Lesson 25 Flashcards
What is a roster?
a list of names
What does rouse mean?
to wake someone up
What is a ruse?
a trick used to fool someone
What does salutary mean?
to produce a good effect after something bad has happened
What does satiate mean?
to satisfy completely
What does scrupulous mean?
to be honest and be careful on how neat you are doing something
What does scrutinize mean?
to examine something very carefully
What does sedate mean?
to keep a calm attitude
What does sedentary mean?
to do a lot of sitting
What is a sentry?
a soldier who guards a certain place
What does serene mean?
to be peaceful
What is a sermon?
a speech about a religious or moral order
What does shrewd mean?
to be mentally sharp or clever
What does shrill mean?
to be piercing
What is a shroud?
a towel used to wrap a dead body
What is a skeptic?
someone who often has questions to something
What is a slander?
a false-spoken statement that causes people to have a bad opinion on someone
What does smite mean?
to kill, hurt, or punish something
What is a sojourn?
a time where you stay somewhere as a traveler
What does solace mean?
to give comfort to someone who is sad