Lesson 32 Flashcards
Variety of different types of biological species
Endangered species
Types of animals/plants which are in danger if no longer existing
Climate change skeptics
People who do not believe that climate change is a serious issue
Global warming
Steady rise in average world temperatures
Carbon (dioxide) emission
Carbon dioxide gas from factories, cars, etc
Fossil fuels
Coal, oil, etc
Greenhouse effect
Warming of the Earth’s surface caused by pollution, where gases trap and redirect heat back down to the earth’s surface
Exerts severe pressure on
Puts great pressure on
Finite resources
Limited resources that will eventually run out/be exhausted
Ecological balance
Balance of natural relationships in the environment
Uncontrolled deforestation
Unrestricted destruction/clearing of forests
Demographic projections
Forecasts about the population
Grow exponentially
Grow extremely rapid
Depleting resources
Resources that are reducing
Waste disposal
Getting rid of waste
Toxic waste
Poisonous waste materials
Precious commodity
Very valuable substance
Water security
Ability to ensure that a population has safe drinking water
Pristine environments
Perfectly clean/untouched areas
Green credentials
Reputation for positive support of the environment and fir making policies that reflect this
Prophets of doom and gloom
People who always make the most depressing or pessimistic predictions about the future
Sustainable development
Development of industry, etc. which does not damage the environment or social and economic stability, and which can continue over a period of time
Renewable energy
Energy produced using sun, wind or crops rather than coal or other fuels which cannot be replaced once used
Shrinking habitats
Places where animals live and breed which are decreasing in size