Lesson 11 Flashcards
What releases prostaglandin
Uterine muscle stretching
Triggers contraction at the set point
Placental age
Reduce progesterone formation and increase prostaglandin formation
Rising fetal cortisol levels
What are the three theories of labor onset
Uterine contraction
Decrease of progesterone
Increase of prostaglandin
Change in the ratio of estrogen and progesterone stimulates
Uterine contraction
Initiation labor is set to result from the release of arachidonic acid
Prostaglandin Theory
This acid increase prostaglandin synthesis which in turn caused uterine contraction
Arachidonic synthesis
Pressure on the cervix stimulates the hypophysis to release oxytocin from maternal posterior pituitary gland
Oxytocin Theory
The presence of this hormone causes initiation of contraction and the smooth muscles of the body
The concept that any hollow body organ when strretched to its capacity will inevitably contract
Uterine Stretch Theory
Because of decreased blood supply and functional capacity, the uterus starts to contract
Placental Degeneration Theory
What theory is the decrease amount of progesterone
Progesteron Deprivation Thelry
All pregnant women should be taught these signs so they can recognize when labor is beginning
Premonitory Signs of Labor
Increase in level of activity
Braxton Hicks Contraction
Ripening of the cervix
Slight weìght loss
Fetal presenting part in the oelvis, approximately 10 to 14 days before labor begins
Provides relief from diaphargmatic pressure and SOB, lightening her load
Is it early for preparas or not
Mother may experience shooting leg pains
May awaken on day of labor full energy
Increase in level of activity
It is due to an increase in epinephrine release initiated by decrease of progesterone
Increase in Level of Activity
Mistaken as true labor
Braxton Hicks Contraction
Internal sign seen on pelvic examination
Ripening of the Cervix
What premonitory signs of labor has the goodell’s sign
Ripening of the cervix
Cervic becomes softer (buttery-soft) and it tips forward
Ripening of the cervix
False contraction is known as
Braxton Hicks Contraction
The surest sign that labor has begun
Uterine Contraction
Signs that help her predict the pattern and use breathing exercises to give her a sense of control
Uterine Contraction
As the cervix ripens and softrens, the mucus plug that filled the cervical canal during pregnancy is expelled
The blood mixes with mucus, having a pink tinge
Show or Bloody Show
Occurs a sudden gush or as scanty, low seeping of clear fluid from the vagina
Rupture of the membrane
It is continuous to be produced until delivery of the membranes so no labor will be dry
Aminotlic Fluid
2 risk of ruptured membranes
Intrauterine infection
Prolapse of umbilical cord
Closes the cervix
Opening of the cevix
Thinning of the cervix
How many weeks to consider a premature baby
36 weeks