Lesson-12 Vocabulary Flashcards
Hablamos de mi historia.
We’re talking about my story.
Hablar de
to talk about
Trabajar de
To work as
Dejar de algo
To stop doing something
Direct object + dejar + infinitivo
To let someone do something
Te dejan hacer esto.
They are letting you do this.
Direct object + tratar
To treat
¿Te tratan bien?
Are they treating you well?
Tratar de
To try
Trata de leer rápido!
Try to read rapidly!
Se trata de un niño.
It’s about a boy.
Pensar en algo
To think about something
No pueden pensar en otras.
They can’t think about others.
Piensa casarse con la hija.
He is thinking about getting married to the daughter.
Pensar + infinitivo
To think about doing something
Llegar a
To arrive at or in
Llega al país
He arrives in the country.
Después llamaron a la puerta.
Afterwards they knocked on the door.
Ayudar a infinitivo
To help someone do something
La ayuda a encontrar su casa.
He helps her find her house.
por followed by some verbs
the action of the verb is yet to happen
Lo mejor está por llegar.
The best is yet to arrive.
Lo mejor está por venir.
The best is yet to come.
Contar con
To count or to rely on
Puedes contar con él.
You can count on him.
La historia cuenta que querían ser policías.
The story tells that they wanted to be policemen.
Contar versus Decir
To tell a complete story versus to tell a short quote or a fact
Lo que sea
Whatever it is
Él or La que sea
Whichever it is
Puedes tomar el que sea.
You can take whichever.
Decir in the command form + que + subjective
To tell to do something
Espero que sea alto.
I hope that it’s tall.
Espero que no me busquen*.
I hope that they aren’t seeking me.
¿Me escuchas?
Can you hear me?
Note - Oir is not used
Mira, allí hay muchos.
Look, over there, there are many.
Extraño que hagamos cosas juntos.
I miss us doing things together.
Amo que hagamos cosas juntos
I love us doing things together.
Había que encontrar el agua y llevarla lejos.
They had to find water and take it far away.
Tenía que encontrar the dress y llevarlo a la fiesta.
She had to find the dress and wear it to the party.
Se llevaron todas mis cosas.
All my things were taken.
Llevo tres años viviendo en esta ciudad.
I have been living in his city for three years.
¡No le deseo eso a nadie!
I don’t wish that on anyone!
Le preguntó si ya había vuelto sobre sus pasos.
He asked him if he had already gone back over his steps.
Le importa mucho estar aquí.
It’s very important for her to be here.
Me preocupa mucho estar aquí.
It worries me a lot to be here.
Les basta estar aquí.
Being here is enough for them.
Le gustaba a la muchacha el auto.
The car was pleasing to the girl.
Al niño le gustaba jugar con el fuego.
The boy liked playing with fire.
Le pasó algo.
Something happened to him.
No le pasaba nada.
Nothing was happening to him.
¿Me pasas algo de comida?
Can you pass me some food?
¿Me pasas el agua?
Can you pass me the water?
¡No pasa nada!
It’s totally fine!
pasarlo bien
to have a good time
Lo pasamos bien.
We had a good time.
¿Lo pasaron bien?
Did you all have a good time?
Me gustaría que te quedes.
I’d like that you stay.
Me preocupo.
I’m worried.
No se preocupan.
They’re not worried.
Me preocupo de eso.
I’m taking care of that. Note verb followed by de
Siempre se preocupa de que eso no pase.
He always makes sure that doesn’t happen.
Por eso mi hermano está tan preocupado.
That’s why my brother is so worried.
Me siento en algún bar y espero.
I’ll seat myself at some bar and wait.
To get married
Casarse con alguien
To get married to someone.
Su plan era casarse con la hija del rey.
His plan was to get married to the king’s daughter.
To stay or to end up
Me quedé sin dinero.
I ended up without money.
Seguir tends to be followed by a gerund. The sense is to “keep”, “stay”, or “continue” doing something.
Bueno, sigamos comiendo.
All right, let’s continue eating.
Bueno, sigamos haciéndolo.
All right, let’s keep doing it.
Bueno, sigo siendo así.
All right, I-ll continue being nice.
Bueno, sigamos juntas.
All right, let’s continue together.
Sigue loca.
She’s still crazy.
Bueno, sigamos.
All right, let’s continue.
La vida sigue.
Life goes on.
Puede seguir su camino.
He can continue on his way.
Sale de la historia cuando quiere.
He exits from the story when he wants.
No viven en la realidad.
They don’t live in reality.
¡No lo puedo creer!
I can’t believe it!
Creo que está aquí.
I think that he’s here.
No creo que esté aquí.
I don’t believe that he is here.
Tuve que volver.
I had to return.
Cuando volvió era bueno otra vez.
When he returned, he was nice again.
Volver a infinitivo
to do something again.
Lo vuelve a hacer.
He’s doing it again.
Nunca la volví a ver.
I never saw her again.
Todos se volvieron locos.
Everyone went crazy.
¿Y conoces a alguien así?
And do you know anyone like that?
Tiene que ver con la historia.
It has to do with the story.
¿Esto tiene que ver con tu familia?
Does this have to do with your family?
A ver… ¿Dónde?
Let’s see… Where?
Le pareció que no era así.
To him it seemed not so.
multiple things look similar to each other
Muchos dicen que nos parecemos.
Many say that we look like each other.
Toda la comida aquí es bastante parecida.
All the food here is pretty similar.
Se siente feliz por todo lo que vio.
She feels happy because of all that she saw.
¿Te sientes bien?
Do you feel all right?
siento que, supongo que, creo que
I feel, suppose, or think that something is the case
Siento que la muerte es mejor que eso.
I feel like death is better than that.
Le tengo que decir que lo siento.
I have to tell him that I’m sorry.
Esto vale mucho.
This is worth a lot.
Los papás dormían.
The parents were sleeping.
We’re talking about my story.
Hablamos de mi historia.
to talk about
Hablar de
To work as
Trabajar de
To stop doing something
Dejar de algo