Lesson 30 Flashcards
What does vie mean?
to compete with others to get something
What does vintage mean?
to be valuable because something is old but good quality
What is a visage?
a person’s appearance
What does vivacious mean?
to be happy and lively in an attractive way
What is volition?
the power to make your own decisions
What does voluble mean?
to talk in an energetic and quick way
What does voracious mean?
to be excessively eager
What does vouch mean?
to defend a title
What does vulgar mean?
to lack good perception, taste, or cultivation
What does waive mean?
to officially say that you will not use something you have
What does wan mean?
to look sick and pale
What does wanton (adj.) mean?
to show no regard of someone’s rights
What is a wharf?
a flat structure built on water so ships could unload
What does wheedle mean?
to encourage someone with sweet words
What does whimsical mean?
to not be serious
What does wily mean?
to be very clever
What does winsome mean?
to be appealing because of a childlike innocence
What does wither mean?
to lose freshness, vigor, and strength
What does woeful mean?
to be very sad
What does wreak mean?
to express vengeance or punishment
What is a writ?
a court order
What does writhe mean?
to twist so as to distort
What does yearn mean?
to long for a very long time
What is a zenith?
the highest point of something