Lesson 6 Part 2 Flashcards
It usually occurs in the second phase of menstrual cycle
It cause the placenta to block the cervix as it grows and enlarges, results in _______
Placenta previa
Stages of fetal development
- Pre-embryonic stage
- Embryonic stage
- Fetal stage
Fetal development: Weeks 3 through 8
Embryonic stage
Fetal development: the first two weeks beginning with fertilization
Pre-embryonic stage
Fetal development: Weeks 8 through birth
Fetal development
A miniature villi, resembling probing fingers is termed as
Chorionic villi
How many villi are formed in chorionic villi
200 villi
The chorionic villi manufactures what?
Human Chorionic Gonadotropin
The outer portion of chorionic villi has 2 layers
Outer layer of chorionic villi or synctial layer
Inner layer of chorionic villi, present at 12 days of gestation
The syncytiotrophoblast produces ???
Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG)
Human Placental Lactogen (Somatonammotropin)
This layer of chorionic villi has protection from infections of spirochetes of syphilis
Protects the growing embryo from spirochetes of syphilis
Cytotrophoblast appears between the ______ of pregnancy
20th and 24th week
What is the latin for placenta
It serves as fetal lungs, kidneys, git, a separate endocrine organ throught pregnancy
It is a temporary organ shared by the mother and fetus
Mature placenta has 30 segments called
It aids in maintaining pressure in the intervillous spaces by closing off the veins
Braxton hicks contraction
It is efficient when the woman lies on the left side lifting the uterus away
Uterine perfusion and placental circulation
Placenta usually weighs
400-600 g / 1 lb
The placenta is fully functional at _______ week of pregnancy
Give functions of placenta
What are the 4 endocrine function
Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG)
Human Placental Lactogen
The first placental hormone produced
Human Chorionic Gonadotropin
It can be found in maternal blood and urine as early as the first missed menstrual period
Human Chorionic Gonadotropin
It ensure that corpus luteum of the ovary continues to produce progesterone and estrogen
Human Chorionic Gonadotropin
Normal HCG ??
50 million - 100 million international unit
2nd product of synctial cells of placenta
It stimulates the uterine growth to accomodate growing fetus
It is known as the “hormone of mother”
It is necessary to maintain the endometrial lining of the uterus during pregnancy
It reduces the contractility of the fetus
It is present pills; used for premature contraction
Another term for Human Placental Lactogen
A hormone with both growth promoting and lactogenic properties
It has important role of regulating maternal glucose, protein, and fat levels
Human Placental Lactogen
What are the two hormones in pregnancy
Human Chorionic Gonadotropin
Human Placental Lactogen
It promotes mammary growth
Human Placental Lactogen
It provides a circulatory pathway that connects the embryo to the CV of placenta
Umbilical cord
Transport 02 and nutrients to the fetus from placenta and return waste products to placenta
Umbilical cord
Gelatinous mucopolysaccharide, which gives the cord body and prevents the pressure on the blood volume
Wharton’s jelly
Outermost fetal membrane
Chorionic membrane
Inner layer fetal membrane
Amniotic Membrane or Amnion
2nd membrane lining the chorionic membrane forms beneath the chorion
Amniotic membrane
It supports and produce amniotic fluid
Amniotic membrane or amnion
In which the fetus floats or fetus swallows it
Amniotic fluid
Normal amount or volume of amniotic fluid
800-1200 ml
What is the main reason if the fetus is unable to swallow
Esophageal atresia
Excessive amniotic fluid
Reduction in the amount of amniotic fluid
What is the ml for hydramnios
More than 2000 ml
What is the ml for oligohydramnios
Less than 300 ml
Cheesy like substance that covers the fetal skin
Vernix caseosa
Soft-hair covering the fetus
How many umbilical arteries and vein?
2 umbilical arteries
1 umbilical vein
What is the rate of blood flow through the cord
350 ml/min