Lesson 10 Flashcards
What does equivocal mean?
to be confusing
What does err mean?
to sin
What does erratic mean?
to have no fixed course
What does erudite mean?
to be scholarly
What does esoteric mean?
to be limited to a certain group
What does etch mean?
to produce a pattern/design by carving into something
What is an eulogy?
a speech that praises a dead person
What is euphoria?
a feeling of great happiness
What does evasive mean?
to avoid harm
What does exalt mean?
to raise high in rank
What does exhilarated mean?
to be very happy
What does exhume mean?
to remove a dead body from where it was placed
What does exonerate mean?
to clear from accusation or blame
What does exorbitant mean?
to be very expensive
What does expedient mean?
providing a quick and easy way to solve a problem
What does expedite mean?
to make something happen faster
What does expunged mean?
to destroy
What does extenuating mean?
to minimize the seriousness of something by making an excuse
What is a facet?
an aspect
What does facile mean?
to be simple