Lesson 7 Flashcards
Translation from Sanskrit to English
rāmo grāmaṃ gacchati
Rāma goes to the village.
rāmo grāmam āgacchati
Rāma comes to the village.
rāmo grāmaṃ dhāvati
Rāma runs to the village.
ācārya āśramaṃ āgacchati
The teacher comes to the ashram.
nṛpaḥ prāsādaṃ gacchati
The king goes to the palace.
rāmo nṛpaṃ vadati
Rāma speaks to the king.
sītā brāhmaṇaṃ vadati
Sītā speaks to the brahmin.
rāmo devaṃ namati
Rāma bows to the god.
śiṣya ācāryaṃ namati
The pupil bows to the teacher.
api tvaṃ gajaṃ paśyasi
Do you see the elephant?
api tvam aśvaṃ paśyasi
Do you see the horse?
api tvaṃ gajam ākarṇayasi
Do you hear the elephant?
api tvaṃ kākam ākarṇayasi
Do you hear the crow?
api tvam ācāryam ākarṇayasi
Do you listen to the teacher?
api tvam uṣṭraṃ paśyasi
Do you see the camel?
api tvam āhāram icchasi
Do you want food?
api tvam grantam paśyasi
Do you see the book?
api gaja iha tiṣṭhati
Does the elephant stand here?
rāmas trasati kiṃ tu sītā na trasati
Rāma is afraid but Sītā is not afraid.
ahaṃ trasāmi kiṃ tu tvaṃ na trasasi
I am afraid but you are not afraid.
ācāryo bharataḥ kiṃ tu śiṣyaḥ somadattaḥ
Bharata is a teacher but Somadatta is a pupil.
ahaṃ granthaṃ dhārayāmi kiṃ tu na paṭhāmi
I am holding the book, but I am not reading.
śaśo dhāvati kiṃ tu na skandati
The hare is running but not jumping.
uṣṭro na pibati kiṃ tu gajaḥ pibati
The camel is not drinking but the elephant is drinking.
Here is a horse.
Here is a demon.