Lesson 1 Flashcards
What is the “primary goal of maternal and child health nursing”
The promotion and maintenance of optimal family health to ensure cycles of optimal childbearing and childrearing
What is the philisophy of maternal and child health nursing
They established Millenium Health Goals in 2000 to improve health worldwide
United Nations and;
World Health Organization
How many goals does the Millenium Development Goals have
8 goals
When was Millenium Development Goals established
These goals was set by the United Nations back in 2000 to eradicate poverty, hunger, illiteracy, and disease, expire in 2015
Millenium Development Goals
When was MDG expired
What are the MDG focused in Maternal Care Nursing / MCN
SDG 4 5 6
How many goals does the Sustainable development goals / SDG have?
When was SDG published
It is built on the MDG as framework
What are the nursing theories related to promoting healthy pregnancies
Callista Roy’s Adaptation Model
Dorothy Orem’s Self Care Theory
Patricia Benner’s Novice-Expert Modle
What theory: involves exsmining the patient’s ability to self-care
Dorothy Orem’s Self Care Theory
What theory: describes nurse move from novice to expert
Patricia Benner’s Novice-Expert Model
What theory: nurse’s role is to help patients to adapt to change
Callista Roy’s Adaptation Theory
What is the Philippine Nursing Act of 2002
RA 9173
Six competencies necessary for quality care
Patient-centered care
Teamwork and collaboration
Evidence-based practice
Quality improvement
A group of people related by blood, marriage, or adaptation relating together
Two or more people living in the same household
A set of perspective from the family’s point of view
Family Theory
What are the basic family types
Family of orientation
Family of procreation
Refers to the family one is born into
Family orientation
The family that we CREATE by getting married and having children
Family of procreation
The family one establishes
Family of procreation
Refers to the family in which a person is RAISED
Family of Orientation
Two people living together without children
Childfree or childless family
Two people living together without children
Childfree or childless family
Couples perhaps with children who live together but remain unmarried
Cohabitation family
Composed of 2 parents and children
Nuclear family
Nuclear family plus grandparents, uncles, aunties, cousins, and grandchildren
Extended family
Only one person/parent raising the child
Single parent family
A divoced or widowed person who has child marries someone who has children
Blended family / remarriage
Two people living together, usually man or women
This family is usually same-sex adults live together
Dyad family
A person from the family assumes the parenting of a child from his/her biological parents through adoption agencies
Adoptive family
Marriage with multiple spouses
Polygamous family
Individuals of the same sex live together as partners
Gay Or Lesbian (LGBT) Families
Group of people chose to live together as extended family
Communal family
Foster parents may or may not have children if their own
Foster family
1 woman with several wive?
1 woman with several husbands
Young adults return to home to live with their family after college or failed relationship
Boomerang Generation
A family that is squeezed into taking care of both aging parents and returning young adult
Sandwich family
A feeling of boredom or loneliness and grief when their children leaves home for the first time
Empty Nest Syndrome
A diagram that details structure, provides info about the family history and roles of the fsmily members
To document the fit of a family in their community
A diagram of family and community relationships
A screening tool of the family environment
Family APGAR
It is administered from family members, and their scores are compared