Lesson 14 Flashcards
What does imbue mean?
to cause to be deeply affected by a feeling
What does imminent mean?
to happen very soon
What does impassive mean?
to show no emotion
What does impeccable mean?
to be free from fault
What does imperative mean?
to be very important
What does imperious mean?
to be commanding or domineering
What does impish mean?
to be playful and mischevious
What does imply mean?
to express something indirectly
What does impotent mean?
to be lacking strength
What does imprudent mean?
to be not wise or sensible
What does impulsive mean?
to do something suddenly and without planning
What does inalienable mean?
to be unable to take away
What does inane mean?
to be very silly or stupid
What does inarticulate mean?
to be unable to express ideas clearly
What does inauspicious mean?
to be unable to show that future success is likely
What does incessant mean?
to continue without stopping
What does incite mean?
to cause someone to act in an angry way
What does inclement mean?
to have rain or storms
What does incorrigible mean?
to be unable to be corrected
What does increment mean?
to have something gained