Lesson 7 Flashcards
Accepting the pregnancy
1st trimester
Preparing for parenthood
3rd trimester
Accepting the baby
2nd trimester
Accept the reality of pregnancy
1st trimester
Accepting the reality of having a baby
2nd trimester
Nest building
Third trimester
Still in a denial stage, what trimester
First trimester
Combination of pleasure and anxiety
Seeing the fetal outline on screen may promote acceptance
The 1st moment the woman feels fetal movement
The mother starts to imagine, role, fantasize
2nd trimester
Interested in attending prenatal and childbirth
Third trimester
Least indicative signs for pregnancy
These signs can be documented by examiner
Probable signs
Is Probable signs, subjective or objective?
Is Presumptive signs, subjective or objective?
In this sign, there is an amenorrhea
Presumptive signs
The signs of breast changes, urinary frequency, skin changes, etc.
What do you call the skin changes
What are the example of skin changes
Linea nigra
Striae gravidarum
Whitish, mucoid, due to increase in estrogen
The fluttering sensation, mother’s perception of fetal movement
It is more reliable than the presumptive signs
Probable signs
What are the three diagnosis of pregnancy
Presumptive signs
Probable signs
Positive signs
Softening of the cervix
Goodell’s sign
Softening of the lower uterine
Hegar’s sign
Bluish discoloration of cervix, vagina, and perinium
Chadwick’s sign
Ease in flexing the body of the uterus against the cervix
McDonald’s sign
Painless and irregular; relieved by walking
Braxton-hicks contraction
Fetal rebound against examination
Give positive signs of pregnancy
Fetal parts on palpation
Fetal skeleton on xray
Fetal outline on ultrasonography
Fetal heart tone is audible
Normal range of fetal heart tone
120 - 160 per minute
Sound of blood in the cord
Funic souffle
Absence of menstruation
Color change of vagina from pink to violet
Chadwick’s sign
General feeling of tiredness
Line of dark pigment in the abdomen
Linea nigra
Dark pigment on face
Red streaks on abdomen
Striae gravidarum
What is the shape of pre-pregnancy
What is the shape of 8 weeks
What is the shape of 16 weeks
Mucus plug
Nasal congestion due to increase e levels
What is the normal breath per minute for pregnant woman
18-20 breaths per minute
Periodic uterine tightening occurs
Braxton Hicks Contraction
The braxton hicks or practice contractions is felt by the week ???
12th week