Lesson 6 - Urban Design Flashcards
Who is Hippodamus?
Considered to be the father of urban planning.
- Utilized the rectiliear pattern of blocks, forming a town, and terminatirn in an irregular enclosing wall.
Who is Vitruvius?
ROMAN ARCHITECT and Urban Planner
Romans had regular rectilinear enclosing walls and two main intersecting streets. (the cardo and the decumanus).
Roman Towns we two types. The commercial town (Oppidum)
and the military camp (castrum)
What Cities we originally Roman Towns?
Florence, Paris, and London.
About Baroque Planning
Baroque Town Planning used the boulevard.
Medieval Town Planning used Plaza’s.
-The “Ideal” city of the Renaissance was the star shaped configuration.
The idea of Baroque Planning was developed from French Landscape Architecture. (Verailles)
-Long Straight Vista Avenues.
Who is Fredrick Law Olmstead?
The father of American Landscape Architecture.
Designed NYC’s Central Park. (1850’s)
What is a “Garden City”?
19th Century Concept
(1929) Clarence Stein and Henry Wright colaborated on the Garden City of Radburn (Fair Lawn) New Jersey.
The vision for Radburn was of an integrated self-sustaining community, surrounded by greenbelts, specialized automotive thoroughfares (main linking roads, serviced lanes for direct access to buildings, and express highways), and a complete separation of auto and pedestrian traffic.

What is the City Beautiful Movement?
North America (USA)
- Philosophy of Urban Planning
- Originates with Chicago, Cleveland, Detroit and Washington, D.C.
- introducing beautification and monumental grandeur in cities
- The particular architectural style of the movement borrowed mainly from the contemporary Beaux-Arts and neoclassical architectures, which emphasized the necessity of order, dignity, and harmony.
What are the 3 Urban Patterns Used in Planning?
- Concentric Zones
- Sector Pattern
- Multiple Nuclei Pattern
Concentric Zone Pattern
(Urban Patterns)
Pattern Portrays Modern American City as a series of concentric rings around an original central business district.

Sector Pattern
(Urban Patterns)
The Sector Pattern portrays various land uses in pie shaped wedges, radiating from the center city.

Multiple Nuclei Pattern
(Urban Desgin)
This has several distinct nuclei.
This has a number of subcenters.
Who is Clarence A. Perry?
Published the “Neighborhood Therory” in 1929
- New York
- Neighborhoods should reflect:
6 Princaples of the Neighborhood Theory:
- No Major Traffic in Residential Neighborhood
- Limit traffic to homes by using culdesacs
- Population of each neighborhood should be determined by the # of People to support an elementary school.
- Elementary school to be the focal point
- Neighborhood should occupy about 160 Acres of land.
- Shopping Centers, Churches, librarys will be closely located to the school.
Who is Clarenece Stein?
Clarence Stein took Calrence Perry’s theory in 1942 and developed a plan showing a neighborhood with three groupings. With a maximum walking distance of 1 mile.
Name Housing Types
- Sinlgle Family House (MIN 5-6 Units per acre)
- The Two Family House
- The Row House
- The Walk up Apartment
- The Highrise Apartment
What is the difference between Net Density and Gross Density?
Net Density is the ratio of inhabitants to housing land and excludes streets. Gross Density includes the total land (streets, housing, any public facility).
Effective and Efficient public transit requires moderate densities, the threshold being an average of 30 persons per acre.
Name Typical Housing Patterns
Street Front Pattern - Most common
The end on Pattern - Reduces Street Frontage
The Court Pattern - Encourages Socialablitly

What is PUD?
(Introduces diversity and mixture into communities)
PUD is the Planned unit Development is the legally recognized zoning designation used to achieve the cluster concept.
- Large Developments (neighborhoods/Towns)
- Involves a Mixture of Uses
- Requires Phased Development
Who is Robert A.M. Stern?
b. 1939