Lesson 5 Flashcards
having human characteristics
Unit of Length Approximately 6’-0” (span of arms from finger tip to finger tip.
Form of Anthropomorphism in architecture. In architecture, entasis is the application of a convex curve to a surface for aesthetic purposes. Its best-known use is in certain orders of Classical columns that curve slightly as their diameter is decreased from the bottom upwards.

Echinus Curve
In architecture, the convex projecting molding of eccentric curve in Greek examples, supporting the abacus of the Doric capital; hence, the corresponding feature in capitals of other orders, or any molding of similar profile to the Doric echinus. Such moldings are often sculptured or painted with the egg-and-dart ornament.

a sculpted female figure serving as an architectural support taking the place of a column or a pillar supporting an entablature on her head.

Metric System
The meter is calculated as one-ten millionth part of the length of a meridian from the earths pole to the equator.
Crystal Palace
The Crystal Palace was a cast-iron and plate-glass building originally erected in Hyde Park, London, England, to house the Great Exhibition of 1851.
Designed by Joseph Paxton
Location: England
Crystal Palace design may have been based on a lily. (Nature in Architecture)

What are the four basic systems of geometry?
- A Pont
- A Line
- A Plane
- A Volume
Color is the apperance of something caused by the quality of light reflected by it. Shapes are distinguished from their surrondings in part due to color. What is White and Black?
White** is the absence of color and **black is the abscence of light.
What are the aspects of form?
- Shape
- Size
- Color
- Texture
What are the 9 Characteristics of Architectural Design?
- Space
- Form
- Scale
- Proportion
- Rhythm
- Balance
- Symmetry
- Light
- Color
What is space?
Space is the interval between points or objects. (Architectural Space is 3 D)
What is form?
The perception of form is based on memory associations developed in childhood, which involve the tactile as well as visual senses.
Form can also imply movement (like a church spire)
What is scale?
Scale is relative size of a structure or space with reference to the human body.
EX.) A Stair riser is 6-7 inches high because that is the distance one raises ones foot comfortably.
What is the Golden Section?
Golden Section (Ratio) is A:B = B:C (Based on Proportions found in Nature)
Le Corbusier** explicitly used the golden ratio in his **Modulor system for the scale of architectural proportion.

Villa Stein

Le Corbusier’s 1927 Villa Stein in Garches exemplified the Modulor system’s application. The villa’s rectangular ground plan, elevation, and inner structure closely approximate golden rectangles.
What are the two types of balance?
- Static (parts are equal in size and located equally about a reference axis)
- Dynamic (Parts are unequal size and aranged around an axis as to compensate for the diefference in siza)
What is light?
Light is the radiant energy that is percieved by the human eye.
Who is George Nelson?
George Nelson (1908-1986) is a USA Industrial Designer.
- One of the fonders of modernism
- Director of Design for Heman Miller
A beautiful design alone cannot transform a dark unhappy life into a joyful one, only the person living the life can do that.

What is the architectural measurment in the US (the english system) generally related to?
The Naturan World.
What does achitectural scale refer to?
Architectural Scale refers to the size of a structure relative to human dimensions.
What is an Architrave or epistyle?
Architrave is the lintel or beam that rests on the capitals of the columns. It is an architectural element in Classical architecture.

What are dentils?
In classical architecture a dentil (from Lat. dens, a tooth) is a small block used as a repeating ornament in the bedmould of a cornice. (resemble teeth)

Who Is Anthony’s Favorite person in the whole wide world?
Christina Mi Amor Poccia
Top 5 reasons Christina is Anthony’s favorite in the enbtire big world….
- Se makes an amazing apple pie and an amazing pumpkin carving’’
She watched silly movies with me all weekend
She looks insanely sex in panties or lack there of
She makes me smile constantly
Because i want to spend every second with her.
Who misses what?
I want to do what to you?
I lik when yoiu do what to me?
You look sexy doing what?
I miss you
I want to cover your body in chocolate syrup and lick it off
That thing u do that u dont really like to do but do anyway which i love and so i appreciate and enjoy it greatly,,,yummm’
When you wear a sexy dress, when you dress up in the morning and slip on ur undies, and u look sexy when ur doin anything that tu do when ur doing it with me