Lesson 27 Flashcards
What does submissive mean?
to be willing to obey someone else
What does subsequent mean?
to come after something else
What does subservient mean?
to be very willing to obey someone else
What does subversive mean?
to secretly try to destroy a government
What does succinct mean?
to us a few words to express an idea
What is succor?
help that is given to someone suffering a difficult situation
What does sullen mean?
used to describe an unhappy person who doesn’t want to talk
What does sumptuous mean?
to be very expensive
What does sunder mean?
to split apart something in a violent way
What does superficial mean?
to be only concerned with the obvious
What does superfluous mean?
to exceed what is needed
What does supplant mean?
to replace something that is old
What does surly mean?
to be very rude
What does surmise mean?
to assume something without definitely knowing the truth
What is a surrogate?
someone who takes the duties of someone else
What does susceptible mean?
to be easily harmed
What is a synopsis?
a short survey
What does tacit mean?
to be done without words
What does taciturn mean?
to tend to be quiet
What does taint mean?
to damage the good condition of something