Lesson 8 (Road Traffic Injuries) Flashcards
Where is the greatest burden of RTI’s?
> 90% of the burden of RTI are in -> Low & Middle Income countries (LMICs)
What are the ages of death relating to RTI’s in different countries?
High income = 15-29 year olds
Middle income = 15-29 y.o
Low income = 30-44 y.o
What has been the trend of RTI’s in LMIC’s and high income countries?
1990-2013: Rates of road injury deaths in LMICs -> INCREASED.
1990-2013: Rates of road injury deaths in High income countries -> DECREASED.
Are injuries random events?
Injuries are not random events. They are largely predictable & therefore, preventable.
What are the risk factors for RTI’s in LMIC’s
Speed Alcohol Seat-belts & Child-restraints. Helmets Visibility
Describe road traffic deaths by the type of road user:
Low income countries -> high proportion of vulnerable road users.
Middle/High income countries -> high proportion of occupants of four-wheeled motorised vehicles.
Vulnerable Road users = pedestrians, cyclists & motorcyclists.
- In both LMICs & HICs - it is the disadvantaged SEP groups or those living in poorer areas -> who are at greatest risk of being injured or killed in road traffic accidents.
Why are individuals from low socioeconomic groups more likely to die from a car crash?
Vulnerable road users
Live in more hazardous environments
Children more likely to unaccompanied by an adult when walking.
No safe and accessible playgrounds (children using streets and sidewalks)
Poorer access to health services
Why are individuals from low S.E.S more likely to die in RTI’s as vulnerable road users?
Along highways -> thus creating conflicts over space between the road users and the local population.
Poor road design – no crossings, no sidewalks.
Less speed restrictions.
What are the inequities associated with RTI’s and death?
Children > Adults
Men > Women
Pedestrian > Car occupants
Fatal crashes > non-fatal crashes
What is the key driver in these RTI’s?
Variation in exposure to distal determinants!
Deficiencies in the legal, policy & institutional framework.
Road environments.
Poverty (socioeconomic differentials).
What is the global framework for road safety? (Decade of action for road safety, United Nations).
Decade of Action for Road Safety 2011-2020 - UNITED NATIONS
Pillar 1 -> Road safety management
Pillar 2 -> Safer roads & mobility
Pillar 3 -> Safer vehicles
Pillar 4 -> Safer road users
Pillar 5 -> Post-crash response
What is WHO’s commission on the social determinants of health?
Overarching Recommendations:
Improve Daily living conditions.
Tackle inequitable distribution of power, money & resources.
Measure & understand the problem + assess the impact of action.
How can RTI’s and the deaths globally be addressed?
Look at the inequities
The underprivileged, people living in rural areas & poor urban dwellers -> suffer a disproportionate burden of road crashes globally.
Forces that determine the distribution of resources and participation in society -> also determine risks for injury.
Socioeconomic gradient indicates the -> violation of the rights to safety, participation, education and health.
What has been the impact of global action so far?
RT deaths continue to climb, though rate of death relative to population size has stabilised
Improvement in vehicle safety measures
Improvement in post-crash care
Increase in global attention, investments, and efforts (including political support)