Lesson 22 Flashcards
Substance added to food to improve its taste or appearance or to preserve it
Foods that have not had any of their natural features taken away or any artificial substances added
Produced by farm animals that are allowed to move around outside and are not kept in cages or stalls
Not containing a protein which is contained in wheat and some other grains
Chemicals used to stop food from decaying
Condition that makes a person become ill or develop skin or breathing problems because they have eaten certain foods or been near certain substances
a person who does not eat or use any animal products, such as meat, fish, eggs or cheese
Which have not been treated with chemicals that preserve them or give them extra taste or color
Animal welfare
Taking care of animals
System of producing a large quantity of eggs or meat cheaply by keeping a lot of birds in rows of small cage
Convenience foods
Foods that are almost ready to eat or are quick to prepare
Nutrition labels
Labels that indicate how the food influences your health
Traffic-light labelling
Labels with color like traffic lights that give information on nutrition
Far trade
A way of buying and selling products that makes certain that the original producer receive a fair price
Recipe for
Situation sure to lead to
Cooked up a story
Made up, invented
All the ingredients of
All the necessary characteristics
Worry or suffer, especially about something you think is that person’s fault
My cup of tea
Not the type of thing that I like
Asked a lot of questions
Unrealistic or not thought through properly
Spice up
Make more lively
Unpleasant, morally offensive
Turned sour
Went wrong
Exciting and interesting
Good for you