo.
English to Spanish
That makes sense.
Eso tiene sentido.
English to Spanish
To have control
Tener control
English to Spanish
to go for a walk, bicycle ride, or drive
Also according to AS to give a turn
dar una vuelta
English to Spanish
English to Spanish
English to Spanish
deal or treatment (behavior towards)
English to Spanish
path, route, or way
English to Spanish
on the way
en el camino
English to Spanish
in reality
en realidad
English to Spanish
La tierra refers to the earth
El mundo refers to the world but also the people in the world
English to Spanish
English to Spanish
a couple of dollars
un par de dólares
English to Spanish
English to Spanish
the middle
el medio
English to Spanish
side or place
English to Spanish
English to Spanish
ser (noun)
English to Spanish
a strange being
un ser extraño
English to Spanish
English to Spanish
whatever it is
sea lo que sea
Tiene de todo, hacia una cama por ti.
It has everything, even a bed for you.
Le gustó jugar con el fuego, la luz . . .
He liked to play with fire, light,
Entonces no había ni comida ni dinero.
So there was neither food nor money.
Entonces había o equipo u otros bienes.
So there was either equipment or other goods.
El tiempo es bueno ahora.
The weather is good now.
Por la puerta de atrás.
Through the back door
Por la puerta de adelante.
Through the front door
Antes teníamos una perrita.
Beforehand, we had a small female dog.
Como si fuera su amo.
As if he were their master
Como si fuera su amo.
As if he were their master
¿Y alguien más en la familia sabe sobre esto?
And does anyone else in the family know about this?
Primero le daba mucho miedo.
First it gave her much fear.
Primero les daba algo de paz.
First it gave them some peace.
Si lo hubieras hecho con cariño lo habría hecho.
If you had done it with affection, I would have done it.
De hecho, el policía le dijo que habría tenido que irse.
In fact, the police told him that he would have to leave.
Quiero ir a Colombia de vuelta.
I want to go to Columbia again.
No había forma de hacerlo.
There wasn’t a way to do it.
Es medio difícil to stay tanto tiempo a la espera de eso.
It’s kind of difficult to stay for so long in waiting for that.
(in waiting)
Es medio difícil vivir mucho tiempo a falta de eso.
It’s somewhat difficult to live for very long in lack of that.
Le hace falta mucho.
It’s missing a lot.
No le hace falta nada.
It’s not missing anything.
Nos hace falta un par de años.
We need a couple of more years.
le hace falta
something is missing for someone.
un plan
a plan
Demos una vuelta por la ciudad.
Let’s take a walk around the city.
Fuimos a dar unos pasos atrás.
We went to take a few steps back.
darse cuenta de que.
to realize that
Se daba cuenta de que había alguien en la casa.
She was realizing that there was someone in the house.
Me di cuenta de que no había nadie por ahí.
I realized that there was nobody around.
hacer de cuenta que
to pretend that
Hagamos de cuenta que los dos son amigos.
Let’s pretend that those two are friends.
Hagamos un trato.
Let’s make a deal.
Hagamos una pregunta.
Let’s ask a question.
hacerle caso a alguien
to pay attention or obey someone.
Yo les hago caso a mis padres.
I pay attention to my parents.
Igual es un buen recuerdo.
Still it’s a nice memory.
Bajo ese punto de vista entonces es muy malo.
With that point of view, then, it’s very bad.
En ese entonces, el rey era joven.
In that time, the king was very young.
cualquier lado
any place
Ponte aquí a mi lado.
Put yourself here to my side.
Pon la palabra ahí al final.
Put the word here at the end.
de todas formas
regardless” or “one way or another¨
Spanish Dictionary says “anyway” or “in any case”
Al final el niño tenía razón.
In the end, the kid was right.
en fin
anyway or in a nutshell
Bueno, en fin, esa es la historia.
Well anyway, that’s the story.
Yo quiero hablar con la chica de ojos claros.
I want to talk with the light eyed girl.
¿Cuáles problemas?
What problems?
It has everything, even a bed for you.
Tiene de todo, hasta una cama por ti.
He liked to play with fire, light,
Le gustó jugar con el fuego, la luz . . .
So there was neither food nor money.
Entonces no había ni comida ni dinero.
So there was either equipment or other goods.
Entonces había o equipo u otros bienes.
The weather is good now.
El tiempo es bueno ahora.
Through the back door
Por la puerta de atrás.
Through the front door
Por la puerta de adelante.
Beforehand, we had a small female dog.
Antes teníamos una perrita.
As if he were their master
Como si fuera su amo.
As if he were their master
Como si fuera su amo.
And does anyone else in the family know about this?
¿Y alguien más en la familia sabe sobre esto?
First it gave her much fear.
Primero le daba mucho miedo.
First it gave them some peace.
Primero les daba algo de paz.
If you had done it with affection, I would have done it.
Si lo hubieras hecho con cariño lo habría hecho.
In fact, the police told him that he would have to leave.
De hecho, el policía le dijo que habría tenido que irse.
I want to go to Columbia again.
Quiero ir a Colombia de vuelta.
