Lesson 8 Flashcards
Quickening is felt at the weeks of:
18-20 weeks ; 28-38 weeks
Healthy fetus moves with consistency or at least how many times a day
Mom lies on the left recumbent position after a meal and record the # fetal movements in one hour
Sandovsky method
Mom records time interval it takes to feel 10 movemenfs
Cardiff method / fetal count
The normal fetal heart rate
120-160 bpm
A test for good baseline rate and presence of long and short term variabilty
Rhythm Strip Testing
What position prevent supine hypotension for comfort
Semi-Fowlers position
Average rate of fetal heartbeat per minute
Baseline reading
Small changes in rate from second to second
Short term variability
It is the beat to beat variability
Short term variability
The difference in heart rate over the 20 minute period
Long term variability
Measures the response of the FHR to fetal movement
Non-stress testing
She pushes a mark button attached to the monitor whenever she feels the fetus move
Non-stress testing
2 acceleration of FHR (by 15 beats or more)
Reactive (normal)
No acceleration with the fetal movement
20 minutes without fetal movement
Sleeping fetus
A designed acoustic stimulator is applied to the mother’s abdomen to produce a sharp sound 80 decibels
Vibroacoustic stimulation
FHR is analyzed in conjunction with contractions
Contraction stress testing
Baseline fhr is obtained when woman rolls nipple until contraction begins
Contraction stress testing
Baseline fhr is obtained when woman rolls nipple until contraction begins
Contraction stress testing
Used to diagnose a pregnancy; establish sex of the baby; the presentation of fetus
Determine the length of fetus in cm
Haase’s rule
Side to side measurement of the fetal head via ultrasound
Biparietal diameter
Measures velocity at which RBS in the Blood volume are flowing
Doppler Umbilical Velocimetry
The amount of CA deposits in the base of placenta
Placental grading
May be recorded as early as 11th week of pregnancy
Electrocardiogram (ECG)
Produced by the liver and present in AF and maternal serum
Analysis of three indicators (MSAFP, unconjugated estriol, HCG)
Triple screening
Aspiration of AF from the pregnant uterus for analysis
How many amniotic fluid is aspirated
15 ml
Visual inspection of AF through the cervix and membranes with an amnio scope
Fetus if visualized by a fetpscope
An extremely narrow, hollow tube inserted by the amniocentesis technique
Called fetal apgar
Biophysical profile
Helps determine vascular resistance in women with DM and HPN
Doppler Umbilical Velocimetry
Decrease of amniotic fluid; risk of cord compression
Amniotic fluid assessment
Inability of the fetus to swallow
Decrease AF may due to poor perfusion and kidney failure
Normal AFi
12-15 cm
To diagnose complications like ectopic pregnancy
Magnetic Resonance Imaging
What are the 3 indicators in the triple screening
Unconjugated estriol
What are the 3 indicators in the triple screening
Unconjugated estriol
What are the 3 indicators in the triple screening
Unconjugated estriol
In quadruple screening, what is added or included?
Inhibin determination
Biopsy and chromosomal analysis of CV done at 10 to 12 weeks of pregnancy
Chorionic Villi Sampling
An alternative method to remove cells for fetal analysis
Done if blood incompatibility is detected
Bilirubin determination
It is present in AF, and the neural tube defect is present
Aspiration of blood from umbilical vein for analysis
Percutaneous Umbilical Blood Sampling
Done first to determine the bloodbis fetal blood before testing
Kleihauer-Betke Test