Lesson 14 Flashcards
rāmaḥ phalaṃ bhakṣayati
Rāma eats a fruit.
ahaṃ jalaṃ pibāmi
I drink water.
bharato nagaraṃ takṣati
Bharata is building a city.
ahaṃ phalaṃ paśyāmi
I see a fruit.
bālo jalaṃ pibati
The boy drinks water.
dāso nagaram āgacchati
The servant comes to the city.
aśvo jalam icchati
The horse wants water.
kutra phalam
Where is the fruit?
nagaraṃ tatra tiṣṭhati
The city is there.
jalaṃ tatra sarati
The water flows there.
kutra grāmaḥ
Where is the village?
kutra nagaram
Where is the city?
prāsādaṃ takṣāmi
I am building a palace.
nagaraṃ takṣāmi
I am building a city.
āhāreṇa jīvāmi
I live out of food.
jalena jīvāmi
I live out of water.
āhārāya grāmaṃ gacchāmi
I go to the village for food.
jalāya grāmaṃ gacchāmi
I go to the village for water.
samudrāt trasāmi
I am afraid of the ocean.
jalāt trasāmi
I am afraid of the water.
deśasya janaṃ rakṣāmi
I protect the people of the country.
nagarasya janaṃ rakṣāmi
I protect the people of the city.
prāsāde vasāmi
I live in a palace.
nagare vasāmi
I live in the city.
kutra nagaram
Where is the city?
iha vṛkṣas tiṣṭhati
Here stands a tree.
iha phalaṃ tiṣṭhati
Here lies a fruit.
grāmāl lekhaṃ vahāmi
I carry the letter from the village.
nagarād āgacchāmi
I come from the city.
asti brāhmaṇaḥ kaṇvo nāma
There was a brahmin called Kaṇva.
asti nṛpo rāma nāma
There was a king called Rāma.
asty ācāryo bharato nāma
There is a teacher named Bharata.