There wasn’t a way to do it.
No había forma de hacerlo.
It’s kind of difficult to stay for so long in waiting for that.
(in waiting)
Es medio difícil quedarse tanto tiempo a la espera de eso.
It’s somewhat difficult to live for very long in lack of that.
Es medio difícil vivir mucho tiempo a falta de eso.
It’s missing a lot.
Le hace falta mucho.
It’s not missing anything.
No le hace falta nada.
We need a couple of more years.
Nos hace falta un par de años.
something is missing for someone.
le hace falta
a plan
un plan
Let’s take a walk around the city.
Demos una vuelta por la ciudad.
We went to take a few steps back.
Fuimos a dar unos pasos atrás.
to realize that
darse cuenta de que.
She was realizing that there was someone in the house.
Se daba cuenta de que había alguien en la casa.
I realized that there was nobody around.
Me di cuenta de que no había nadie por ahí.
to pretend that
hacer de cuenta que
Let’s pretend that those two are friends.
Hagamos de cuenta que los dos son amigos.
Let’s make a deal.
Hagamos un trato.
Let’s ask a question.
Hagamos una pregunta.
to pay attention or obey someone.
hacerle caso a alguien
I pay attention to my parents.
Yo les hago caso a mis padres.
Still it’s a nice memory.
Igual es un buen recuerdo.
With that point of view, then, it’s very bad.
Bajo ese punto de vista entonces es muy malo.
In that time, the king was very young.
En ese entonces, el rey era joven.
any place
cualquier lado
Put yourself here to my side.
Ponte aquí a mi lado.
Put the word here at the end.
Pon la palabra ahí al final.
regardless” or “one way or another¨
de todas formas
In the end, the kid was right.
Al final el niño tenía razón.
anyway or in a nutshell
en fin
Well anyway, that’s the story.
Bueno, en fin, esa es la historia.
I want to talk with the light eyed girl.
Yo quiero hablar con la chica de ojos claros.
What problems?
¿Cuáles problemas?
hacer falta
to need or to miss
desde ya
As of now, right away
lo más
the best (Argentina)
lo mejor (noun)
the best, the best part, the best aspect
así de + adjective
“Busco una vara de madera así de grande”, dijo el cliente, gesticulando con las manos. —
this as in this good
“I’m looking for a wooden rod this big,” said the customer using his hands.
¡Sería lo mejor de mi día!
It would make my day!
Pueden no tener culpa.
They might not be at fault.
Hay que
One must, there is a need, gotta
desde ahora
as of now, from now on
el que sea
a falta de eso
in lack of that
al estar
upon being
al mismo tiempo
at the same time
even though
cuanto más
the more
cuanto menos
the less
fourth, room, bedroom
de una vez por todas
once and for all, for once
en verdad
en vez de
in the place of, instead of
making, doing
ir por
to pick up
just barely, fair
lo que quiera
whatever (someone) wants
momento de
time for
ni bien
as soon as
ni siquiera
not even
Nunca está de más.
It couldn’t hurt.
o sea
in other words, I mean
por ahí
por aquí
around here
por donde . . . ?
Which way?
puede ser + que + subjunctive
might be
se hace
it’s done
se puede
it’s possible
segura de sí misma
sure of herself
sí o sí
yes or yes, either way
at least, even if
tiempo al tiempo
give it time
ya está
it’s okay, it’s done, that’s it
ya mismo
right now
ya que
Ya que soy la única que está viendo tele, pásame el control remoto.
Since I’m the only one watching TV, pass me the remote.
There is a need, one must, gotta
Hay que
to need or to miss
hacer falta
in advance, of course
desde ya
the best (Argentina)
lo más
the best, the best part, the best aspect
lo mejor (noun)
this as in this good
“I’m looking for a wooden rod this big,” said the customer using his hands.
así de + adjective
“Busco una vara de madera así de grande”, dijo el cliente, gesticulando con las manos. —
It would make my day!
¡Sería lo mejor de mi día!
They might not be at fault.
Pueden no tener culpa.
One must, there is a need, gotta
Hay que
as of now
desde ahora
el que sea
in lack of that
a falta de eso
upon being
al estar
at the same time
al mismo tiempo, a la vez
even though
the more
cuanto más
the less
cuanto menos
fourth, room, bedroom
once and for all, for once
de una vez por todas
en verdad, en realidad
in the place of, instead of
en vez de
making, doing
to pick up
ir por
just barely, fair
whatever (someone) wants
lo que quiera
time for
momento de
as soon as
ni bien
not even
ni siquiera
It couldn’t hurt.
Nunca está de más.
in other words, I mean
o sea
por ahí
around here
por aquí
at what point?
por donde . . . ?
might be
puede ser + que + subjunctive
it’s done
se hace
it’s possible
se puede
sure of herself
segura de sí misma
yes or yes, either way
sí o sí
at least
siquiera, por lo menos
give it time
tiempo al tiempo
it’s okay, it’s done, that’s it
ya está
right now
ya mismo, ahora mismo, ahorita, ya
ya que
Extraño que hagamos cosas juntos.
I miss us doing things together.