Lesson #9 Flashcards
Disorder that involves information in the joints
Wasting away, decreasing in size, weakening of muscle
Cerebrovascular accident CVA
Hemorrhagic stroke or bleeding in brain
Occlusive stroke….blockage
Congestive heart failure CHF
Heart is damaged and cannot pump enough oxygen rich blood to the rest of the body
Permanent stiffening of a joint and muscle
Brain disorder in which a resident has reported seizures
Broken bone
Heart attack or Myocardial Infraction
Blood flow to the heart is completely blocked in oxygen cannot reach sales
High blood pressure
Low blood pressure
When the bones become brittle and weak
Parkinson’s disease
A movement disorder that causes shaking
Peripheral vascular disease PVD
Condition in which extremities do not have enough blood circulation due to fatty deposits in vessels
Range of motion
Exercise which put a joint through its full range of motion
What does the nervous system them
It controls in coordinates all body functions in senses
What are some conditions that affect the nervous system
CVA or cerebrovascular accident/stroke
What is dementia
And nervous system disease that affects memory in communication
Resident will lose ADLs
What is Alzheimer’s disease
Brain disease that slowly destroyed memory, thinking skills and eventually the ability to carry a simple task
What is Parkinson’s disease
Progressive degenerative disease that affects the brain
As disease progresses resident won’t be able to perform ADLs
Stiff trunk and hand and limb trimmer’s
What is the acronym fast when it relates to
F.ace drooping
A.rm weakness
S.peech difficulty
T.ime to call 911
When dressing a resident with a stroke what do you do
Address weak side first and when undressing do the strong side first
How does the nervous system change with age
Nerve cells die causing decrease perception of sensory stimuli
Slow responses and reflexes
Sensitivity to heat and cold
Short term memory loss
What does the circulatory system do
Transports blood and body fluids throughout the body
What are the conditions that affect the circulatory system
High or low blood pressure
Heart attack/myocardial infraction/MI
Coronary artery disease
Cerebrovascular accident/CVA/ Stroke
What happens to the circulatory system with age
Blood vessels become more rigid and narrow
Heart muscle has to work harder which may result in her blood pressure
Musculoskeletal system
Gives the body shape and structure
Allows body to move
Protects the organs
What are conditions that affect the muscular skeletal system
What changes to the musculoskeletal system come with age
Bones become more brittle
Loss of muscle strength
Less flexible joints
Changes in spine and feet
Surgically made opening on the abdomen has a section of the colon attached
Opening a little stool to be evacuated from the body and emptied into a bag