Lesson #3 Flashcards
AIDS/acquired immune deficiency syndrome
Human disease that interferes with the human immune system
Spread through sexual transmission and through blood
Transmission is through blood or bodily fluids. I spread through blood contact or sexual contact
Prevention standard precautions
Airborne precautions
Measures used to protect against disease that are transmitted through the air
Free or freed from the pathogenic microorganisms…..free from contamination
Blood-borne pathogens
Micro organisms in human blood which can cause infection and disease in humans
Body fluids
Saliva, sputum, urine, feces, semen, vaginal secretions and pus
Causative agent
A biological agent/pathogen that causes a disease
CDC/Center for disease control and prevention
Federal agency the issues guidelines to protect and improve health
Chain of infection
An illustration to describe how disease is transmitted from one person to another
Clostridium Difficile (C-Diff)
Bacteria which causes severe watery diarrhea and other intestinal disease when competing bacteria have been wiped out by antibiotics
Transmission is through spores which may survive up to six months on objects
Prevention is through contact precautions that require caregiver to wash hands with soap and hot water
Contact precautions
Measures used when there is a risk of transmitting or contracting a micro organism from touching infected object or person
Direct contact
Touching infected person or his or her secretions
Process used to decrease the spread of pathogen’s by destroying them.
Chemicals are often used in this process
A product design for short term or single term use
Droplet precautions
Measures used to protect against disease causing microorganisms that do not stay airborne and only travel a short distance
Surgical Masks
Hand hygiene
Washing hands with soap and water or using alcohol-based hand rub
Healthcare associated infection/nosocomial infection
Infection acquired in a hospital or other healthcare setting
Catheter infection…blood stream infection…surgical site infection
Inflammation of the liver caused by infection
Transmission is from fecal to oral matter, contaminated blood or needles, sexual intercourse
Prevention is When the caregiver wash his hands with soap and hot water
Indirect contact
Transmission of the disease without physical contact.
Example touching a common objects
Infection control
Methods used to control and prevent the spread of germs that are present in the environment
Infectious disease caused by a virus
Most common symptoms are chills, fever, sore throat, muscle pains, severe headache, coughing, fatigue and general discomfort
Transmitted through direct or indirect contact. Is airborne when a person coughs, sneezes or talks
Prevention is with standard precautions, droplet precautions and frequent handwashing
To separate or isolate a person that has a harmful microorganisms and prevent the spread to other residents
Yellow/gold tent to the skin and eyes off and seeing liver disease such as hepatitis or liver cancer
Localized infection
Infection of a specific body part
Methicillin resistant staph Aureus MRSA
Antibiotic resistant infection often acquired in hospitals and other facilities.
Often spread by physical contact
Transmission is through direct or indirect contact
I convention is standard precaution droplet precautions and respiratory precautions are taken
Mode of transmission
How the pathogen travels from one person to another
Transmission can’t happen to air or through direct or indirect contact
OSHA/occupational safety and health administration
Federal agency that protect workers from hazards on the job
A harmful microorganisms that causes sickness
Infestation of lice
Transmission can be direct or indirect contact. Usually spread through combs hats and linens
Prevention is with contact precautions
PPE/personal protective equipment
Barrier between a person in a potentially harmful micro organism
portal of entry
The way the pathogen enters the body.
For example mouth, nose, skin breaks, urinary tract
Portal of exit
The way the pathogen leaves the body
For example urine, feces, saliva, tears, drainage from moons, sores, blood, respiratory tract
Where pathogen lives in multiplies
A contagious skin infection that occurs among humans and other animals
Small organisms which Burroughs under the host skin causing intense itching
Transmission direct and indirect contact from sharing items
Prevention is with contact precautions
Standard precautions
Treating all blood, body fluids, non-intact skin and mucus as if they were infected
Techniques that destroy all micro organisms
Susceptible host
The person that could be infected easily
For example the elderly, people not in good health, and people who do not take proper infection precautions
Systematic infection
Infection that occurs when pathogens enter the bloodstream and move throughout the body causing general symptoms
Transmission based precautions
Special precautions implemented on the basis of how the disease spreads
A bacterial infection that affects the lungs causing coughing and difficulty breathing,Fever and fatigue. It is an airborne disease carried on droplets in the air
Transmission is with respiratory
Prevention is with airborne precautions and relocating the person to a private environment
VRE/Vancomycin Resistant enterococcus
Strain of enterococcus that cannot be controlled with antibiotics and it’s spread through direct/indirect contact
Transmission is from direct or indirect contact
Prevention is with standard precautions
How important is handwashing
It is the single most important infection control practice
What are the five moments recommended by the world health organization for hand hygiene?
1) Before resident/patient contact
2) Before aseptic task
3) After exposure to blood/body fluids
4) After resident/patient contact
5) After contact with resident/patient contact
What are The chain of infection links
Causative agent, reservoir, portal of exit, mode of transmission, portal of entry, susceptible host
What are some examples of how direct contact can spread infection
Touching, kissing, sexual contact, contact with secretions, body lesions
What are some examples of how indirect contact can spread infection
Contaminated surfaces like objects, surfaces, bugs