Lesson 94 Flashcards
Put forward a plan
Propose a plan
Come off
Happen successfully
Come over
Travel to one place from another / influnce someone to behave in a particular way
Come under
Experience something (usually unpleasant)
Come up
Occur unexpectedly
Come up against
Have to deal with a problem or difficulty
Stay on
Dwell on
Keep thinking about, usually something unpleasant
Catch on
Become popular
Going on
Talking at length
Urging on
Pressed on
Continued in a determined way
Brush up on
Improve knowledge of something already learnt but partly forgotten
Lay off
Stop employing
Call off
Throw himself into
Start doing something with great energy
Settle in
Feel relaxed and happy
Put together
Prepare by collecting information from several sources
Come across
Meet / give an impression for being