Lesson 7 - Verbs Flashcards
Verbs - have + like/love
Verb Conjunction: Have (daashtan)
Verb: daashtan - Stem: daar
I have
You have
She/he has
We have
You have
They have
I have = Man daaram
You have = To daari
She/he has = Oo(n) daare
We have = maa daarim
You have = shomaa daarid
They have = Oona daarand (daaran)
I have a car
You have a car
She/he has a car
We have a car
You have a car
They have a car
I have a car = man ye maashin daaram
You have a car = to ye maashin daari
She/he has a car = oon ye maashin daare
We have a car = maa ye maashin daarim
You have a car = shomaa ye maashin daarid
They have a car = oona ye maashin daaran(d)
I have 2 brothers
Man dotaa (2taa) baraadar daaram
She has 3 mobile phones
Oon setaa (3taa) mobaail daare
You have a good friend
To ye doost e khub daari
We have a question
Maa ye soaal daarim
He only has $1
Oon faghat ye dollar daare
They have a big school
Oona ye madrese ye bozorg daaran
Verb: Have
Negative = Na + daar
I don’t have 2 brothers
Man dotaa (2daa) nadaaram
She doesn’t have
You don’t have
We don’t have
She doesn’t have = nadaare
You don’t have = nadaari
We don’t have = nadaarim
Verb: like/love (dust daashtan)
Rule = dust + have - infinitive
I love my mother
Verb: like/love (dust daashtan)
Rule = dust + have - infinitive
Man maadaramo dust daaram
She likes pizza
Oon pizza dust daare
You love football
To footballo dust daari
We like tea
Maa chaii dust daarim
He loves cars
Oon maashin dust daare