Lesson 7 Flashcards
What does cultured mean?
to be well disciplined
What does cumbersome mean?
to be hard to handle due to size or weight
What is cupidity?
a desire for wealth
What is a curmudgeon?
a crusty, ill-tempered person
What is dearth?
to not have enough of something
What does debunk mean?
to show something to be fake
What is deceit?
the quality of being dishonest
What is decorum?
polite behavior that shows good taste
What does deftly mean?
to be characterized by skill
What is a delinquent?
a young person who regularly does illegal things
What is a dell?
a valley with vegetation growing on it
What is a deluge?
a situation where a large amount of area is flooded
What is a demagogue?
a political leader who gets supporters by lying`
What does deplore mean?
to express grief for something
What does deport mean?
to force a non-citizen out of a country
What does desecrate mean?
to damage a holy object
What does desiccated mean?
to dry up
What is a desperado?
a bold criminal who isn’t afraid of getting hurt
What does despondent mean?
very hopeless
What does deter mean?
to dissuade