Lesson 11 Flashcards
Translation from Sanskrit to English
kutaḥ śiṣyo granthaṃ vahati
Why does the pupil carry a book?
śiṣya ācāryāya granthaṃ vahati
The pupil carries a book for the teacher.
kuta ācāryo granthaṃ paṭhati
Why does the teacher read the book?
ācāryaḥ śiṣyāya granthaṃ paṭhati
The teacher reads the book for the pupil.
kutas tvaṃ khaḍgaṃ vahasi
Why do you carry a sword?
ahaṃ nṛpāya khaḍgaṃ vahāmi
I carry a sword for the king.
sītā rāmāya granthaṃ prayacchati
Sītā gives a book to Rāma.
ahaṃ nṛpāya gajaṃ prayacchāmi
I give an elephant to the king.
dāso ‘śvāyāhāraṃ prayacchati
The servant gives food to the horse.
siṃha āhārāya mṛgaṃ vyāpādayati
The lion kills the deer for food.
caura āhārāya cchāgaṃ corayati
The thief is stealing a goat for food.
kaḥ kukkuram icchati
Who wants the dog?
kaś cit kukkuram icchati
Someone wants the dog.
kaḥ samudraṃ potena tarati
Who crosses the ocean by boat?
kaś cit samudraṃ potena tarati
Someone crosses the ocean by boat.
kaḥ siṃhaṃ paśyati
Who sees the lion?
kaś cit siṃhaṃ paśyati
Someone sees the lion.
kaś cit
someone, somebody
kaḥ potaṃ takṣati
Who builds the boat?
kaś cit potaṃ takṣati
Someone builds the boat.
kaś cit paṇḍitena saha vadati
Someone is speaking with the scholar.
kaś cit kapotāyāhāraṃ prayacchati
Someone is giving food to the pigeon.
kaś cit khagam anudhāvati
Someone is chasing the bird.
kadā cit prāsādaṃ gacchāmi
Sometimes I go to the palace.
kadā cit siṃhaṃ paśyāmi
Sometimes I see a lion.
kadā cit kanyā grāmaṃ gacchati
Sometimes the girl goes to the village.
nṛpaḥ kutra cit prāsādaṃ takṣati
The king is building a palace somewhere.
bharataḥ kutra cit somadattaṃ vadati
Bharata sometimes speaks to Somadatta.
somadattaḥ kathaṃ cit samudraṃ tarati
Somadatta somehow crosses the ocean; Somadatta crosses the ocean with difficulty.
śiṣyaḥ kathaṃ cit paṇḍitam ākarṇayati
The pupil listens to the teacher with difficulty.
kaś cit tatra tiṣṭhati
Someone is standing there.
kaś cid iha tiṣṭhati
Someone is standing here.
kaś cid grāmaṃ gacchati
Someone goes to the village.
kadā cid yogy āgacchati
Sometimes the yogī is coming.
kathaṃ cid eṇaṃ paśyāmi
I see the deer with difficulty.
iha kaś cit
Here is someone.
tatra kaś cit
There is someone.
bālo vṛkṣāt patati
The boy falls from the tree.
bālo vṛkṣāt skandati
The boy jumps from the tree.
brāhmaṇo grāmād āgacchati
The brahmin comes from the village.
dāso ghaṭād odanaṃ harati
The servant takes the boiled rice from the pot.
khago vṛkṣād utpatati
The bird flies up from the tree.
rāmaś caurād grāmaṃ rakṣati
Rāma protects the village from the thief.